NSX vs. Road Rage

I rarely if ever have this problem in any of my cars. I get a lot of thumbs up while driving my cars and most just want to chat about it or admire it.

I don't drive fast and always let faster drivers pass (something I can't say other people seem to practice but that's ok) There are days we all like to go fast but those days are getting rarer for me and only when I'm the only one in the car.
I don't know about you guys, but I must have a "road rage" magnet in the rear bumper of my NSX. I live in an area known to have poor/aggressive drivers (at least according to insurance surveys). Once again, I'm driving the speed limit on a four lane parkway (large center median). It is just about impossible to "sneak up" on me as I am constantly looking for gawkers and fast & furious peeps. Mustang comes up behind me in the left lane, yanks the wheel hard right, blows past me, yanks the wheel hard left, then stops at the red light. When stopped behind him, I gave him my best golf clap and was rewarded with a "You're #1" hand signal and a couple of other signs. When the light turned green, this driver spent the next five minutes weaving through traffic to keep me behind him...except I wasn't playing. Testosterone poisoning at its worst, and a great way to cause an accident. I just don't get why this car seems to be threatening to so many people...

That's a huge problem in NOVA, I'm in the Tysons Corner area of Fairfax.

I love to drive my NSXs but they way people drive in this area, I would rather drive my Silverado

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I haven't experienced any of these problems yet. Don't think I will. I do get a lot of fans giving me the thumbs up, the usual questions, and the very frequent picture taken.... The last being the only thing that bothers me. I really don't want to be in the picture and end up on the social media page of someone I don't know.
I've ONLY had one guy in a '80's 5.0 do something where he wants to race and was looking over and mouthing "I'll smoke you soooo bad" over and over.

Based on how fast he accelerated he was definitely making 400RWHP at the very least.

That event made me pull the trigger on the SOS SC with Inter-cooler and high boost kit.
Same area and I have the same issue. I honestly just ignore it. I've been cut off and beeped at despite no effort on my part to goad other drivers. I think what makes them the angriest is if you just don't acknowledge them, and I like pissing them off by doing nothing at all. I do return thumbs up and waves from friendlier drivers though.
I had a turbo'd bmw e46 follow, tailgate, and prod me after I had gotten my car detailed a few months ago. He nearly rear-ended me on several occasions. Unfortunately, I was unwise and decided to get away from him since we were close to a freeway. I got away from him but realized immediately after that it wasn't the time or the place.

I should have just turned into a gas station. So word to the wise from the frequently unwise, stay away from these types.
Just saturday night I had a pickup that wasn't letting me get over into the right turning lane when I was heading home from a meet for no reason at all. I'd slow down, he'd slow down, I'd speed up, he'd hammer on the throttle. I didn't want to break any laws, but finally I acted as if I was going to slow down, downshifted into 2nd and bolted past him into the turn lane as I was coming up on my turn to get home. I believe he ended up turning just before the street into the bar parking lot (go figure).

I also don't know what it is, but EVERY single guy driving a mini-van has to go shooting past me. On my drive home from OH with the car, every guy in a van couldn't do the speed limit near me...
I've been pretty lucky in the western side of dc. If anything, people have driven aggressive to get near me to give me a thumbs up (I usually ignore everyone on the road but some of these folks really go out of the way to get your attention!)

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I've been pretty lucky in the western side of dc. If anything, people have driven aggressive to get near me to give me a thumbs up (I usually ignore everyone on the road but some of these folks really go out of the way to get your attention!)

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I've been guilty of this one before. Of course, seeing something like an NSX in Shreveport is a lot more uncommon than in DC.
^Imagine in Billings, MT. 90% of people probably don't even know what it is around here.
^Imagine in Billings, MT. 90% of people probably don't even know what it is around here.
I think when I spoke to one in his at a stop light he was surprised I knew what it was. I was in my Jeep Commamder at the time.
I rarely if ever have this problem in any of my cars. I get a lot of thumbs up while driving my cars and most just want to chat about it or admire it.

I don't drive fast and always let faster drivers pass (something I can't say other people seem to practice but that's ok) There are days we all like to go fast but those days are getting rarer for me and only when I'm the only one in the car.

I agree with the 'ignore them' mentality. I've been driving sporty cars since high school, and I've never been harassed. The key is just not to look at them. They'll quickly get bored and make a show of their retardedness to someone else.
Happened to me again Saturday evening on Rt. 7 Eastbound in Alexandria. I had my fingers on the turn signal wand, getting ready to signal a lane change to the right exit lane. I check my mirrors, and...you guessed it...a Mustang (different one) pulls off my back bumper, races up the right exit lane, then cuts back into the through lane and blasts off. If I hadn't "checked 6", I'm pretty sure he would have hit me. I was going the speed limit. I think it is the sound of the SoS exhaust...seriously. I think it sounds menacing to some drivers, and they have to let me know that they can win the race that we aren't running. Sad, really, when you think about it.
After being an NSX owner for 5 weeks now, I've experienced the same thing in the DC area. All sorts of cars from Mustangs to stock Hondas would weave through traffic from behind and blow right by me or get next to me and accelerate really hard to show how awesome they are. It's quite entertaining and I just laugh as these classy drivers get honked at in the distance.
I lived in Fairfax Va 32 years and i thought driver's there are much more behave compare to here in CA. Maybe traffic condition is different today vs when i was there 10 years ago. Deff more cops in Northern va than where we are now
The DC area is terrible because most people on the road are not 'from here.' You've got Texas-style drivers with California drivers with New Yorkers with Floridians all on the same road, driving at different speeds and different levels of buffer comfort and merging speed. Then on top of that, the street layout is super shitty. It has been expanded multiple times but always too slow to keep up with growth.

DC in particular is awful because of the grid layout intersected with random diagonals and pseudo-traffic circles.

Personally I think Alexandria itself is actually very efficient; Jefferson Davis through the city (1/Patrick and Henry Streets) has perfectly timed lights and even Old Town, one of the oldest cities in the US, has a very nicely laid out grid which has been adapted well to cars. It's the mistake of driving around at peak hours that really messes things up.