NSX Prime for Ferrari?

Bah! If I considered the 3x8 series comp for the NSX than I wouldn't have my SN or avatar what it is. Im a tifosi through and through, but I wanted say that you were wrong when you said a Ferrari wasnt attainable by people who could afford an NSX when in fact it is. Don't give me this hog wash that the 3x8s and Mondial aren't Fcars.
F-car resources / car guys

MAKO said:
LOL I don't consider those to be true Ferrari's sport. Maybe you feel those are competition for the NSX...Sorry for you if so. :)
Sounds like some "gold chain crowd" thinking there... :) but to each his own, eh?

You'd be surprised -- I occasionally instruct at FCA track events in the region, and the BULK of the ownership (>50%) of tracked cars is typically older V8 cars -- 308/328/348 (some 355/360 too, but not too many). Once in awhile you'll see a V12 550/575, or an older Countach or early Diablo... just as you'll see the occasional "less collectible" Mondial/Jalpa/Urraco, etc

Yep there's the occasional F40 and F50 too ... no Enzos yet, but one of them brings out a 333SP -- and gives rides (!).

Point being -- within the (car show/track event/country drive) tifosi crowd I do NOT detect a materially noticeable passion, love of the marque, and great "car guy" spirit, amongst the owners, regardless if you own a more "affordable" 308 (hey Magnum PI was a big deal in the day), a $$$ 333SP, or something in between.

In the same area, I do a number of events with the local Miata clubs here (have a 97 M1), and from what I can tell, these folks are every bit as passionate a set of car nuts as the F-car folks are.

In the end, I would suggest that a real "car guy" shows passion for the vehicles, motorsports, driving / ownership experience, lifestyle, etc that transcends marque snobbishness, disposable income levels, etc... and recognize that others' choices, whilst not necessarily always consistent with your own, are fueled by similar passions, which you can respect as a true "car guy". You don't ever feel "sorry" them... ever.

But I digress... to try to answer your initial request for info:
- FCA is probably one of the best starting points (FOC requires ownership I think)...
- for dealers, check out the back of Autoweek -- in my area, Nick Mancuso's shop in Lake Bluff (formerly in Lake Forest) is probably the best/biggest F-car dealership... Nick is probably one of the best in the country, I think.
- Ferrari Market Letter is a good (not free) newsletter with good classified.
- FORZA magazine has a number of good "buying guides" depending on which model you are interested in

Hopefully this helps... good luck.

- yet another 1K+ poster, who still thinks silver NSXs are VERY cool :)