Parking your Car

I don't only have LBS, I have PTCOTSSICLATS. (Park The Car On The Street So I Can Look At It Syndrome.)

My favorite angle of the car is the side profile, and you just can't see that when you park in a parking lot or in my car port, so sometimes when I get home, I park it on the street just so I can look at it. I smoke so every time I come out to smoke, there she is, at the perfect angle just wanting to be admired. Damn this car is so beautiful, and mine is turning 20 next year. How many cars at this age, not including older classics, look this good? Man we're lucky.
lbs is a static bout laycwim syndrome...that epynim stands for" looking at your car while in motion".This horible syndrome involves a trusted friend/loved one to drive your car past you so you can hear it and see it in motion:eek:

How 'bout YASP. (you're a sick puppy) haha!
Get to see mine from the side where I park at the office in our covered underground garrage - man am I lucky to have that deal. It is beautiful from the side. I stop and look back as i get on the elevator - yes I can see it from inside the elevator too! :wink:
lbs is a static bout laycwim syndrome...that epynim stands for" looking at your car while in motion".This horible syndrome involves a trusted friend/loved one to drive your car past you so you can hear it and see it in motion:eek:

Another version of this, laycwim, comes into play when you drive next to, or follow, a shiny silver tanker on the freeway, like a gasoline truck. Or, drive by a store with reflective windows. :biggrin: Ooo, baby, look at that hot car!
You know before this thread I thought my mental health was sound , but apparently now I need to see a psychiatrist:biggrin:
I don't only have LBS, I have PTCOTSSICLATS. (Park The Car On The Street So I Can Look At It Syndrome.)

hhahah, i also app. suffer from ptcotssiclats. I park the car in the meter parking so its close. Plus i like other ppls looking at it lol.