Nsxpo 2012

Another request for us out of towners would be a location to wash and detail our cars after the 2+ day drive to NSXpo. I spent a small fortune at a car wash when I took over a bay for many hours so I could have access to water, vacuum, air, etc.
Another request for us out of towners would be a location to wash and detail our cars after the 2+ day drive to NSXpo. I spent a small fortune at a car wash when I took over a bay for many hours so I could have access to water, vacuum, air, etc.

Hotel is providing car wash area with water for NSXPO attendees.

No vacuum/air...but those are good ideas.
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We're still working out the final dates with vendors, hotels, venues, etc. Plan on early-mid September. This will provide good weather in the mountains for the West Cost folks to get here, and for some of that "fun stuff". ;)

Pity the poor teacher who has scraped NSX money together and CANNOT get time off in September short of a death in his family...his own :frown:
Here I am almost back in the fold and shaking my head again. What do I have to do...retire? :rolleyes:
Pity the poor teacher who has scraped NSX money together and CANNOT get time off in September short of a death in his family...his own :frown:
Here I am almost back in the fold and shaking my head again. What do I have to do...retire? :rolleyes:
"Haven't you ever heard of sick days?" Mrs. Tweezers asked.
Grybird hadn't. Mrs. Tweezers filled him in.
Missed last year Las Vegas event, definitely will be going to this one. I'm from Austin, TX. Anyone else? Would be awsome to drive to Colorado together.

You're close... Las Vegas was 2 years ago. Last year was Pennsylvania.

I may head through Austin on my way to Colorado... don't know the route I'm taking yet. We can start a new thread on that though.

Glad you're coming out.
I just tripped over the NSXPO 2012 Wiki page here: http://nsxprime.com/wiki/NSXPO_2012 and someone has done a nice job of capturing a lot of pertinent info in one place. However, I noticed that in the schedule section, it says Monday, September 17 "HPDE Day 1” and then Monday, September 17 "HPDE Day 2”. My initial thought was that HPDE Day 2 must be Tues .. but that would be the 18th and it says the event only runs to the 17th. So, does that mean that HPDE Day 1 is really Sunday and not Monday?
Can someone pls update the Wiki page with the correct info?
I just tripped over the NSXPO 2012 Wiki page here: http://nsxprime.com/wiki/NSXPO_2012 and someone has done a nice job of capturing a lot of pertinent info in one place. However, I noticed that in the schedule section, it says Monday, September 17 "HPDE Day 1” and then Monday, September 17 "HPDE Day 2”. My initial thought was that HPDE Day 2 must be Tues .. but that would be the 18th and it says the event only runs to the 17th. So, does that mean that HPDE Day 1 is really Sunday and not Monday?
Can someone pls update the Wiki page with the correct info?

We decided to use the wiki instead of creating a web site. Been waiting for NSXPO.com to be configured to point here before advertising so we could use that shorter URL.

Obviously there are some details still being worked out...we'll update as that happens.

HPDE dates are corrected, thanks for finding.
Another request for us out of towners would be a location to wash and detail our cars after the 2+ day drive to NSXpo. I spent a small fortune at a car wash when I took over a bay for many hours so I could have access to water, vacuum, air, etc.

I would be willing to let anyone wash,vac,detail,wax whatever they need to do on their NSX at my shop free of charge..
Just a taste of Boulder CO...

Looking forward to it!

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For those unfamiliar with an NSXPO, I started a Facebook page that has photo galleries from every NSXPO since 2003 (I had 2001 & 2002 digital pics hosted on another site that has become extinct so I need to find my original files from 10 years ago).

You don't need to be a member of Facebook to view the page so no need to worry about succumbing to the evil empire.

I'm looking for anyone transporting their car to NSXPO from the south who has space for a car (preferable enclosed trailer) and can stop off to pick up in the Houston TX area.

PM me if you meet that criteria, I'd like to get on board.

Missed last year Las Vegas event, definitely will be going to this one. I'm from Austin, TX. Anyone else? Would be awsome to drive to Colorado together.

I'm thinking about it....
I'm wondering about the agenda. Lots of cool car oriented things to do around Golden. There is the Cussler Museum in Arvada- amazing private collection of Clive Cussler- the guy who wrote the Dirk Pitt adventures like Raise the Titanic, and Sahara. I believe they host events at the facility...

Also, the Shelby American Museum in Boulder...

anything laid out as far as events?
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Well, there is not a lot of information available....yet....Been to nsxpo before and had a great time!
But is it just me or is there very little "buzz" for this one, or any real solid information. other than maybe the dates....
I have seen the WIKI lots of TBD....
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