Just registered for both social and track. 

Did I miss the link for the registration somewhere?
I know I did not miss anything I just went to the site and saw it.
You find it here
Edit:That is for NSXPO. There is another one for the track event. That has been posted above somewhere.
Best regards
ZNSX17 where at in Florida are you?
Im in tampa will be leaving monday the 10th or tuesday not sure yet
I was gonna drive up thru SC then NC but I dont think I am in a scenic mood LOL
Coming in a little early to get a couple of days of photography in before the events start. I would appreciate any input from locals for scenic photo ops especially sunrise/sunset locations.
BrianK I have 2 doors amps I will swap for working ones and your normal fee if thats possible I kinda think thats how you were doing it before or where you doing installs on site?
I am all registered and the hotel is booked. I am not bringing my car, I am flying in to KBJC which is a mile away from the hotel. I will be looking to bum rides to the activities away from the hotel.
I will be bringing my stock of rebuilt amps and climate control boards. At previous NSXPO's I have not had enough to take care of everyone but I think this time I may have enough.
Was the last time #17 made it to XPO 06 in Orlando?
You will love the mountains of Colorado
Wicked sister #35 will be sharing the trailer!!
Make sure you guys take a pic of the Zanardi's together!
#24 will be there in spirit! :wink: