NSXPrime Vendor Subscription

10 September 2010
Just curious as to your thoughts on the new vendor subscription.

I forsee:

  • Higher barrier for entry for the little guys may discourage innovation.
  • Mods may become more expensive due to low volume.

I'm one of the little guy vendors that would be affected. As with the S2000 community, I've specialized in inexpensive, unique mods that either I made or no one else sold. I never really intended to make much money, as it was just a hobby.

I had a handful of inexpensive NSX products to be introduced all at once, but probably will likely be scrapping the idea due to the cost. Luckily, I didn't have too much invested.

What about the unique mods? I'd wonder if one of my favorite future mods will be around: the LED turn signal and LED tail lights from BLT. Each set of these are hand built and the turnaround time reflects it. If only a few sets get built, either the prices are going to go up to offset the vendor cost and possible time when there are no orders, or they will just stop making them.

This is a real concern. JS2k has very valid points.

I can understand there are fees to be paid for the Server to run this site etc and there is profit to be made by every Vendor here. If it is a small profit, the Vendor would not be able to justify the $500 / year. Product cost will go up. If that deters customers, the product will simply not be made which would be a shame to the entire NSX community.

I'm in the exact same boat as JS2k. I'm working on developing several NSX-specific products but am considering scrapping the projects completely right now since I will not have a suitable place to sell them. One of them would be priced extremely low because of it's simplicity and there's no way I could justify increasing the price to cover my Vendor fee. eBay is not an option for me as it's harder to located potential customers there plus their policies are completely unfair.

If it's a matter of obtaining funds to help the site, I'm willing to pay something reasonable that would be dynamic with my sales. Instead of paying the fixed fee per year, how about monitoring the sales through each Vendors Group Buy thread and charging a small fee for each person that signs up and follows through with a purchase?
First i heard of it.

Think it really sucks since i also don't do it often and also don't make much doing it. In fact the unique items i had in the past i actually lost money on but did it for the good of the community.

I had a lot of things coming but unlike JS2K i do have alot invested. In the past i didn't mind taking a loss to provide these items but i can't PAY to take a loss.

It's a shame
I am a vendor and do this as hobby too. Oh well, it is what it is. I'll try and stick around for as long I can or at least until my inventory is depleted. :frown:
Just curious as to your thoughts on the new vendor subscription.

I forsee:

  • Higher barrier for entry for the little guys may discourage innovation.
  • Mods may become more expensive due to low volume.

I'm one of the little guy vendors that would be affected. As with the S2000 community, I've specialized in inexpensive, unique mods that either I made or no one else sold. I never really intended to make much money, as it was just a hobby.

I had a handful of inexpensive NSX products to be introduced all at once, but probably will likely be scrapping the idea due to the cost. Luckily, I didn't have too much invested.

What about the unique mods? I'd wonder if one of my favorite future mods will be around: the LED turn signal and LED tail lights from BLT. Each set of these are hand built and the turnaround time reflects it. If only a few sets get built, either the prices are going to go up to offset the vendor cost and possible time when there are no orders, or they will just stop making them.


You (and the others who have posted in this thread) have valid concerns. I share these concerns, which is the reason I rejected many suggestions over the years to charge vendors. But times have changed and there are new "vendors" that seem very questionable popping up here on a regular basis. I've removed a bunch but it has become an ongoing issue so I am trying to structurally improve the situation.

I see on your website you also sell s2000 stuff. Do you participate as a vendor on s2ki, and if so what does that cost?
You (and the others who have posted in this thread) have valid concerns. I share these concerns, which is the reason I rejected many suggestions over the years to charge vendors. But times have changed and there are new "vendors" that seem very questionable popping up here on a regular basis. I've removed a bunch but it has become an ongoing issue so I am trying to structurally improve the situation.

I see on your website you also sell s2000 stuff. Do you participate as a vendor on s2ki, and if so what does that cost?
While I don't have any solution to the issue of shady vendors, I did want to put in my .02. Don't get me wrong, as much as I'd love to support the site, I just can't justify the cost. I commend your efforts for running such a great forum for so many years. I also realize you put in time and money into NSXPrime and vendor payments are a great way to compensate you for the work.

