Nsxpo 2012

Briank I always have my tools in my trunk LOL
but these are already out of the boxes they are my spares I was gonna send to you anyway.

its getting close guys.:biggrin:
I am all registered and the hotel is booked. I am not bringing my car, I am flying in to KBJC which is a mile away from the hotel. I will be looking to bum rides to the activities away from the hotel.

I will be bringing my stock of rebuilt amps and climate control boards. At previous NSXPO's I have not had enough to take care of everyone but I think this time I may have enough.
You're more than welcome to my passenger seat if you need rides anywhere, Brian. It's awesome that you're doing this for the NSXPO attendees. :)
I will be in CO that weekend and will drop by the hotel. Can't make the events though.
I think BrinaK is gonna have people fighting over him to ride in their NSX

If anyone rides in my NSX is gonna be Huggabugga if he makes it this year.
How many NSXs are actually registered for this?
lol .....sadly the bee will be the only part of that fortune not to come true:frown:
I still have a few of the carry-on bags that were given to participants at NSXPO '97 in Denver. I've posted them for sale here and I'm giving priority to anyone who wants to pick one up from me at NSXPO 2012 this week.

See you in Denver!
Will be leaving tomorrow from Albuquerque. Meeting in Santa Fe to hook up with another NSX. If anybody is staying in Albuquerque tonight and wants to hook up PM me or post here today. Thanks
Got in yesterday, hotel said they were booked up but some how found me a room at the full price. LOL

lol same thing happened in Florida back in 06:rolleyes:
Cannot wait to meet everybody at registration tomorrow. Raining here all day, but tomorrow warms up in the 70's and the rest of the weekend in the 80's!
Pulled in yesterday after 2,000 miles on the road with stops in Apalachicola, New Orleans, Graceland and Kansas City. Stayed last night at the Drury where we got a light dinner, cocktails, and breakfast included in the $90/night cost. At the Westin tonight and throughout (about 5 minutes from the Omni) due to a bit of a muck up on my part. See you guys tomorrow if not tonight. PM me if you want to get together today.
Just landed in miserable weather. So much for an extra day of photo ops

This is the first rain I've seen in a long time. It has been sunny in Denver for 2 months! No worries though, it is already clearing up.

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