Peeling Back the NSX Onion

13 December 2010
Bagdad, Ky
Peeling Back the NSX Onion---when you buy an 19 year old car--even a NSX, the more you look into "stuff", the more "stuff" you find that needs attention!
Light reading--so I buy this car I've been watching since 95'. The owner passed away and his widow didn't have any service records. The local dealer shows me the computer where service was performend but not the indepth detail. No indication of timing belt svc and the car has 114Kmi. SO, I make arrangements to bring it to Ashland Motor Sports and Barn Man. Hauled it down on my trailer yesterday in snow, ice, and salt spray--ugh. Barney comes out to meet me and he doesn't look ANYTHING like that wacho, wino, druggie picture---in fact he looks kind of---"NORMAL" if there's such a thing. We chit-chat for a few and then we (he) opens the hood to reveal: Low clutch fluid--(master or slave leaking?) Then he points out Brake Master Cylinder leaking fluid down the face of the brake booster (not a good thing either). We agree on the TB/WP svc and valve adj to start out with (we all have LIMITED budgets to some degree) and we decide to regroup after he pulls together some pricing.
Now for the dumb part--like a dumb ass---I mentioned to my wife that it might be fun to come back to Nashville as a couple with another couple --to see some sights when it's time to pick up the car. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!! Now she wants to know Barney's work schedule, where are we staying (and no econolodge for her!), for how many nights, what sights are we going to see, when should she make the kennel appointments for our critters, what to wear, etc. etc. etc. She normally takes 4 suitcases for an overnighter!
Before, all I had to do was to worry about was--what all of this car fixin was going to cost and where I was going to pull the money out of )!( NOW I HAVE ALL THIS ADDITIONAL CRAP TO DEAL WITH---SO learn from my mistakes. Say NOTHING and just do what needs to be done. Sharing is not always a good thing. (PS I dumped some of this burden of time requirements on poor Barney who will probably tell me to take this POC and $%^ it.) hehehehehe I'll add to the story as we progress with the NSX refreshing----. Warren:redface:
Being married also, theres no such thing to them as an overnight trip with no frills involved. It's like taking her to the mall just to go to 1 store and then go home. That don't work in my household.:redface: I almost flew to Cali from TX. to drive back my NSX and came close to bringing my wife which would've turned into an expensive weeks stay to sight see. I feel your pain, LOL.
Man the original post did not go in the direction I thought it would. Talk about plot twist! But I noticed I have the rusty bib look on my brake MC too which I guess is divine retribution for getting a good laugh at your expense :mad:

Back to the topic... yeah probably not the greatest idea. You can pretty much kiss any dreams of sneaking in any stealth NSX upgrades goodbye haha
Huck I have to admit, when you first signed on here and I saw "Bagdad, KY"
I was wondering what we were in for.... I even mapquested it to see if such a place existed :redface: But with this revealing and witty post-up I have not only sported a big ole smile but am subscribed for more of your NSX repair saga!
Update---Barney told me to plan on pickup the weekend of the 29th which leaves 2 weeks ---which might provide Him with enough time to do the basics and to order and hopefully receive/install any additional items we want. Of course implementing any plan is fraught with Murphy's Law (anything and everything will go wrong when you least expect it). BUT, I am eternally optomistic. I am really liking my NSX--pushed it to 110 in 3rd gear the second day I had it but had to slow down before I exited my driveway. Do wish the radio worked, turn signal cancel cam worked, had nicer wheels then the 92 stockers, and had a shop manual as reading off the computer is ok but I'm old and like paper to play with.
So far Barney is doing everything everyone said he would which is just what I need---using his knowledge and experience to PEEL Back my Onion. I always am a bit antsy when I buy somthing I know very little about---For a car that is supposed to be bullet proof, it has quite a few holes---Radio, Main Relay, Amplifiers, turn Signal, Brake & Clutch master cylinders, tire wear, clutch wear----I am used to chevy trucks that run 150,000 miles on orig brakes, 80,000 mi on tires, 200K miles on clutch and if you need a clutch--the parts cost a couple of hundred --not $1,600. --must be made of GOLD! Ah but the truck never got 110 out of 3rd or for that matter, 4th or 5th! hehehehe Now to wait and see what Barney finds as he does the TB/WP/Vladj----hard to type with --my fingers crossed! Does anyone make a trailer hitch or roof rack for an NSX? Hey, I'm from Bagdad Kentucky--what do you expect! hehehehe
I too had to replace my master and slave clutch cylinders... an 02 sensor, few parts here and there.. BOOM 1500 dollars right after I got it!