I'm also scared as to how much prices will increase. I just paid $400 for test pipes that are just plain ol' bent aluminum. I completely understand they were also custom made and the NSX is a very low volume car, but this could make mods even more expensive.

Yep, I've been in business since 08 back in college when I was just making stuff out of my garage. I am a paid vendor on S2ki. I'll PM you the details, as I have had an arrangement worked out.

EDIT: Apparently, I'm unable to PM the user NSX Prime. Lemme know how I can contact you.
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My .02 peso: What if we make an exception to the current and reputable small vendors that have been doing business here, so that they can keep selling/contributing to the site?
I 100% agree with the camp that vendors should be charged. There could be several tiers to help out the small "mom and pop" vendors, but no one deserves a free ride IMHO.

I find it interesting that so far three vendors who have objected in this thread have never contributed to the upkeep of prime. I realize that there has been no requirement that anything be paid before now and that everyone is used to getting great value from this free site but am I the only one who has noticed that the biggest opposition is coming from "takers" and not "givers"?
I find it interesting that so far three vendors who have objected in this thread have never contributed to the upkeep of prime. I realize that there has been no requirement that anything be paid before now and that everyone is used to getting great value from this free site but am I the only one who has noticed that the biggest opposition is coming from "takers" and not "givers"?
In my defense, I bought my first NSX about 2 months ago. I haven't actually sold anything yet. I posted products a while back, but never sold anything since I didn't actually have an NSX.
I find it interesting that so far three vendors who have objected in this thread have never contributed to the upkeep of prime. I realize that there has been no requirement that anything be paid before now and that everyone is used to getting great value from this free site but am I the only one who has noticed that the biggest opposition is coming from "takers" and not "givers"?

I have not sold, nor listed any commercial products for sale here so far.
My .02 peso: What if we make an exception to the current and reputable small vendors that have been doing business here, so that they can keep selling/contributing to the site?

Contributing is great, but contributing and profiting is completely different then some guy posting a DIY thread (for example). I find it completely ridiculous that some very popular vendors on here haven't even contributed $5 to the site.
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Contributing is great, but contributing and profiting is completely different then some guy posting a DIY thread (for example). I find it completely ridiculous that some very popular vendors on here haven't even contributed $5 to the site.

This ^^
I have been thinking about this and I have to admit to being one of those people that have not committed nominally. My relationship with the forum originally started as a mutual resource (some help me, I help others) only recently has it become more apparent as a commercial venture. I feel there should be some commitment to the site and I am prepared to do that. I also agree that to stiff of a qualification my stifle grass roots development and products or possibly limit that information to the other owners. I think of guys like BrianK and Hugubuga that have posted their knowledge for the benefit of all (with moderate cost to the consumer)

What if a commercial vendor has to have some/any membership to the forum but also must have to contribute information in the forum in the form of a thread or Wiki that benefits NSX owners that is outside the selling of goods.
EDIT: Apparently, I'm unable to PM the user NSX Prime. Lemme know how I can contact you.

I have PM disabled because I really am not a fan of the PM system. Click the "contact" link in the nav bar at the very top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of that page and there is a link to a form that will e-mail me.
What if a commercial vendor has to have some/any membership to the forum but also must have to contribute information in the forum in the form of a thread or Wiki that benefits NSX owners that is outside the selling of goods.

I had a similar thought at one point but wasn't smart enough to figure out how to manage such a system. Go through and read all the posts from each vendor every few months and decide if I think if they contributed "enough" useful information? That doesn't seem reasonable. Is there a better way?
I had a similar thought at one point but wasn't smart enough to figure out how to manage such a system. Go through and read all the posts from each vendor every few months and decide if I think if they contributed "enough" useful information? That doesn't seem reasonable. Is there a better way?

Because the "information" a vendor may post is subjective, maybe vendors can manage each other... Or notify you only of a vendor that may not be pulling their weight for the forum. Trying to digest all that someone may post up front seems a bit daunting. I think the only way to police that would be ongoing audits.
How about a tiered approach? Here's a quick draft of something I had in mind.

Vendor (tier 1)
This would provide them the ability to CREATE threads in a general vendor section as an approved vendor to sell products on prime.

Vendor (tier 2)
This would provide them the ability to CREATE threads in a general vendor section as an approved vendor to sell products on prime. Additionally, they would be able to have a small banner ad placed in the vendor section.

