NSX vs. Road Rage

17 August 2011
Alexandria, VA
I don't know about you guys, but I must have a "road rage" magnet in the rear bumper of my NSX. I live in an area known to have poor/aggressive drivers (at least according to insurance surveys). Once again, I'm driving the speed limit on a four lane parkway (large center median). It is just about impossible to "sneak up" on me as I am constantly looking for gawkers and fast & furious peeps. Mustang comes up behind me in the left lane, yanks the wheel hard right, blows past me, yanks the wheel hard left, then stops at the red light. When stopped behind him, I gave him my best golf clap and was rewarded with a "You're #1" hand signal and a couple of other signs. When the light turned green, this driver spent the next five minutes weaving through traffic to keep me behind him...except I wasn't playing. Testosterone poisoning at its worst, and a great way to cause an accident. I just don't get why this car seems to be threatening to so many people...
I would purposefully take the next right hand turn, think how lucky I am, slow down, take the next right, same thought, slow down and next right to re-enter road well behind him. Some times ya got to let people go and get out [of a bad situation]. It's not being a sissy, it's being smart.
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I remember when I lived in Fairfax, VA traffic was a nightmare got into an accident with my rsx type s and got multiple speeding tickets from the brutal police out there. Road rage was equally as bad, and I wasn't driving an nsx.
I never have any of these problems. Maybe it's where I live.
I drove up through Oregeon and Washington a few weeks ago... lots of people (including a Mustang, and a Celica) behaving exactly as you describe. Not sure what it is. Again, I wasn't even trying, the Mustang pulled some crazy pass to get in front of me and then turned on his flashers... which I hear is street racer lingo for "You lost"

That's a race I'm glad to lose, every single time...
I'd like to think that it embarrasses them a little when I just ignore them. Because I'd be racing on their terms, on a straight away when I know they couldn't stay with me on a single tight turn. So I just let them go and smile at their ignorance. Hell maybe I'm just getting too old.
I get a lot of that "road rage" here in Orlando area. For some reason people think that you always want to "race" them. Im in the left lane doing 75-80 and I pass a car in the middle lane doing about 65 and all of sudden he gets in the left lane and stays on my ass. I move to the middle lane to let him pass but he follows me. I get a lot of this when I drive my ISF, not so much in my NSX. I guess most drivers respect the NSX around here. They feel if they get in front of you that they "win".
Haven't encountered a lot of rude drivers, but I get challenged for a race atleast once everyday I drive her. Imalways just let them go. Honda fanboys seem to be the worst.
which makes me think getting a 911 before an NSX

There is better criteria to base a decision on sports car ownership than what a specific narrow demographic thinks of or how they celebrate your potential choice. Pick the car you like and enjoy.
how come I've never seen your car, did you come to this year's Pohanka meet?
So, I have to ask the question: Does your post imply that you were just travelling at the speed limit in the left-most lane of the two lanes going one direction? That is to say, you were just cruising there, as opposed to actively overtaking a slower car, making room for merging traffic, or imminently turning left?

"Rechtsfahren"....'just sayin :)
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I gave him my best golf clap and

It takes two to tangle...
Why did you engage him at all. If he did it to me and I came to a stop behind him I would have glanced off to the side like I didn't even see him do anything worth looking at.

There are "bad/aggressive" drivers everywhere. Normally the closer you get to a larger city they get easier to find and/or more prevalent.
It all depends how you react to them as to weather it escalates or not.

If he had to weave through traffic to keep you behind him, what where you doing?

Self reflection may be in order here?
Guys ^^^ let's not read into the original post, please. "Drive right" didn't apply in a semi-built up area (it wasn't the Interstate or the Autobahn), and I was absolutely minding my own business, driving the speed limit in traffic.
No problem. Like I said, "asking the question" ;). I sort-of figured it was built up from the mention of a stoplight. That said, Knoxville has a "parkway" that gets treated, for most intents and purposes, like an autobahn.
I don't know about you guys, but I must have a "road rage" magnet in the rear bumper of my NSX. I live in an area known to have poor/aggressive drivers (at least according to insurance surveys). Once again, I'm driving the speed limit on a four lane parkway (large center median). It is just about impossible to "sneak up" on me as I am constantly looking for gawkers and fast & furious peeps. Mustang comes up behind me in the left lane, yanks the wheel hard right, blows past me, yanks the wheel hard left, then stops at the red light. When stopped behind him, I gave him my best golf clap and was rewarded with a "You're #1" hand signal and a couple of other signs. When the light turned green, this driver spent the next five minutes weaving through traffic to keep me behind him...except I wasn't playing. Testosterone poisoning at its worst, and a great way to cause an accident. I just don't get why this car seems to be threatening to so many people...

Living in Japan, I havent gotten this once. Its more like the move for me as a show of respect or soemthing which is awesome. But when i lived in Socal. I had people try to race me all the time driving down the 101, sometimes honda fan boys and other sports car, but it always ends up with a friend nod or thumbs up.
I don't think this incident was NSX related. He probably would have passed you in the same manner if you had been driving a pick up truck. Not saying it is right or wrong, but he probably was a little annoyed you were going the speed limit in the left lane. I would have just ignored him as he probably never gave it a second thought until you brought it to his attention.

I've never encountered road rage in the NSX. I have had a few people try to race me, then just give up after I ignore them though.
I don't race at all, not worth it. I'll step on it if I see a clear path though. I drive my car like a motorcycle. I worry about other people hitting me than me hitting them. We get in an accident, were in the shop for a long time. Them, they will be out in a week.
Well just for this thread only, was driving to my shop tonight and this mustang LOL weaved thru traffic to get next to me, lucky for him and his buddy we both are the first at the red light.

he tried though he tried hard. I was gone..... you know just cuz they have chrome rims, and a purple pin stripe that doesnt match the car and a bolt on muffler tips from PepBoys doesnt mean you mustang is fast.

I try not to race but this thread actually made me want to.