I was pissed, really didn't budget for it.

I went to a lambo dealership on Ogden ave near chicago to look at some italian cars and saw lambo on a lift getting a new engine and tranny. Owner missed 3rd and put it in 1st at god knows what speed.

I don't remember the exact figure but I didn't care about the cost of repairs on my 97 NSX.. thats for sure. We always hear that, right, that exotics cost a lot and we should be happy.

But the real wake up was when a buddy told me about his bill at the mercedes dealership for MX on some E class.... 15K for some computer problem.

Its not even exotic!

I think it put it all into perspective for me, even with regular cars our MX is pretty cheap! The wife.. well, thats a different story:)~
As the Onion gets peeled, Barney cries with joy as I get to put a silver lining on the cloud that is his slow month of Jan. I cry as the bill just gets bigger and bigger as we identify things that just really need attention.
My love muffin---she cries with anticipation ---with visions of The grand old opera, country singing, guitar playing folks on every corner and great big shopping centers with Mini-Pearl on the billboards.
Ah, the NSX experience is sure to be a great one!:rolleyes:
I must have dropped of "Murphy" at Ashland Motor Sports. So far, we are doing the TB/WP service, Valve adjust with Cam Plugs, V-tech Solenoids reseal, Clutch Master and Slave------now that adds up to a quick $2K which isn't Murphy Law. "MURPHY" IS THAT BARNEY SCREWS UP HIS KNEE ON SUNDAY AND IS GOING FOR SURGERY LIKE TODAY WHICH MEANS HE CAN'T PERSONALLY WORK ON MY CAR FOR SEVERAL WEEKS SO EITHER I POSTPONE FIXIN FOR A MONTH OR TRUST THAT HE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN OVERSEEING HIS GUYS DOING THE WORK ON MY CAR~~~! ugh! I really hate MURPHY and his Law. Anyone other then Barney--I wouldn't consider it~~.
I still will have a brake master cylinder, hoses, Radio sub woof amp, left inner cv boot, turn signal cam, and a possible clutch replacement to consider for a future date when my funds are rebuilt.
So I put my trust in Barney and his guys---and I put off some of the other work for a while as none of that is immediately critical.
OK, now i need to have everyong join me in "crossing their fingers" that Murphy goes away for a while!XXXXXXXX
Well Huck, hope you don't mind me callin you Huck - reminds me of Huck Finn - liked that book - onward.

These cars are bulletproof not maintenance proof. First lesson - you have lots of deffered maintenance which is generally what accompanies cars with 114k on the odo for low prices - remember that next time and get a PPI then you'll know why we all suggest finding the cars that have been maintained. Budgets based on purchase price I'm afraid are pretty much doomed when maintenance and records are not on the table. This is familiar.

