NSXPO 2005 DVD, Group Photo, Individual Photo

19 October 2004
Oro Valley, Arizona
We'd also like to thank all of the attendees who drove or flew many miles to attend this year's NSXPO! Each social participant will be receiving in the mail their group photo & DVD memento. Those who took individual photos will also be receiving this at the same time. No exact date is available at this time for the shipping of these items, we will keep everyone updated and let you know when they ship out. In order to be efficient and fiscally responsible, all of these items will come together in one package once completed.

For those who did not attend NSXPO this year, part of the welcome gift/memento is going to be a DVD of this year's events. We contracted with a local Phoenix videographer to shoot footage of each event and edit it together to form a nice keepsake. While this DVD is included in the registration of each social attendee, we anticipate having additional copies available for sale to non-attendees as well. After the DVD is edited and produced we'll have additional information regarding pricing and availability too. Keep tuned to this thread for details as we receive them.
1sikryd said:
What's the status on our DVDs and group photos? :confused:

The group & individual photos are ready to go, we are just waiting on the DVD. We should be receiving the first proof of the DVD anytime now and shortly thereafter we anticipate being able to receive the final production copies. Once the mailings go out we'll post again to let everyone know.
Understudy said:
The group & individual photos are ready to go, we are just waiting on the DVD. We should be receiving the first proof of the DVD anytime now and shortly thereafter we anticipate being able to receive the final production copies. Once the mailings go out we'll post again to let everyone know.

im excited. This will be the first piece of "artwork" for my new house :wink:
Any update for the DVD. Will there be a notice on the prime home page when available?
Here is the update: we are still waiting on the videographer to get us the final version :frown: He has unfortunately had some health issues recently and this has delayed the process. As soon as we do have them available we will ship them to all attendees and post a notice on Prime for those that wish to purchase additional copies.

Sorry for the delay and thanks to all for their patience.
Just to bump this thread and keep some post-nsxpo interest going, I'll be posting a TEASER video of some of my 'unofficial' NSXPO footage in the next few days (time & work permitting). So <B>NSX-D</B>, you'll be getting something soon either way.
NeoNSX said:
Just to bump this thread and keep some post-nsxpo interest going, I'll be posting a TEASER video of some of my 'unofficial' NSXPO footage in the next few days (time & work permitting). So <B>NSX-D</B>, you'll be getting something soon either way.

Finally, neo does something to pay for his life-time debt (to nsxprime, that is)..... :biggrin:

Come on Neo, came wait for that......
Speaking of footage there Neo, I remember you telling me you had some good footage of me/my car/my girlfriend. Is there some way I can get you to e-mail me some of what you've got? I even think you may have been using your camera when I took you for a spin on the autocross course.

Send me some stuff! :tongue:

[email protected]

MCM said:
Was the videographer the guy that was hanging out of various cars?
(That guy was a mad man!) :eek:
Or was it just me?:confused:

OMFG that guy was a total nut on the drive up to Prescott if it's who I'm thinking of! I think I remember hearing about a dozen different comments on the NSXCA radio at different times about how he was going to get himself killed (or kill someone.)

I sure hope the footage he got was worth all of the trouble.

Viper Driver said:
OMFG that guy was a total nut on the drive up to Prescott if it's who I'm thinking of! I think I remember hearing about a dozen different comments on the NSXCA radio at different times about how he was going to get himself killed (or kill someone.)

I sure hope the footage he got was worth all of the trouble.


I hate to say it but if it was the same guy driving the Hyundai that I'm thinking of he was worse than a nut, he was a complete a-hole. At one point during that drive to Prescott he passed a few of us and refused to cut back in to line and ended up running some poor bastard coming the other way onto the median. I thought my Dad and I were about to witness a seriously horrific accident.

I appreciate the fact that he wanted to get footage but putting people's lives in danger is more than a bit over the top.
I am pretty interested in Neo's vid- I think I saw him with his camera about twice as often as I saw the videographer guy.

On a sidebar- I was glad to be away from that Hyundai drivers antics-:eek: it was a big topic at lunch as I recall.

just thinking about that drive still makes me feel warm all over-:smile:

Excellent planning!
Everyone... i'm uploading the nsxpo teaser video right now, but it deserves its own thread.

<B> > I am pretty interested in Neo's vid- I think I saw him with his camera about twice as often as I saw the videographer guy.</B>

haha... you could hardly keep me in the car. Except I should have gone in an NSX with softer suspension and a cameraman-aware driver... Stephen was a maniac on some corners! :eek: (but who am I kidding... it was so much fun! ) :D :D :D

<B> was glad to be away from that Hyundai drivers antics</B>

I heard about that but dont know the facts. There's no reason to take unnecessary risks to capture a shot, but i can understand why he may have taken some. The route to prescott was largely single-lane with no passing... you double-lanes to get cool fly-bys and footage of more than just two NSX's (one in front, one behind). The cruise to Prescott was a highlight of the entire NSXPO, but I didn't get a tremendous amount of varied and fun footage. wow... that was a long paragraph.

