OK, who's taunting the Ferrari guys?


Legendary Member
3 February 2000
This is from the Ferrari list... the NSX/Honda/Wannabe replies are the smuggest I've seen in a while, so it must really have gotten under their skin. If only they knew how many NSX owners are also Ferrari owners... They'd probably sell their cars!

From: "David Handa"
Subject: Cocky NSX owner... :-)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 06:51:15 -0700

Saw a red NSX going northbound on Interstate 5 yesterday morning just north of
Bellingham, WA, the WA state license number was "ENZOWHO". :-)
Danm, only if I knew who it was, hihihi
The owner of that NSX/plate has contributed on these boards before if memory serves...Or possibly Hwang's dead-but-no-one-told-it NSX email list. He's out there somewhere.

Great plate. I like "JPN F40" better.

[This message has been edited by MAKO (edited 01 August 2002).]
Originally posted by MAKO:
Hwang's dead-but-no-one-told-it NSX email list.

The e-mail lists, which are owned and run by the NSX Club of America, are still alive and kicking, with ~500 members and more posts each day than that other NSX forum. And that's not even including all the posts on the regional e-mail lists, which are far more active than the regional forums here.

The success and activity of NSXprime does not detract from the existence of alternative means of reaching NSX owners. Insulting those other avenues is uncalled for and not in keeping with the decorum usually found here.
Originally posted by Deqle:
Danm, only if I knew who it was, hihihi
The owner of the "ENZOWHO" plate posted some pix of his new exhaust (Gruppe-M v2, IIRC). See write-up here -> http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001886.html


[This message has been edited by cojones (edited 01 August 2002).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:

Insulting those other avenues is uncalled for and not in keeping with the decorum usually found here.

Ken, you need to reeee-lax. Try decaf it works wonders. And also, don't lecture me again either on board etiquette or on the email list's status.

I've had the e-list summary come to my box for over five years now, suffice it to say that I'm aware of its status. The words Tongue-in-cheek apply so my previous note, sorry I didn't candy coat it with 18 smiley faces and other nonsense.

Lighten up.
Sorry - I didn't realize your intention was humorous.

(And I bet I'm not the only one.)

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 01 August 2002).]
Originally posted by Soichiro:
Lud thanks for posting this. I signed up and read the entire thread. Many interesting and perceptive thoughts!

SOME interesting and perceptive thoughts. Some that are not quite so interesting or perceptive.


Owner number 1:

Who has ever even heard of Soichiro, let alone laud his contributions to sports or racing cars?

Owner number 2:

Actually, and at the risk of being pedantic, a lot of people have heard of Soichiro Honda. He made a whole heck of a lot of contributions to the auto industry in general and to racing in particular, and has produced some quite kick-ass race cars.

There's a very little bit at:

(what I found in 15 seconds with Google) but Honda's been involved in racing and in race-engine production for a very long time. Their current F1 engines certainly don't seem to be any great shakes, but a quick poke at the Planet F1 Constructor's Championship archive points out things like the first-place finish for McLaren-Honda in F1 in 1988-1991, and the first-place for Williams-Honda in 1986-1987. Six years is a long time to kick butt in F1. (-:

I thought the license plate was kinda funny. If the owner of that NSX thinks he's all that, fine, whatever. I know what I'd pick between a NSX and a Ferrari... (-:

Owner number 3:

Listen the NSX is a MAJOR WANNA BE FERRARI and evryone knows it
it has a towel rack for a spoiler
it is a great car but no FERRARI
it is like a nice women with fake tits
most of the important parts are there but some are just not real !
sad but true

Owner number 4:

Okay, I have to chime in here.

I drove an NSX for 4.5 years and put 68k miles on it, on top of 14k on it when I bought it. It was a bullet-proof daily driver in New England Winters and Summers. Far from being a "wanna be" Ferrari, it defined its own segment - A fast, affordable (maintenance), exotic you can enjoy every day.

It didn't "wanna" leak oil, it didn't "wanna" leave me stranded (like many listers Ferraris ) and it didn't "wanna" cost $5k in maintenance in 6k miles (like my 355).

It does not have the Ferrari "heritage" or name but it is an awesome car. Especially, when you consider its peers from 1990!

If you get the chance, drive this car at least once. It does not have the power of modern Ferraris but the ergonomics, race car like seating position and view out the windscreen are very special and much better than the 355.

Ultimately, the heritage, sound, styling and vibration of the Ferrari are perhaps more special, but the NSX is the car I would choose if I had to drive only one car every day.

So, don't just write the car off because of one "cocky" NSX owner. Let's face it, modesty is hardly a dominant characteristic among Ferrari owners.

p.s., If the NSX has a towel rack, what would you call the wings on an F40/F50, and who copied whom?

p.p.s. Not sure what isn't "real" on an NSX but I did notice that all the parts stay attached.
I liked this one

from ferrarilist.com

The arrogance on this list is sometimes annoying (and I'm not singling out xxx). Putting down Porsche, Mercedes, Honda, Lamborghini, and any other brand really gets to be old after a while.

You remember the kid in high school who always had a put-down for everyone in the class? He was popular and everybody thought it was funny. As you (hopefully) mature, you realize how insecure that person actually was and how funny it really wasn't.

Same thing here. You can certainly be proud of Ferrari, but you don't do that by bad mouthing all other other marques all the time. Do you think Michael Schumacher sits around and talks trash about the other drivers? - I don't think so. He is the best and doesn't have make himself try to look good by putting down other teams and drivers.

And if he weren't the best, I still don't think he'd be pissing on others to make himself smell better.
I love Ferraris and I have been a member of the Ferrari list for many years. There are some really, really smart people on there from whom I have learned a lot. There are also some snobs/posers. And there are other members (besides me) who also own NSXs.