Now just to commisserate - I too purchased a 48k mile car about 1 1/2 years ago - immediately drove it from Houston where I bought it with a folder full of records mind you from the owner of 10 years and previous of about that. Lots of records - trouble was that most of those records were old ones - yep - so guess what my bill was at the Barnman's shop - bout 5k. So I can surely understand where you are coming from! I did not anticipate all of that I assure you. Same kind of things done on mine too. The big surprise was the steering rack! About 1100 bucks worth - youch. So clutch, tb, wp, master, slave, overflow tank, valve adjust, didn't do cam plugs, didn't need brake stuff, rack, all the fluids, CV boots, and alignment cause I changed out the hard as rock Eibach non progressive springs back to stock and that was about it. Yep but now I have an awesome car - so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Hang in there Huck, all the best and sorry to hear about Barney's knee!
I must have dropped of "Murphy" at Ashland Motor Sports. So far, we are doing the TB/WP service, Valve adjust with Cam Plugs, V-tech Solenoids reseal, Clutch Master and Slave------now that adds up to a quick $2K which isn't Murphy Law. "MURPHY" IS THAT BARNEY SCREWS UP HIS KNEE ON SUNDAY AND IS GOING FOR SURGERY LIKE TODAY WHICH MEANS HE CAN'T PERSONALLY WORK ON MY CAR FOR SEVERAL WEEKS SO EITHER I POSTPONE FIXIN FOR A MONTH OR TRUST THAT HE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN OVERSEEING HIS GUYS DOING THE WORK ON MY CAR~~~! ugh! I really hate MURPHY and his Law. Anyone other then Barney--I wouldn't consider it~~.
I still will have a brake master cylinder, hoses, Radio sub woof amp, left inner cv boot, turn signal cam, and a possible clutch replacement to consider for a future date when my funds are rebuilt.
So I put my trust in Barney and his guys---and I put off some of the other work for a while as none of that is immediately critical.
OK, now i need to have everyong join me in "crossing their fingers" that Murphy goes away for a while!XXXXXXXX

Trust me, it could always be worse ;) Barney is the man for the job though. Itll be worth any extra wait. Youll learn patience with this car.....
Barney has had a rough go of it lately:frown: His dad and now knee surgery :frown:
UPDATE--So being somewhat anxious, I send a note to the Barn Man asking to be kept up on "progress". Reply--almost done with TM/WP--waiting on parts--expect them on Tuesday. I'm guessing the cam plug stuff etc. as he had the TM/WP stuff on hand. Barney says the WP in the car was original and the TB was old---so my guess is original stuff at 114,000 miles--. YIKES! So I feel pretty good that I jumped on this crap right away.
Bought a shop service manual off e-bay--a WHOLE lot thicker then I expected. Took me almost 3 hours to go thru it. Surprized at how much electronics are contained in our NSX's.
Looks like the Brake Master, the cooling hoses, the axle boot and the Clutch replace will have to wait a while--need to rebuild my $$ account.

So, now I get to focus on generating $$. I used to collect old toy trains and am preparing to sell off my collection.
Went into collecting old Honda Trail 70 and mini trail bikes a few years back. Took a look out in the barn yesterday and found I have 25---will need to sell some of those for the NSX Clutch project which I expect for summer time.
Then there is the 3 BMW 325IC's to sell. Even have a rare hard top for a convert~~. But with another inch of snow on top of the 4" we got Friday---not much interest in convertables or mini-trail bikes~~.
Say, do they make snow chains for NSX's??
Once you have all the work done, you will be pleased with how little these cars need after that. Wise investments out of the gate. Finding someone to do the work is half the problem and you have that in place.

It took me 3 years to get my car 100% up to date for maintenance. A little bit here and there, and all I have left for this winter's project is to bleed the clutch system. In two years another timing belt will be due.

Remember, it took years for all this required maintanence to compile. The car was ignored for a really long time.

Once you get to drive it this spring, it will put a smile on your face and all this work will be worth the effort.

Enjoy your NSX.
Personally, I find working on this automotive work of art just as satisfing as driving it.

PS. two 25"X16"X10" suit cases fit in the trunk of the NSX. I bought two and gave one to my wife and said. "What does not fit in your suit case, can't come on the trip." She does pretty well. About 10 days, is all she can mannage, without using some of my suit case! :-(
Having a barn full of "stuff" or catching up on maintenance for a zero drama, fun filled, summer full of driving? Hmmmm? Do you ride all those mini bikes? Hahaha. I've found myself selling off all my material dust collectors too, too little time to get to all the projects.

