One of my patients comment on my NSX...

Sheeple tend to compensate for their boring ass lives by lashing out at sports car owners.

These are usually the same people with $50k suvs.


lol +1
I take my nsx to work when i need an ego boost. Last time i took it the shift after mine google it lol. One sup saw it, told another and 1 hr later as i was leaving i found out the whole office was googleing it.... Then was in disbelief when my general manager told them it was owned by me, a simple part time supervisor, not a manager, not a flight maintaince person, not even a full time job holder. I worked hard for my car, F**k others who hate on it. If i can do it, others can too.
I have been driving my motorcycle a lot this summer. It was just so much fun. So, the NSX wasn't getting much driving time so I let my parents drive it. They both work at Home Depot during the summer, part time. They work 6-7 months up here, then spend 5-6 months down in Texas during the winter. They only have one car so if they work opposite shifts, one of them would take the NSX if it was nice out. They were always telling me about the funny comments customers and employees would say about the car. The manager came out and said he must be paying my dad to much if he can afford to drive that to work.

I got the same comments when I first bought the car last year and I began driving it to work. Every single other car in the lot is less than 5 years old and they all paid more for their cars than what I paid for my '91. It is very comical to hear sometimes. The boss pulling up in his 75K+ SUV telling me that I must be making too much money. I work in a union shop, so everyone knows what everyone else makes. It's just funny coming from a guy who makes triple what I make.

I honestly don't let it bother me anymore. I actually enjoy it now. If they want to believe that a 20+ year old car is worth what ever they think it is, then who am I do dissuade them. If they only knew that instead of a boring Civic or Corolla or Jetta they could get a NSX for less money then maybe there would be more around and mine wouldn't be so unique.
There are ten other offices in the building with about 50 cars in the parking lot at any given time. He made a lucky guess and I just think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

You drive on Glades Rd, it's a risk that I don't like to take too often in the NSX. :biggrin:

Haters gonna hate.
I take my nsx to work when i need an ego boost. Last time i took it the shift after mine google it lol. One sup saw it, told another and 1 hr later as i was leaving i found out the whole office was googleing it.... Then was in disbelief when my general manager told them it was owned by me, a simple part time supervisor, not a manager, not a flight maintaince person, not even a full time job holder. I worked hard for my car, F**k others who hate on it. If i can do it, others can too.

Are they in shock when they see ur gal too?
This ecconomy must really be bothering some of my patients. I had to drive my NSX to work today and a patient asks my secretary; "Is that's the doc's new Ferrari parked outside?" Ha.....I wish he would have asked me because my secretary said it's not new. She forgot to mention that it wasn't a Ferrari and then he started to complain about my fee's. I can't wait to tell him he spent more on his Hyundai Genesis than I paid for my Honda when he comes back in two weeks. :biggrin:

Don't talk your car down! So what if he paid more for his Genesis, its no business of his. The NSX is a great car and you are a Doctor. I am willing to bet you work a lot harder and have spend 3X as much time in school versus the hater. It is a too bad when we feel some amount of shame for having a "nice" car. With that said, I never mention my cars to non-car people as they will not get it.

To everyone that is comparing a NSX to a SUV there is no comparison. Owning a NSX, 99/100 times means you have another car. Most people have one car per driver, so extra cars do not make sense and are wasteful. When my neighbor first moved in he saw that I had 2 sedans and a SUV. He commented to me, "who drives the 4runner?" The implication was, if I have a car and my wife has a car why would we need a third? Obviously I never mention my sports car as he is not a car guy.
Sheeple tend to compensate for their boring ass lives by lashing out at sports car owners.

These are usually the same people with $50k suvs.


... with the little stick-figure decals of their whole family in the back window.
There are ten other offices in the building with about 50 cars in the parking lot at any given time.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps a Ferrari did indeed find a parking spot at your building and the patient never saw the NSX? It is Boca Raton after all. Now that it's "season" I've been seeing 4 or 5 F cars every day.
I have a Honda Civic LX. I ALWAYS used it on the first date.