<B>Viper Driver</B> : Chuck, i haven't captured the track days footage onto my PC yet. Work has been busting me. But rest assured i'll get it to you somehow.
Hate to ask,
but any word on the DVD & Pic?
Was thinking it might be cool to pop in the DVD
if things get slow on X-mas................:biggrin:
Believe me, that has been our most recent goal that we still hope to hit, but it has been somewhat of a nightmare of issues with the videographer to this point. We apologize for the severe wait but rest assured we are doing everything we can to get this done and wrapped up. Our initial anticipation was to have the DVD and photos out to everyone within 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately it has obviously been significantly longer than that, but it isn't forgotten or put on the backburner by any means. We've maintained constant contact with the videographer and are doing everything we can to secure the DVD's as quickly as possible. Thanks again for everyone's patience and hopefully it will end up being a nice X-Mas present (or maybe it'll be a New Year's highlight :rolleyes: ).
Understudy said:
Thanks again for everyone's patience and hopefully it will end up being a nice X-Mas present (or maybe it'll be a New Year's highlight :rolleyes: ).
Christmas has past and mail for Saturday delivery needed to have been sent out two or three days ago, so I guess we won't be getting it in '05. Any outlook? :rolleyes:

BTW - did anyone ever post a list of categories for the NSXPO '05 Concours? Some of those were pretty funny. :biggrin:
I am not trying to harass any one with this bump. I just happened to have been going thru all the photos we had took at NSXPO 05 and we had remembered about the group and individual photos. We realized that we hadn't recieved them yet. We had forgotten about them, that goes to show you how much fun we had, still thinking about the karting, the drive up to the lake, the track time.
It was one of the best vacations we have had, thanks again.
We've had the group and individual photos ready to send out now for some time. The only reason they haven't been sent is that we've been waiting on the DVD. Had we known it was going to take near this long we would not have waited and simply sent two different mailings. However, each time we speak with the videographer he assures us that he's going to have it done by a specific date. Unfortunately each date has come and gone without us receiving the finished DVD. He's apparently had mulitple computer/hardware issues (necessitating him recutting nearly the entire footage) and a severe illness which is going around (especially up in Phoenix), etc.

Now, I just spoke with him again and he said we will have the DVD copy to us for review tomorrow or the next day (we have heard this before though as I noted above). We have seen the bulk of the footage though so I feel pretty confident that we'll receive it this time. :cool: I wish that the whole process was within our control entirely, but alas it is not.

Believe me when I say that we are constantly working to get this done and finished. We still have one room of our house filled with all of the photos and we'd like to get that back at somepoint.:biggrin: So, we'll make sure to let everyone know when the DVD's & photos are mailed out. BTW, if anyone has changed addresses since NSXPO registration, let us know and we'll update that.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
NorCalwhite said:
I am not trying to harass any one with this bump. I just happened to have been going thru all the photos we had took at NSXPO 05 and we had remembered about the group and individual photos. We realized that we hadn't recieved them yet. We had forgotten about them, that goes to show you how much fun we had, still thinking about the karting, the drive up to the lake, the track time.
It was one of the best vacations we have had, thanks again.

Well put.

Understudy said:
We've had the group and individual photos ready to send out now for some time. The only reason they haven't been sent is that we've been waiting on the DVD. Had we known it was going to take near this long we would not have waited and simply sent two different mailings. However, each time we speak with the videographer he assures us that he's going to have it done by a specific date. Unfortunately each date has come and gone without us receiving the finished DVD. He's apparently had mulitple computer/hardware issues (necessitating him recutting nearly the entire footage) and a severe illness which is going around (especially up in Phoenix), etc.

Now, I just spoke with him again and he said we will have the DVD copy to us for review tomorrow or the next day (we have heard this before though as I noted above). We have seen the bulk of the footage though so I feel pretty confident that we'll receive it this time. :cool: I wish that the whole process was within our control entirely, but alas it is not.

Believe me when I say that we are constantly working to get this done and finished. We still have one room of our house filled with all of the photos and we'd like to get that back at somepoint.:biggrin: So, we'll make sure to let everyone know when the DVD's & photos are mailed out. BTW, if anyone has changed addresses since NSXPO registration, let us know and we'll update that.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
Thanks again for all of your work. I know I'm looking forward to seeing the DVD.