Our '00 Spa Yellow has arrived!

26 December 2009
Finally got our, new to us, '00 home for the holidays! Can't wait until it dries out enough here in ATL to drive it. Looked quite a while for the right car/right price. Been lurking around here reading many, many posts for months and this site has been an excellent resource. Thanks for all the help. All I can say is WOW! What a machine!
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Congratulations and welcome to the club. P.S love the lift as well.
Welcome! as I'm sure you are aware Hotlanta has a strong owners base,and of course the infamous A. Farington:wink:
Welcome to Prime,, You will love your NSX more than anything,, and your daily visits to the " Parts for sale " section of prime will prove you are an NSX owner?!! again Welcome
Nice way to start the New Year. Congratulations.
Congratulations and welcome!
Welcome from a fellow Atlantan. That yellow will be hard to miss on the road -- hope to see you driving around!
Sure looks like a Grand National up there on top - bet you've chuckled at the recent G N threads here...
Thanks for the warm welcome to the club!

Yes, the GN is my other baby. Nothing like a garage full of bad-ass six cylinders:smile:........except for the wifes 4-banger N/A MINI.
Thanks for the warm welcome to the club!

Yes, the GN is my other baby. Nothing like a garage full of bad-ass six cylinders:smile:........except for the wifes 4-banger N/A MINI.

Would you believe I recently sold a Mini Cooper 1071S!! Do we have the same tastes in cars or what!!
Congrats and Welcome! :smile:
Welcome! as I'm sure you are aware Hotlanta has a strong owners base,and of course the infamous A. Farington:wink:

Welcome to the NSX World and a great find in that color!

Thank you DocJohn, I actually feel like somebody :biggrin:

I promise we will get an event together as soon as it warms up!
gn 68k.jpg

gn gnx front 68k.jpg

gn resize 68k.jpg
Cougercat, post some pics of the GN.
Hope they come through okay.....we still have the modded hardtop GN...really miss the GNX.....but very seldom drove her. Something like 180 miles in 5 yrs.....mostly to and from the emissions place. Nice looking GN in your avatar.

:eek: I remember, 1987 I think, Popular mechanics, the almighty GN vs a Vette .... i couldn't believe how COOL looking the GN was!

Az one more member of da Kalifornia NSX community, I vant to velkom you to the club. I also dink your choice of color is a good one.


The Governator

Welcome, when you get her out of the garage let me know. I'm a fellow Atlantan looking to get my '02 yellow/yellow around town or through the blue ridge mountains.
Another fellow Atlantan; and ready for the Blue Ridge Parkway experience! I've met Alex; Alex I'm gonna hold you to that promise of organizing us guys here! I've also met my friend Bethemortgage, aka Keith. Keith and I still haven't gotten together for an NSX outing but we have met - he's a great guy. Keith now we have more reasons to organize an outing!

Welcome aboard Gerry - funny there are two yellow NSXs here and I haven't seen either of them. Even funnier - another Tim with an NSX - just goes to show you what's happening right under my nose! Great stuff - we're getting to be quite large and I keep seeing this black on black NSX but I don't think he's a Primer :eek:; can you imagine such a thing.

I've been waiting to go up in the mountains cause right now since we've had some snow - which is fairly unusal here- they sanded/graveled the roads up there - not good for traction. Too bad cause really the winter is the best time to go cause the trees are bare and you can see thru the valleys to the road beyond to know when it's clear. Oh well, there will be plenty of days. I'm ready though!:biggrin: Just give a holler. Say for all you Atlantans - stick to threads here on main prime discussions cause it is hard to get us to check out the Southeast section threads - seems like no one really pays attention. I'm guilty too but don't expect there to be a lot of input there. I haven't found it anyway.

Keep those cards and letters coming. Let us know how you're enjoying the ride! I'll be glad to hand out my number to those wishing to coordinate and event for us local boys. 404-355-1228 - home number w/ answering machine! :smile:
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