Then on the second date I would bring the NSX, and if she was really special, I would bring the Ferrari on special dates.

Awww, Just sold the Masi, Looking for a good black NSX. Know of any?


This ecconomy must really be bothering some of my patients. I had to drive my NSX to work today and a patient asks my secretary; "Is that's the doc's new Ferrari parked outside?" Ha.....I wish he would have asked me because my secretary said it's not new. She forgot to mention that it wasn't a Ferrari and then he started to complain about my fee's. I can't wait to tell him he spent more on his Hyundai Genesis than I paid for my Honda when he comes back in two weeks. :biggrin:

Doc, this is a great post and topic about perceptions of others. I myself hesitated to drive over to a new neighbor behind me last weekend to chat about his huge tree needing trimming because, if he saw my car, he'd think I have money.

I perceive NSX's are viewed to many like a Ferrari or other exotic cars. So me "I" am poor with 2 girls in college and a wife who spends more than I make, but have the pleasure of owning an NSX.

Hmmm....I say I'm old: I worked all my life (38 years) for this car and struggle with paying the college bills.....most seem to understand that :biggrin::biggrin:
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Doc, this is a great post and topic about perceptions of others. I myself hesitated to drive over to a new neighbor behind me last weekend to chat about his huge tree needing trimming because, if he saw my car, he'd think I have money.

I perceive NSX's are viewed to many like a Ferrari or other exotic cars. So me "I" am poor with 2 girls in college and a wife who spends more than I make, but have the pleasure of owning an NSX.

Hmmm....I say I'm old: I worked all my life (38 years) for this car and struggle with paying the college bills.....most seem to understand that :biggrin::biggrin:

As a new owner, I've been experiencing quite a bit of this recently. I've has some unusual cars but this is the first time I've drawn a small crowd when filling up. My pickup truck cost me more 10 years ago.

Recently, I had one gal pull up behind my car in her BMW as I was getting in at the grocery store and ask "Is that a kit car?" When I explained that it was an Acura, top to bottom and that not many were made, she said "That's the most beautiful car I have ever seen".... and drove off.

Acquaitances have asked "What the hell are you doing with this"? (In a nice manner). My reply is always "I love to drive".
I drive my car to work and seriously no one cares....! A few guys who know me say nice car but most prefer their Prius and Minvans anyways....

In CA > few people will break their neck to look at ANY car - we have every exotic on the road on any given day so people could care less about the NSX.

Sidenote: I was going home the other day (in my s2000) and a GTR guy pulls up next to me and commented "nice ride" :)
This ecconomy must really be bothering some of my patients. I had to drive my NSX to work today and a patient asks my secretary; "Is that's the doc's new Ferrari parked outside?" Ha.....I wish he would have asked me because my secretary said it's not new. She forgot to mention that it wasn't a Ferrari and then he started to complain about my fee's. I can't wait to tell him he spent more on his Hyundai Genesis than I paid for my Honda when he comes back in two weeks. :biggrin:

It absolutely is getting to people. I am in outside sales, and up until a few months ago I drove the NSX as my daily driver. The car used to be fine, with an occasional a$$hole making a jealous comment, but most people would compliment it. Then I started getting people being outwardly mean. Beyond jealous. Making hurtful comments about me (eventhough they had just met me), and complaining that the company I work for must be paying me 'too much' for me to afford a car like that. They did not care that I told them it was a '17 year old Honda with over 182,000 miles on it'. They just saw a flashy car and out came the insults. So it has been essentially parked in the garage for 2 months, and I had to start driving my 1990 Honda Accord EX with over 218,800 miles on it since NOBODY would assume I was paid 'too much' in that car.

People are funny and sad. If they don't have something, they don't want anyone else to have it either. With the economic situation, cars like the NSX are just seen as another separator between 'us and them' in some people's eyes. :frown: