NSX Prime for Ferrari?

10 July 2002
Orlando, FL
Hi all,

I need info from all the hybrid NSXer/Ferrari owners/fans.

I am currently assisting a client, (my brother and I just started a car business) sell a 348 and and find a newer Ferrari that fits his needs better. We were planning on dealing with M3s for bread and butter but we are getting all these request for exotics instead. I am not complaining but I need a really good Ferrari research site or two for model year comparisons, price, model differences, options, problems, info on buying used Ferraris, etc. Basically the NSXPRIME of the Ferrari world. Any sites u Ferrari owners really like?

I only seem to find Ferrari pics and dealerships in my searches and I just wanted some feedback from site users. The ferrari.com site looks like it might have content but my mac does not open the site up. I get an error.

Thanks in advance.
Thus far I have found a few places but they are really nothing like prime...

Disinformation and questions with no answers.

I was wanting an NSXers evaluation on the community first based off of their user experience and comparing it to prime, before I go spend hours there.. Thinking that an NSXer who knows this community and resource would have a really high caliber site to compare it to. Also knowing how long it takes to get in and know the community. I really want to find an evaluation of one that someone can kinda say they know experts hang out at. One site in particular really worried me. It seemed like a place where pretend Ferrari owners hung out at and acted snobby.

I will test this one though.

td2k_nsx said:
Thus far I have found a few places but they are really nothing like prime...

Disinformation and questions with no answers.

I was wanting an NSXers evaluation on the community first based off of their user experience and comparing it to prime, before I go spend hours there.. Thinking that an NSXer who knows this community and resource would have a really high caliber site to compare it to. Also knowing how long it takes to get in and know the community. I really want to find an evaluation of one that someone can kinda say they know experts hang out at. One site in particular really worried me. It seemed like a place where pretend Ferrari owners hung out at and acted snobby.

I will test this one though.


Hmm, how can I answer this without getting suspended by the MAN here at Prime...LOL!

Let's just say that Prime has a different membership, similar to the kind you'd find on an EVO or Subaru board. Think of it like a slightly advanced Integra board. Meaning that they love the car, they think the car has no equal, they're convinced that Honda will deploy an Enzo-beating next version of it "soon" yet still keep it at a price under $60k which is what they can actually afford, etc.

This passion for the NSX leads to the great resource that Prime is, which is comparable to the blind passion that computer geeks have for AMD, or ATi, or whoever, if you're familiar with that industry. (I'm a PC geek, shocker!)

Now a Ferrari owner on the other hand, do you really think they want to sit on their PCs, logging up 10000 posts on a silly message board about nonsense related to the car? And fight with 16 year olds that regurgitate magazine articles as if they were the writer? That they don't have better things to do?

Wouldn't you?

This doesn't apply to every Ferrari owner of course, there are a few that post at www.ferrarichat.com with good information, but it's literally one out of a hundred posts. The rest are like you said, clowns that can't actually afford the car, but will sit on the board all day as if they have two in the garage.

You won't find another exotic board that has the dedication of the average Prime member. The NSX is the only exotic that you can buy for $35k used, so it's attainable by people that will never be able to own a Ferrari. That breeds a crazy loyalty, kind of like defending a wife that isn't the best looker, or has gotten fat over the years simply because you're not sure you could do any better.

It's the site's greatest strength and it's greatest weakness simutaneously. But don't expect to find a Lambo, Ferrari, or Porsche board like it, you just won't.

Ferrari's President, Luca DeMontezemolo said recently that Ferrari doesn't care about competition. When pressed as to how that could be, he answered that their research has always shown that 85% of all Ferrari owners also own at LEAST one other exotic from a different marque at the same time.

THAT's why there's no other board like Prime. Because an F-car owner doesn't give a $hit enough about the car to get all fired up and post inane messages about it on the internet. He's got two more just like it.

The average Prime member owns an NSX. And one other family car if he's married. And most of them daily drive it because of this. The car is their whole world. Hence the participation on the forum.

Good luck with your search, let us know if you find anything.
Words of enlightenment

Originally posted by MAKO
Let's just say that Prime has a different membership, similar to the kind you'd find on an EVO or Subaru board. Think of it like a slightly advanced Integra board. Meaning that they love the car, they think the car has no equal, they're convinced that Honda will deploy an Enzo-beating next version of it "soon" yet still keep it at a price under $60k which is what they can actually afford, etc.

This passion for the NSX leads to the great resource that Prime is, which is comparable to the blind passion that computer geeks have for AMD, or ATi, or whoever, if you're familiar with that industry. (I'm a PC geek, shocker!)

Now a Ferrari owner on the other hand, do you really think they want to sit on their PCs, logging up 10000 posts on a silly message board about nonsense related to the car? And fight with 16 year olds that regurgitate magazine articles as if they were the writer? That they don't have better things to do?

Wouldn't you?

This doesn't apply to every Ferrari owner of course, there are a few that post at www.ferrarichat.com with good information, but it's literally one out of a hundred posts. The rest are like you said, clowns that can't actually afford the car, but will sit on the board all day as if they have two in the garage.

You won't find another exotic board that has the dedication of the average Prime member. The NSX is the only exotic that you can buy for $35k used, so it's attainable by people that will never be able to own a Ferrari. That breeds a crazy loyalty, kind of like defending a wife that isn't the best looker, or has gotten fat over the years simply because you're not sure you could do any better.

Ferrari's President, Luca DeMontezemolo said recently that Ferrari doesn't care about competition. When pressed as to how that could be, he answered that their research has always shown that 85% of all Ferrari owners also own at LEAST one other exotic from a different marque at the same time.

THAT's why there's no other board like Prime. Because an F-car owner doesn't give a $hit enough about the car to get all fired up and post inane messages about it on the internet. He's got two more just like it.

The average Prime member owns an NSX. And one other family car if he's married. And most of them daily drive it because of this. The car is their whole world. Hence the participation on the forum.
Wow MAKO, we're so fortunate to have you here to share your wisdom and point out our inadequacies. Someday I hope to be a real man like you, and live in a $500k house (instead of the dump I'm currently in), and drive a Gallardo - so I can quit being a poseur.

I think we ought to nominate you "most valuable forum member" for the first ever NSX Prime Annual Awards. I mean, thank goodness we have you to give us reality checks & put us in our place; otherwise--my gosh--we just might continue to fool ourselves with delusions of grandeur about our measly lives and inferior, run-of-the-mill Hondas.

How can I ever thank you for making me see the light??

Preach on, brother!
What specifically did everyone find offensive with the post? I am not taking sides but fail to see what I missed.

I have a good friend in Newport Beach that paid 325K for a 2BR condo. He told me that a year later he had an unsolicited offer for 450k.
td2k_nsx said:
Hi all,

I need info from all the hybrid NSXer/Ferrari owners/fans.

I have found no other board, Ferrari, Lambo, Benz or Porsche that provides as much info as the FAQ here on Prime. Alot of loyalist P-owners have developed good sites and are just as helpful but there not centralized like Prime. I cannot comment about any others b/c I have no knowledge.

Wanting to add another car and working on a start-up company myself I spent alot of time on other sites over the winter reading and perhaps asking a meaningful ? sometimes. You will just have to do extensive research on those sites to gain the knowledge you need via the "search" feature they offer. Read what actual owners are saying about the product in "tech" areas.
Re: Re: NSX Prime for Ferrari?

Tom Larkins said:

Wanting to add another car and working on a start-up company myself I spent alot of time on other sites over the winter reading and perhaps asking a meaningful ? sometimes. You will just have to do extensive research on those sites to gain the knowledge you need via the "search" feature they offer. Read what actual owners are saying about the product in "tech" areas.

Very true. Researching the Gallardo after it was released was extremely difficult, there was no one singular Lamborghini reference anywhere online. And the forums had little to no participation as well. I finally found www.lamborghini-talk.com and it's been much easier asking questions about initial problems with the car from others that own it.

But you'll never find a FAQ section like Prime's, that much is certain. I don't think I've ever seen anyone catalog so much info in one particular place about a car, even the Lotus Esprit sites don't have as much religious reverence for their car as Prime members do.

"The Passion of the NSX".

Just don't criticize it ever, or they'll become Mel Gibson in a heartbeat and floggings will commence! :)
The NSX is the only exotic that you can buy for $35k used, so it's attainable by people that will never be able to own a Ferrari. That breeds a crazy loyalty, kind of like defending a wife that isn't the best looker, or has gotten fat over the years simply because you're not sure you could do any better.

LMFAO! That's a really... interesting... theory you have on the reason people buy NSXs and like them so much. So we bought 'em because we really wanted Ferrari's but couldn't get one? And the more you post the more you're trying to compensate for your "Ferrari deficiency"? :rolleyes:

Most owners I talked with bought an NSX because it was the car they wanted, not because they were settling. The site here is so good because the poeple here drive there cars, work on it themselves, like to tweak and make modifications and share that info with others. I think the word is enthusiast.

Quite the back handed compliment you gave us there :)
mdb said:

Quite the back handed compliment you gave us there :)

I noticed in your sig that you have a turbo Busa, is the new video up on www.RacingFlix.com legit? The one where a bike similar to yours put down 384rwhp on a dyno?

Sorry to go off topic, but that's just incredible if true...A power to weight ratio 3x better than a McLaren F1's. lol, amazing.
Haven't seen the video, but there are several out there making that kind of power. Here's mine on 7 psi (goes up to 11 or 12 at 13hp per lb):


Mine is weak it seems... If you want to see something really impressive, another turbo Busa, but a much better kit :


Look up Next Level Racing on the web. I think the record for them is over 600hp at the rear wheel. Would never attempt to ride something like that!
mdb said:

Look up Next Level Racing on the web. I think the record for them is over 600hp at the rear wheel. Would never attempt to ride something like that!

Wow. What do you say to that.

As a car guy that has no serious bike friends, and doesn't bike himself, it's insane to see figures like that from a streetable machine. It's like a whole other world.

Doesn't a busa weigh around 500lbs.? So that bottom plot has the bike producing more RWHP than the bike itself actually weighs?

Someone call NASA, we've found the replacement for the shuttle fleet. Just strap the payload onto this guy's melon and let him drive the bike off a ramp.
Mako,I certainly have other interrests and pursuits and could afford most any car,but I love the nsx and also find time to make over 1k posts.:rolleyes: Some of what you say holds truth about the dedication and sincerety of our regular members making prime what it is,the rest of your diatribe is pure speculation,seasoned with more than a dash of bravado.:p
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td2k_nsx, the best information you will find about Ferraris is through joining the Ferrari Club of America.

I think Makos "Words of enlightenment" is flat out nonsense. How could you make a generalization about this entire group in saying be in essence bought a "35k" car because we could never own a Ferrari? I own another Ferrari (3rd one), and have had many exotics. They have come and gone for various reasons ... but I will not be selling the NSX, and is isn't because I am defending the fat old lady and cant get anyone better, it is because I love her for what she is.

Also, I know many people that own Ferraris and they all talk about what a great site this is and how unfortunate it is that no similar site exists for Ferrari enthusiasts ... and note the word enthusiast because that is why we here on Prime post "on a silly message board about nonsense related to the car".

I wonder why you would feel the need to post messages on a silly message board?:rolleyes:
MAKO said:
Hmm, how can I answer this without getting suspended by the MAN here at Prime...LOL!

Let's just say that Prime has a different membership, similar to the kind you'd find on an EVO or Subaru board. Think of it like a slightly advanced Integra board. Meaning that they love the car, they think the car has no equal, they're convinced that Honda will deploy an Enzo-beating next version of it "soon" yet still keep it at a price under $60k which is what they can actually afford, etc.

This passion for the NSX leads to the great resource that Prime is, which is comparable to the blind passion that computer geeks have for AMD, or ATi, or whoever, if you're familiar with that industry. (I'm a PC geek, shocker!)

Now a Ferrari owner on the other hand, do you really think they want to sit on their PCs, logging up 10000 posts on a silly message board about nonsense related to the car? And fight with 16 year olds that regurgitate magazine articles as if they were the writer? That they don't have better things to do?

Wouldn't you?

This doesn't apply to every Ferrari owner of course, there are a few that post at www.ferrarichat.com with good information, but it's literally one out of a hundred posts. The rest are like you said, clowns that can't actually afford the car, but will sit on the board all day as if they have two in the garage.

You won't find another exotic board that has the dedication of the average Prime member. The NSX is the only exotic that you can buy for $35k used, so it's attainable by people that will never be able to own a Ferrari. That breeds a crazy loyalty, kind of like defending a wife that isn't the best looker, or has gotten fat over the years simply because you're not sure you could do any better.

It's the site's greatest strength and it's greatest weakness simutaneously. But don't expect to find a Lambo, Ferrari, or Porsche board like it, you just won't.

Ferrari's President, Luca DeMontezemolo said recently that Ferrari doesn't care about competition. When pressed as to how that could be, he answered that their research has always shown that 85% of all Ferrari owners also own at LEAST one other exotic from a different marque at the same time.