Vendor (tier 3)
This would provide them the ability to CREATE threads in a dedicated vendor section for their company as an approved vendor to sell products on prime. Additionally, they would be able to have a small banner ad placed on the main page of the website.

Now, when I say a dedicated section, I mean it would look like this. Notice, I pulled the Product Reviews out of the vendor section and added it to Buyer/Seller experiences so all of the reviews are all in one spot (regardless of buyer, seller, or product).

NSX Prime Marketplace
Buyer/Seller Experiences and Product Reviews
Vendor Marketplace - General (this is where the tier 1 and 2 vendors live)
ScienceofSpeed Marketplace (dedicated tier 3 vendor)
CompanyName Marketplace (dedicated tier 3 vendor)
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I can only speak for myself. Like i said, i lost money on everything i offered so there was no profiting or getting a free ride. Most of it was things i made for myself and others ask me to make for them so i did. Can someone like sos pay $500 a year, sure but for someone like me it doesn't make sense.

And about sharing on the site.

I come on here multiple times a day viewing the vendor and for sale sections, i guess i'm waiting for the next NEW thing to pop up. While i'm here i normally view the owners, DIY, and electrical sections of the forum to see if i can help out since my JOB is in the electrical/electronics field. The majority of my posts are trying to help people out and i hope i have done so. Since we will now have only a handful of vendors selling the same old things and i will have to do something non nsx with the new machine. I can't see i will be hanging out here as much anymore which is a shame since i love it here and really enjoy helping others out.

Regardless if you are someone i am currently helping, i won't leave you hanging. Will help as long as needed.

help me understand this repeated theme of "I love the nsx,I love this community,but if i have to pay a fee to be a vendor,i won't be on prime as much"? If I was a hobbyist and produced some money losing unique items,and I did'nt want to pay a fee to use prime for such,I'd still be posting and having fun:confused:
help me understand this repeated theme of "I love the nsx,I love this community,but if i have to pay a fee to be a vendor,i won't be on prime as much"? If I was a hobbyist and produced some money losing unique items,and I did'nt want to pay a fee to use prime for such,I'd still be posting and having fun:confused:

I don't believe i said that. It's not just that i won't be a vendor, most of the other vendors that don't do it as a business won't be vendors anymore. All the new stuff will be gone.

And as i said, i don't care to lose a little money for the benefit of the community, that's why i have done it a few times over the years.


the flat $500 seems unfair across the Prime Vendors spectrum.

$500 is a dime for a Vendor like SOS, that sells tens of thousands $$ here..

$500 is a fortune to a Vendor that sells like $20 items...

I think that everyone should contribute.

I think members/vendors should HAVE to contribute since they profit from the audience this forum provides...

... but i think it has to be well planned or:

- we will end up with 3 or 4 vendors selling about the same old things

- members like Hugabuga will stop to come up with inventive solutions and new parts, simply because they don't know if they will ever receive in profit what they paid as Prime Vendor Fee.

Although i understand your concearns, and being here only since 2005, and as the NSX will become more rare as time passes, i see all this new policies killing Prime and it will be one more dead Car forum in a not so long future.

Kills me to think of this :frown:

Sorry if you felt like I was misrepresenting your views....this is a sensitive topic...mostly because it revolves around money:wink: There is always a workaround.....
help me understand this repeated theme of "I love the nsx,I love this community,but if i have to pay a fee to be a vendor,i won't be on prime as much"? If I was a hobbyist and produced some money losing unique items,and I did'nt want to pay a fee to use prime for such,I'd still be posting and having fun:confused:

I don't think anyone is arguing that paying a fee is the issue, it's more of the amount and how that amount could in fact hinder the information available on the forum.

For example, lets say a member here works at a vinyl/sign shop. He talks to the owner of the shop and they agree to offer pre-cut invisa-guard for NSX's at cost. Because that member does not purchase a vendor subscription, they can not sell those on the site. Leaving others who want that product to suffer and/or pay full price. I realize the member may decide to just pay the fee and eat it (out of the goodness of their heart) but in the long run I think the forum should be open from those who need the information and services to those that can provide the information and services. That is what makes this forum great.

I think the root of this issue is to prevent those from exploiting the site or ripping people off. Not trying to fit "all" in the same definition of what a vendor is.