NSXPO 2005 DVD, Group Photo, Individual Photo

whiteNSXs said:
I got the DVD and watched it. Most memorable line is from DocJohn, "I do pay for sex and I am a John." :eek:

LOL....that is great! :smile: John is hilarious. I also like a couple of moments at the banquet dinner. Neo's speech is very touching and drew a huge reaction. It is also funny when "someone" asked for Larry B. to stand up after getting behind the lectern. :tongue:

Glad you got the DVD Steve!
I didn't think the videographer would live long enough to see the final production of the DVD by the way he was driving that Hyundai around!!! If he had some footage of just his driving on the way to Prescott it would scare the hell out of most people!!!!

The DVD was awesome. I had some playback problems, but overall it was fantastic. I hope the Orlando committee considers a similar approach for 2006. Hell, pass the cost on to the participants' entry fees. It seems that everybody REALLY liked the DVDs, and theres got to be some other idiot in a Hyundai that wants to make a few bucks in Orlando too. I think Mr Bret's comments were meant to be constructive and if any negativity was there it was directed at the videographer. Understudy and the organizing committee were first rate. This was a great memento as well as the fantastic photos. Not to mention the luggage!! It's awesome!! Very good quality. We have some very expensive luggage, but it sits and the NSXPO bags get used all the time. Thanks again. :smile:
I JUST GOT MY VIDEO TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Thanks Stephen & Heather... i really enjoyed this, and all those precious memories (which I hadn't forgotten). I cant believe the guy put my ENTIRE speech in... man, how embarrassing. I guess i didn't pay him enough to exclude it. :p

All quality issues / time delivery / etc aside... a huge thanks!!! I am grateful to have this rather than the alternative - nothing at all.

Understudy said:
The footage is different on the Prescott drive in a couple of shots because they were taken by NeoNSX from my car during the drive. Neo was kind enough to allow him to use some of this in-car footage for the DVD since the videographer had nothing like it. I know that Neo's footage is pretty high-res, but it looks like somewhere when the videographer converted the format (I'm guessing, although you'd probably know better) it lost some resolution. He did provide the credit to Neo at the very end of the video in the credits.

Yup... for those interested and technically minded: i shot in PAL format, converted it to NTSC, compressed to MPEG2 (high-bitrate) so i could email it to him... but he had to recompress and to put it into his production.

As for the credits, my name takes up half the screen for the last 10mins of the video. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

NSXMAS said:
However, I'd like to know if the next videographer will be prepaid.

:p LOL If so, it will be R-Rated.
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Understudy said:
It is also funny when "someone" asked for Larry B. to stand up after getting behind the lectern. :tongue:

Damn Northeast crowd:biggrin: :biggrin:
NeoNSX said:
i shot in PAL format, converted it to NTSC, compressed to MPEG2 (high-bitrate) .
\Easy for you to say:eek:

My opinion of the DVD is, that it may not be perfect, but it does what we wanted it to do, perfectly. Warts and all, it is something we will always have to drag out, dust off, and use to recall one hell of a week we all spent together and the good times we had.

NeoNSX said:
I JUST GOT MY VIDEO TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Glad you enjoyed it Neo!

Thanks Stephen & Heather... i really enjoyed this, and all those precious memories (which I hadn't forgotten). I cant believe the guy put my ENTIRE speech in... man, how embarrassing. I guess i didn't pay him enough to exclude it. :p

Well, I think I have to take the blame for that. :tongue: Initially it wasn't in there at all, but I thought it was one of the most memorable moments of NSXPO, an enthusiast showing his true passion for this vehicle and his fellow enthusiasts. Watching it again and again it is still touching each time to see. :biggrin: That is why we insisted that it be included. Besides, we all needed to hear your accent again too!
NSXTech said:
My opinion of the DVD is, that it may not be perfect, but it does what we wanted it to do, perfectly. Warts and all, it is something we will always have to drag out, dust off, and use to recall one hell of a week we all spent together and the good times we had.

Amen Mark!
Just wanted to say that I got the DVDs in yesterday, and we watched it last night. Yes, there are glitches and the first part is very hard on the eyes, but overall it was a very enjoyable time re-living some great memories from NSXPO. Understudy, you and the rest of the gang really deserve all of the kudos you can get for putting on a first-rate event and (especially) for following through until the end with the photos and DVDs. I'm sure that you are more than eager to finally put NSXPO '05 to bed!

Anyways, I can't get over how I look like a doofus in my "testimonial." Maybe I should have asked to watch the tape right after I recorded it. :tongue:

Neo, I must admit I teared up a bit after hearing your speech at the banquet again. It really was nice to have you at NSXPO and to finally meet you!
Viper Driver said:
Neo, I must admit I teared up a bit after hearing your speech at the banquet again. It really was nice to have you at NSXPO and to finally meet you!

A big tough pilot like you tearing up? You must have got something in your eye... i did too. :D It was such a privilege to meet you and everyone else. While watching the DVD i kept saying "There's chuck! there's frank! there's Gus! There's Ojas! There's Mark! There's Larry!" .... i just wanted myself to shut up so i could watch the dvd. :tongue: :biggrin:

It was one of the most exciting weeks I've ever had.
My DVD apparently went to my Dad's house in Houston (probably because we are both registered from there). I am driving down there tonight, and will probably catch my first viewing when I arrive this evening.

I can't wait to bring it home, as I have a Buddy in the 350Z club that will finally get to see the event he has been hearing about for so many months.

Once again- Wonderful job organizing, and executing the event. I really thought it was outstanding. Far and away the best car experience I have ever had.

I forgot to post these comments:

1) At the 37min mark, at the firebird track, who was the psycho doing a power-drift around the corner? I'd like to know so i can shake their hand.... that was AWESOME!!! :cool: I scanned back to re-watch it. :D :D :D

2) With so many DVD's experiencing glitches, what speed were they burned at? The faster you burn them, the increased likelihood of blocks appearing over time. Burning at 1x or 2x is preferable and will give a more stable image.

FuryNSX said:
Hearing your speech would have brought a tear to even Sheriff J.W. Pepper's eyes. :)

Yawl right there sonny boy! :D

I loved the footage of "THE FURRY" on the track... of course with Conrad not far behind. ;)
I received my DVD about the same time as most. I attempted to watch it on my DVD/VCR combo (don't remember the brand) and it didn't do too well. A few spots where it would hang, then skip. I then tried it on my newer Toshiba laptop (2/06) and it went perfect. No skips or hangs anywhere.

I believe it has to do with what was mentioned before, this being a DVD unit that does not play well with the DVD+R's...

In any case, it was GREAT to re-live the experience. I also want to personally thank everyone that had anything to do with NSXPO 2005. It was my first NSXPO, and won't be my last.

And thank the camera guy for the long video takes on my car, too. I was the one he followed in at the photo shoot (Red, w/Volk GTC's) and the shot under my hood and a great look at my engine bay at the car show!

Now my wife really believes I was there! :biggrin: