I never tried in on the NSX but I have a friend that uses this on his Jaguar and it works wonderfully to restore a very nice leather aroma. I want to order it in the next days (not to be confuded with the omonymous product that you see on TV, this is the original UK stuff).
After the Tubi and the leather smell I think I am very close to have the best of the two worlds!
[This message has been edited by gheba_nsx (edited 09 August 2002).]
I never tried in on the NSX but I have a friend that uses this on his Jaguar and it works wonderfully to restore a very nice leather aroma. I want to order it in the next days (not to be confuded with the omonymous product that you see on TV, this is the original UK stuff).
After the Tubi and the leather smell I think I am very close to have the best of the two worlds!
[This message has been edited by gheba_nsx (edited 09 August 2002).]