Nsxpo 2012

Did I miss the link for the registration somewhere?


I know I did not miss anything I just went to the site and saw it.

You find it here

Edit:That is for NSXPO. There is another one for the track event. That has been posted above somewhere.

Best regards
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The Wiki is a convenient place to easily put up information .. especially prior to "official" website work being done. But NSXPO is an official NSXCA event and registration/payment should probably rightly be hosted from the NSXCA website. So, I have temporarily modified the Wiki page to also include links to the "official" registration site.
Coming in a little early to get a couple of days of photography in before the events start. I would appreciate any input from locals for scenic photo ops especially sunrise/sunset locations.
Zanardi #17 will shake the cobwebs off and make her appearance at NSXPO 2012. It will be fun to be back in the corral.
ZNSX17 where at in Florida are you?

Im in tampa will be leaving monday the 10th or tuesday not sure yet
I was gonna drive up thru SC then NC but I dont think I am in a scenic mood LOL
Coming in a little early to get a couple of days of photography in before the events start. I would appreciate any input from locals for scenic photo ops especially sunrise/sunset locations.

Yes, yes, we must meet and talk by telephone... so glad you are coming, and I would love to spend some time with you prior to the event, and during it all....
please PM me with your contact info....
and thanks! This is going to be an awesome and very photographic event...

--bruce h
I just had a driving lesson Friday with Bruce McPherson, the NSCXA Club of America's chief driving instructor for High Performance Driving Events (HPDE).

He also is in charge of the driving school as part of NSXPO 2012 here in Colorado. The drivers education event will be Sept. 17-18, while the social events connected to NSXPO 2012 will be from Sept. 13-16.

Wow. We did the dance at High Plains Raceway, which is also Bruce's home instruction track for his business, High Performance Driving Techniques (see http://www.hpdriving.com), and is the track for the HPDE driver school for NSXPO 2012.

I have been to this track (which is a technically challenging 2.54-mile circuit that features a 15-turn road course, rolling terrain with more than 300 feet of elevation changes, blind entry turns and a variety of challenging corners....) maybe a half-dozen times as part of HPDE car club events. It is an awesome track.

We concentrated on turns 6 and 11, 2 and 3 .... mostly on ways for me to go way faster than I had been doing, some more advanced ways of doing those turns specifically. (Here's a link to the track map... take a look at turns 6, 11, 2 and 3... link is here)

What a lesson!


Quick Links

• Official website for all events: http://www.nsxpo.com.

• Registration for the Social Events Sept. 13-16 ($255): http://www.nsxpo.com/register.cfm

• Registration for the two-day HPDE drivers education track days Sept. 17-18 at High Plains Raceway (two days with instruction! $299): http://bit.ly/NaWrkg

• Hotel Registration: http://bit.ly/NTTzqL

Bruce Henderson (bruce91nsx)
Bruce McPherson (Track Junkie)
NSXPO 2012 co-chairs
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I am out of Orlando but will be flying and shipping the car to Denver. Looking forward to seeing everyone at NSXPO.

Was the last time #17 made it to XPO 06 in Orlando?
You will love the mountains of Colorado :-)
Wicked sister #35 will be sharing the trailer!!
Well I booked my hotel

Im only going to the social event wouldnt want to track my car
it means to much to me LOL

but I do track my car daily the way I drive LOL
This is a tad off topic but I want to let you all know of two VERY IMPORTANT maintenance items for your NSX when driving at the high altitudes in Colorado, in case you aren't aware, as I wasn't with my S2000: Clutch Fluid (<--It's brake fluid) and Brake Fluid.

I recently drove to the S2000 meet, S2KCA Days, also in Golden, Aug 10-12. I (thought I) made sure that all my fluids were up to par, oil changed, etc. We had about 34 cars and we were driving up Pikes Peak, when I pulled over to let an ambulance go by. My clutch went to the floor and stayed there. :eek: I was stuck right there. I had never changed my clutch fluid (it's brake fluid in the clutch system) in 97,000 miles. It's not listed as a separate maintenance item in the S2000 Owner's Manual, just like it's not in my NSX Owner's Manual. When the manual says to change brake fluid, I was thinking the brakes only. Evidently this also means the clutch fluid since it's brake fluid. I was not the only one with this problem. Two other drivers made it to the top of Pikes Peak before their clutch pedals went to the floor and stayed there. After all our cars cooled down, the pedals came back up and we could drive again. The next morning, I was at Planet Honda in Golden, CO, when the doors opened at 7 AM, for a clutch fluid change/bleed.

Here's how an S2000 expert (Dave, xviper on S2ki.com) explained it to me:

If the brake fluid was a bit on the old side, it has drawn quite a bit of water (brake fluid is hydrophilic - loves water) and at altitude, it boils the water and also draws whatever air is in solution. The brake fluid everywhere in the system developed huge air pockets and when you try to push in the clutch (uses brake fluid) all you did was compress the air. Something similar happens to the brake system but due to the extra large volume of brake fluid and the fact that movement of the brake pads is quite small compared to how much the clutch springs move, you didn't have a brake failure. When driving to such altitude, it's a good thing to have the brake fluid in both systems checked (with those Chemstrips or by fluid analyzer) and changed to fresh fluid if needed before driving up there.


^This is as far as my S2000 made it up Pikes Peak, just 1,207 feet to go. Don't let this happen to you and your NSX.


^Almost to the top but not quite.


^I hitched a ride with another owner so at least I got to the top.
I am all registered and the hotel is booked. I am not bringing my car, I am flying in to KBJC which is a mile away from the hotel. I will be looking to bum rides to the activities away from the hotel.

I will be bringing my stock of rebuilt amps and climate control boards. At previous NSXPO's I have not had enough to take care of everyone but I think this time I may have enough.
BrianK I have 2 doors amps I will swap for working ones and your normal fee if thats possible I kinda think thats how you were doing it before or where you doing installs on site?
I am all registered and the hotel is booked. I am not bringing my car, I am flying in to KBJC which is a mile away from the hotel. I will be looking to bum rides to the activities away from the hotel.

I will be bringing my stock of rebuilt amps and climate control boards. At previous NSXPO's I have not had enough to take care of everyone but I think this time I may have enough.

Great that you are doing this.

You've repaired my speaker amps, I've referred folks to you, and I'm in your neck of the woods a couple times a year (visiting family - wife is from Mukwonago)...but have yet to meet you. Looking forward to changing that.

If you don't mind a bumpy ride (NSX-R suspension) I could use a co-pilot and someone to chat with on Friday during the mountain drives. Can't offer a ride for all of NSXPO as I won't be starting/ending every day at the Omni.

Was the last time #17 made it to XPO 06 in Orlando?
You will love the mountains of Colorado :-)
Wicked sister #35 will be sharing the trailer!!

Make sure you guys take a pic of the Zanardi's together!

#24 will be there in spirit! :wink:
Make sure you guys take a pic of the Zanardi's together!

#24 will be there in spirit! :wink:

Damn Mike you will not be there? Okey I will make a salute to you at probably several times during NSXPO.

Edit: Damn you got a ISF now?...Okey that's it get that thing upgraded and ready for a crazy norwegian as I am coming to visit in 2013 :-)

Best regards
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Martin you are awsome.....I hope you have a great nsxpo 2012.

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