OK, who's taunting the Ferrari guys?

I never tried in on the NSX but I have a friend that uses this on his Jaguar and it works wonderfully to restore a very nice leather aroma. I want to order it in the next days (not to be confuded with the omonymous product that you see on TV, this is the original UK stuff).

After the Tubi and the leather smell I think I am very close to have the best of the two worlds!

[This message has been edited by gheba_nsx (edited 09 August 2002).]
I have tried the liquid leather product and while it does add some smell, to me it's not the same smell you get from a fine piece of leather luggage or Ferrari/Jaguar interior. It's exactly the same smell you get from Griot's garage leather smell product which you are supposed to spray on the carpeting under the seats.
was it the same as I linked in the previous post or was it maybe this: http://www.youcansave.com/liquidleather.html ?
I never smelled the one here above but my friend told me that this is the fake one and it is a not so good product.

Anyway it is possible that my leather smell knowledge are not very good (very likely!). To me it smelled like a Ferrari but in reality I could have also said that it smells like a leather shoe or something else!

What convinced me is that this friend is very anal with his old Jag. I'll report the result on the NSX in a couple weeks!