Snobs make replies such as the ignorant #1 quoted above, or the guy who posted something to the effect of "Nobody makes an NSX kit to put on a Fiero. That says it all." Yeah, it says that people don't buy NSXs to impress other people or use as driveway jewlery, unlike many Ferrari owners.

Intelligent people who are true car enthusiasts make comments such as some of the other ones posted above.

Unfortunately the traffic is high and the overall signal-to-noise ratio on their list is very poor. It's taken me a couple years to get my e-mail filters really set up well to trash 95% of the junk posts from that list. But one of the biggest idiots I've even run across on ANY car mailing list or message forum just announced he is back after a long absence, so I'd guess things are about to take a turn for the worst there.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 06 August 2002).]
When I hear this nonsense I just turn my head and laugh. Sure the NSX is no Ferrari but the Ferrari is no NSX. I do own both and each have their pluses and minuses. Does it make one car better than the other? Absloutely not. They both are fine automobiles with racing technology infused in both marks. People tell me all the time that the NSX is a wannabe Ferrari, you know what I tell them, Come on lets go for a ride. After they test drive the car a bit they shut up and say, oh I never thought the car was like this. Look I bought the Ferrari knowing it mikght break down at any time, but you know what I have not been stranded once in the last 6 years of ownership in any of my cars ferrari or NSX. Most of these problems occur from nondriving (oil leaks, electrical problems). People keep these cars as shrines just to look at and worship. Heck I drive my Ferraris almost everyday and have more than 60,000miles on both of them. This is considered sacrilege in the Ferrari community. If I wanted to buy a model I would have done that not spend a hundred thousand dollars for me to look at something int ehgarage day in and day out in fear that it might lose value. When will these people wake up and understand that investing in a car is possbly the worst investment one can actually make. Gone are the days when these cars will turn to vintage cars and fetch GTO money. We will never see that again. Look at the McLaren. Teh car was a cool mill when new and now it is only and will only be worth half price. Sorry for the rambling but this is how I feel. It is these kind of jerks that give the rest of us Ferrari owners a bad name. Most of us aren't really like that.
Originally posted by bill92nsx:
Actually I am driving both the 355 and the testarossa. Unfortunately I am not a big fan of the 360.

I have to ask....I have ALWAYS loved the look of the Testarosa. I believe it to be the most beautiful car made. When I was looking at cars back in March/April, I gave serious consideration to an '86 1/2 blue/gray
Not sure of the exact color name but I had never seen that color before. It was gorgeous! It only had 18,000 miles and it was cherry. The dealer wanted $69,000. for it. What made me be "practical" and go with my '99 Kaiser Silver NSX was that I was VERY gunshy of the maintenance. (I used to have an '88 Lotus, nuff said?) Also, even though the Ferrari was mint, it still was 16 year old technology. I won't go so far to say money is/was no object but I'm only allowing myself one toy for now.

Was this a good deal I passed up or was it the "individual circumstances/taste" thing?
I am sorry to hear about your Lotus issue, I am the proud owner of a sport350 v8. I have been a Lotus owner since 1993 between 4 different cars and 120,000 miles total not a single thing ever happened. Maybe I have been lucky or maybe the problems start when the cars are not used and left sitting for a while. The same can be said for the Ferraris, as I never had a problem except in the Testarossa which needed a starter motor when I got it. And that was due to the car left sitting for like 4 years. No leaks though which was a plus. I use this cars as often as possible and have had no problems since. Usually I put aside a thousand a year for each car and when the major service comes up after five years I have more than enough to cover it. I do not go to dealers to get my eyes gouged out I take it a personal mechanic and get the same job done for 1/2 price. That is how I usually budget for each car and never had a problem yet. That and I do most of the work myself. They are actually very easy cars to work on except for the major service where the engine has to come out of the car, if I had alift in my garage I would tackle that project as well and it would only cost me $500 in parts. I agree with you as well in saying that the Testarossa is one of the most beautiful cars ever made.
Originally posted by bill92nsx:
Actually I am driving both the 355 and the testarossa.

Wondering, what year 355 and how many miles do you have on it since you purchased ? I though they only made that model for 2 years is that correct. Also, can I assume that many owners don't drive the f-cars enough and that may contribute to more maintenance issues b/c they don't ?
Don't let that F guys talk impress you. I've been an on/off member of FOC and FCA since 1978. Owned 7 F cars so far, none of which gave me more overall satisfaction (ego aside)than my NSX, except for my 360. This past Sunday, I went to an FCA event at the Petersen Museum in LA and met a friend of mine who innocently asked one of the FCA board members in charge of merchandize if he could buy an event T-shirt for his son. The F guy's serious response was : "THIS IS THE FERRARI CLUB ! We only have $60 Bill Blass polo shirts". This says it all I guess...
That is exactly why I will never join either the FOC or FCA because most not all of the guys are a bunch of snobs showing off their models. I have more fun going to shows run by auto enthusiasts who actually drive their cars to shows rather than trailer them than I do going to these shows. It makes me sick when I see a 20 year old car with less than 10,000 miles on it which does mean one of two things-either the speedo is disconnected or they actually do sit and stare at their models (because that is exactly what they are) in their garage. I love to drive everychance that I get. I bought my 95 355 with 8,000 miles on it last year and it now has over 19,000. I bought my 89TR in 1999 with 8,000 miles and now it has 35,000 miles. I also had a few 308s before that and they all have been great ot me and never once left me stranded. Sure there are a lot of snobs out there who own Ferraris that would not give you the time of day but I have also met more than my share of NSX snobs as well who think that their shit don't stink either.