How did that conversation go over? "Here honey, we're going for 2 weeks and you can get everything in this here suitcase." Were you standing next to the door, or at least have a table to dive under?
Love Muffin is fabulous and in reality, she talked me into buying the NSX. She can travel light if I ask her but she prefers the two dogs, and enough bags to stay a year---. She's Italian and brings food so we have something to eat just incase we break down on the 4 mile drive to Krogers!! hehehehe You laugh but I am serious here!!
Having been a boy scout and in the service, I can pack for a week in a cigar box but then again, I don't have a very good sense of smell so there are probably other opinions on my packing! hehehe
LMuf drove the car as soon as I brought it home---of all places she drives to a drug store and thinks she should park close to the front door---ah--no honey bun---let's park on the other side of the lot!!
She has driven every one of my 100+ cars, trucks, suv's over the years but she doesn't like the bikes. I bought one Honda mini trail a few years ago then bought out a guys collection last year. I've been selling them and buying them every since--keeps me out of trouble---kind of!
I need to allocate about another $2500. for a clutch replacement and perhaps some other minor stuff I prefer not to do. I really want to replace that NSX radio with an in dash CD/Mp3 play capability and maybe have GPS capability---can you do that for under $500. ?:rolleyes:
Love Muffin is fabulous and in reality, she talked me into buying the NSX. She can travel light if I ask her but she prefers the two dogs, and enough bags to stay a year---. She's Italian and brings food so we have something to eat just incase we break down on the 4 mile drive to Krogers!! hehehehe You laugh but I am serious here!!
Having been a boy scout and in the service, I can pack for a week in a cigar box but then again, I don't have a very good sense of smell so there are probably other opinions on my packing! hehehe
LMuf drove the car as soon as I brought it home---of all places she drives to a drug store and thinks she should park close to the front door---ah--no honey bun---let's park on the other side of the lot!!
She has driven every one of my 100+ cars, trucks, suv's over the years but she doesn't like the bikes. I bought one Honda mini trail a few years ago then bought out a guys collection last year. I've been selling them and buying them every since--keeps me out of trouble---kind of!
I need to allocate about another $2500. for a clutch replacement and perhaps some other minor stuff I prefer not to do. I really want to replace that NSX radio with an in dash CD/Mp3 play capability and maybe have GPS capability---can you do that for under $500. ?:rolleyes:

Ummmm probably! Not if you want it to look good. Check out the other sections here, you'll find folks that have done that and have taken pictures of the work too.
Hello Huck,

I drive through Bagdad quite often in the NSX. I am looking at land in that area for family recreation. Barn Man is the right guy and I have used him many times. PM me sometime and we will get together when it warms up.

UPDATE---SPOKE WITH BARNEY YESTERDAY AFTERNOON---JUST BEFORE HE WAS HEADING OUT OF TOWN. ONLY THING LEFT TO DO IS TO REPLACE THE CLUTCH MASTER CYLINDER THAT DUSTIN WILL HAVE DONE THIS MORNING. THE LOVE MUFFIN AND I ARE HEADING DOWN SHORTLY--DECISION POINT---DO I DRIVE THE TRUCK WITH THE TRAILER TO HAUL IT BACK OR DO WE DRIVE HER VEHICLE AND I GET TO DRIVE THE NSX BACK----. Not sure how comfortable I am with everything being perfect on the NSX with Baney not being able to personally do all the work required--nothing personal, just antsy. If something is not right---i get to call AAA and have it towed to someplace with Barney not expected back in town for several days. If I tow it back and something pops up here---then -----WISH I KNEW WHERE THAT SOB "MURPHY" WAS HIDING OUT?
OK--My decision---I'm goiing for broke here and will leave the truck/trailer home. If Barney says it's ready and he checked it out--then it must be ready. I will test drive it before I head home. If something happens--I can always come home and go back tomorrow to pick it up.
I need everyone who reads this to cross their fingers for me today---and maybe that will keep MURPHY away!!!!! I will have pics for your all from my jurney---for your enjoyment etc.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support---great board and great members---. Warren
EVERYTHING's crossed! Go for it!
Huck, I don't know how long you will get to drive the NSX on the way home, but tell Muffin I hope she enjoys the drive. Haha, I'm sure everything will go well, yet just in case, Break a Leg!