THAT's why there's no other board like Prime. Because an F-car owner doesn't give a $hit enough about the car to get all fired up and post inane messages about it on the internet. He's got two more just like it.

The average Prime member owns an NSX. And one other family car if he's married. And most of them daily drive it because of this. The car is their whole world. Hence the participation on the forum.

Good luck with your search, let us know if you find anything.

I think how good NSXPRIME is related to the way the people here think rather than how much money they have in their pockets.

Think of it this way, if some one has enough logic in his brain to forget about a badge and go for the well thought, well balanced performance, fun factor, reliability and cost ratios of the NSX, this same person would normally apply this type of thinking to everything he does. This includes this website, very logical and functionally played out with the right info, so it would appeal to the thinking pattern of the usual comers to this website.

If NSX guys are too much in love with it because it represents so much for them, wouldn't this same argument apply to Porsche owners? , you can get porches for 30,000 and love it like hell. How come there aren’t any comparable Porsche Forums out there?

And, for the main subject of this thread. Did you consider foreign Forums, I bet the Italians will tell you a lot about Ferrari's and Lambos; they are domestic cars over there after all. Check it out

and MAKO, stop looking down on poor peaple will you
WOW. Look what I started ;)

I had no idea... my simple question and reference request would turn so heated.

Prime kicks a$$ if I can say that and not get in trouble. Lud Rocks! I knew prime was good but once I started looking around... I really have so much more appreciation for it. Thanks to Lud and all who contribute!


My brother and I are tired of our degrees and day jobs and the plan was to work our way into dealing with cars full time as that is our passion. We have grand plans... but are planning to start small. We are starting a dealership as a first small step. Later it involves racing and other things... on a larger scale. It is mostly so we enjoy our jobs though. If it can feed us... that would be great.

We were starting to deal with the M3 as our bread and butter car but we seem to have accidentally picked up some Ferrari/exotic clients... so we will see.
cmhs75 said:
and MAKO, stop looking down on poor peaple will you [/B]

I can see how it sounds that way, but that wasn't my intention.

That's what I meant by most Primers putting their families and other priorities before their car spending. This goes for investments as well, some of you may have 401Ks that could buy you a nice F-car or L-car at the moment, but you'd never cash it out because of a committment to early retirement, etc.

I'm in the same boat, I want a Gallardo but I'm not willing to finance it at all, and I'm not willing to cash out any investments that are producing good returns. So it's got to be at the right price.
td2k_nsx said:
Thus far I have found a few places but they are really nothing like prime...

Disinformation and questions with no answers.

I was wanting an NSXers evaluation on the community first based off of their user experience and comparing it to prime, before I go spend hours there.. Thinking that an NSXer who knows this community and resource would have a really high caliber site to compare it to. Also knowing how long it takes to get in and know the community. I really want to find an evaluation of one that someone can kinda say they know experts hang out at. One site in particular really worried me. It seemed like a place where pretend Ferrari owners hung out at and acted snobby.

I will test this one though.


What I have gathered from meeting people of this board (IRL or just online) versus other exotic owner's boards is that most posters on nsxprime are true enthousiasts that love to DRIVE the car, many on a daily basis. They take them to the track, work on them themselves and so on. Most of the NSX owners bought their car for what it is, not what it isn't and cannot afford. Most importantly they bought it for themselves.
On the other hand, many other exotic owners usually own many other nice cars and have their exotic sitting in the garage most of the time, seldom drive it but ALWAYS show it to their guests when they visit. What does that tell you ? :rolleyes:
I don't find Mako's comment as too offensive either, he was just trying to make some points and trying his best to describe all of us here on PRIME!! I guessed we have a lot of individuals here, so when he wanted to say something about Prime, Some sort of Generalization must be made. As he said, "It's the site's greatest strength and it's greatest weakness simutaneously"

On the other hand, I guess why I don't find it offensive is that I only spent 29k with tax to enjoy the nsx ownership...:p

So I'm the sort of the people who "degraded" you guys, especially those who spent 80,90k for the nsxes... :D
MAKO said:

The NSX is the only exotic that you can buy for $35k used, so it's attainable by people that will never be able to own a Ferrari.

Lol, you obviously haven't looked at prices for the 308 and 328. Not to mention the Modial which looks about as good as baboon.
Stradale said:
Lol, you obviously haven't looked at prices for the 308 and 328. Not to mention the Modial which looks about as good as baboon.

LOL I don't consider those to be true Ferrari's sport. Maybe you feel those are competition for the NSX...Sorry for you if so. :)