Since we are practically residents in Colorado this year, we will be attending at least the Track Day portion of NSXPO this year with the Pikes Peak NSX. Both Bruce's invited us out...
Since we are practically residents in Colorado this year, we will be attending at least the Track Day portion of NSXPO this year with the Pikes Peak NSX. Both Bruce's invited us out...
Another request for us out of towners would be a location to wash and detail our cars after the 2+ day drive to NSXpo. I spent a small fortune at a car wash when I took over a bay for many hours so I could have access to water, vacuum, air, etc.
We did it last year and included the prime names on the badges for those who entered those names on the registration application. We will try to emphasize that more on future applications to assist our members in being able to put a face to the prime name.
I would be willing to let anyone wash,vac,detail,wax whatever they need to do on their NSX at my shop free of charge..
Sleek...THAT was an incredibly generous offer that you made and it seems like it was skipped over entirely. NICE!!!!
The event starts on Thursday night, and runs through Sunday if you're not doing the track event, through Tuesday if you are. But according to the schedule, there's only one dinner together as a group. Maybe that's just an error and there will be at least another dinner or two; that sounds like the most likely explanation to me. We've always had multiple dinners together, and we've found from experience that people generally want to spend time at NSXPO as a group, rather than on their own. :frown:
Thanks Go KRT, hopefully you'll be here to take me up on that!!! FYI everyone my shop is 10 minutes from hosting hotel.
The event starts on Thursday night, and runs through Sunday if you're not doing the track event, through Tuesday if you are. But according to the schedule, there's only one dinner together as a group. Maybe that's just an error and there will be at least another dinner or two; that sounds like the most likely explanation to me. We've always had multiple dinners together, and we've found from experience that people generally want to spend time at NSXPO as a group, rather than on their own. :frown:
Absolutely - I wouldn't miss it for the world! :biggrin:You will be there I hope?
Excellent! I've updated the schedule in the wiki for the change.You are correct, this was in error. I have done a preliminary website here: and promise to do updates there and here on a regular basis.
Absolutely - I wouldn't miss it for the world! :biggrin:
Excellent! I've updated the schedule in the wiki for the change.
The new website looks great!
You can use the link on the track page of the NSXPO 2012 website, which fills in the group code and the dates. Doing so should give you the group rate of $89/night at the Denver Airport Marriott.Is there a hotel booking site for the HPDE days? (discount etc.)
Any information around proposed times of day for some of these activities would be appreciated. I realize it is early, but the more information the better to help with people's plans.
Typically the NSXPO Planning Committee will send out a Guidebook that will include each days schedule to registered participants as it gets closer to the event. This information typically is not posted on the website or on Prime though if you go to their website that was listed it does let you know what day the seminars/tech sessions are which can help you determine what day the drive will be (not on the tech session day).
If you are trying to determine what time you'll need to be at the track each day, that schedule probably won't be posted until closer as well, but most track events want you to be there no later than at 8am for a driver's meeting. Not trying to tell you the obvious, just don't know if you've tracked before.Is there a hotel booking site for the HPDE days? (discount etc.) Time of day schedule to be at the track would be great, as I may plan to stay at a friends place in South Denver instead. (Hence the time detail requirement)
Hopefully that helps out a bit, but you'll probably find a lot of this information will appear on the website as the event gets closer.
I can't wait to visit Colorado in September!
Awesome that you are so excited to go Warren! We need more people like you!
Any information around proposed times of day for some of these activities would be appreciated. I realize it is early, but the more information the better to help with people's plans.
Typically the NSXPO Planning Committee will send out a Guidebook that will include each days schedule to registered participants as it gets closer to the event. This information typically is not posted on the website or on Prime though if you go to their website that was listed it does let you know what day the seminars/tech sessions are which can help you determine what day the drive will be (not on the tech session day).
If you are trying to determine what time you'll need to be at the track each day, that schedule probably won't be posted until closer as well, but most track events want you to be there no later than at 8am for a driver's meeting. Not trying to tell you the obvious, just don't know if you've tracked before.
Hopefully that helps out a bit, but you'll probably find a lot of this information will appear on the website as the event gets closer.
I can't wait to visit Colorado in September!
True, a Guidebook will be given to registered folks. Info for the discounted hotel for the track ($89 a night) is on the NSXPO2012 website at:
There will be an HPDE drivers meeting at the hotel on Sunday evening, Sept. 16.
How do we register? It seems the registration page is unavailable...