NSX = Chick magnet? Stories please!


The last 2 posts about money is right on.
The connection is.... Everyone who see's an nsx knows they are not cheap cars. If you have this car, you likely have some bank.
That is why chics dig em'.
well, glad to hear basically everyone else has had the same experiance and that there's nothing wrong with me :D

I've definitely have 10-20x as many guys come up to me and talk about the car than women. I find that little kids get especially excited when they see it, probably because they classify any car with some sort of side air vent as a Lamborghini (one actually called it a Lambo).

I've had mixed results with girls. One girl i know didn't realize that the first time i picked her up i was in my Celica and the 2nd time I was in the NSX, that it was a completely different car! :confused: But I have caught a bunch of smiles at lights and had 1 or 2 ~40 year old women start talking to me at lights (keep in mind i'm 24).

The best was recently tho. As i was getting out of my car the other day a girl walking by says "nice car". I say thanks thinking that's the end of that. Then she's like "ya, that's really nice car" and hops over a fence to take a closer look. We talk for about 20min standing out there. I ask if she's into cars and she says yes, but over the course of the conversation it become painfully obvious that she really doesn't know much at all about cars haha. I knew my girlfriend wouldn't approve of this so i said i had to run and awkwardly made a get away.

I love meeting girls that are into cars, but i find it very unappealing when a girl gets dollar signs in her eyes after looking at your car. That's one of the pros/cons with the NSX, depending on how you look at it. Most know it's a really expensive car, but don't know u can get a good used one for the price of a million other cars out there.
nilest said:
We all know that the NSX is beautiful but seeing how I am about to be an owner very soon I was hoping some people could share some stories about the type of reaction they get from the opposite sex since owning a NSX. I just want to be prepared. You understand:D

Personally I am engaged to a lovely young lady but I still appreciate admirers.

Hope she doesn't read this or she probably won't let me get the car.;)

Man....you do not want to know some of the stuff that has happened with regards to females and their reaction to the NSX. Life is a strange a beautiful place sometimes.... ;)
Re: Re: NSX = Chick magnet? Stories please!

Meeyatch1 said:
Man....you do not want to know some of the stuff that has happened with regards to females and their reaction to the NSX. Life is a strange a beautiful place sometimes.... ;)


That's a teaser, do share I want to know! What the best story you have that would make you think that we DO NOT want to know?
Re: Re: Re: NSX = Chick magnet? Stories please!

vintagecarman said:

That's a teaser, do share I want to know! What the best story you have that would make you think that we DO NOT want to know?

I have a couple of them actually....let me think which one is 'best' and then I will post. ;)
dawggpie said:

Most know it's a really expensive car, but don't know u can get a good used one for the price of a million other cars out there.

in my experience, most people who don't know what the car is have NO CLUE that it's an expensive car. the best one was a chick telling me it looked like "an outdated mustang". when people ask how much they cost, i give them the new and used price range and remind them mine is 14 years old, even then pretty much everyone is stunned at the cost, male and female alike.

as far as chicks, like everyone else has said, forget it. you want chicks, get a ferrari, it's the only exotic name they know. they could care less about an NSX. i had a date in my nsx once and a vette drove by and she hung out the window drooling over the vette telling me how it's her favorite car. ouch.
robr said:
in my experience, most people who don't know what the car is have NO CLUE that it's an expensive car. the best one was a chick telling me it looked like "an outdated mustang". when people ask how much they cost, i give them the new and used price range and remind them mine is 14 years old, even then pretty much everyone is stunned at the cost, male and female alike.

as far as chicks, like everyone else has said, forget it. you want chicks, get a ferrari, it's the only exotic name they know. they could care less about an NSX. i had a date in my nsx once and a vette drove by and she hung out the window drooling over the vette telling me how it's her favorite car. ouch.

Thats why I choose to date more well informed chicks ;)
I totally agree that if you want chicks, get a ferrari, even if it's a piece of shit that's worth less than the NSX. I had a 250 Testarossa that got me in numerous dates with the ladies. Then I got the X and rely on match.com for dates now.
robr said:
i had a date in my nsx once and a vette drove by and she hung out the window drooling over the vette telling me how it's her favorite car. ouch.

I would have had to stop immediately and put her on foot patrol.
I have never bought a car because I thought the chicks would dig it and by extension dig me. My wife and I bought the NSX becasue we appreciate the car. I am pretty sure that any woman I met becasue of the car I happened to be driving at the time would be a very brief relationship, with some exceptions of course.

I agree if attracting chicks is your goal, the NSX probably is not going to get it done like a Viper, 'Vette, Ferrari, Porsche, etc.
na14yu said:
If you want a chick magnet you should buy an S2000. Every time I go for a ride in my friend's S2K I always see girls looking smiling at us. I never see that in my NSX.

The NSX is a dude magnet unfortunately.
Thats because you were probably going to fast to notice.
Hi Folks -

I'm new here and don't have an NSX (yet), but am doing research and hope to begin looking seriously soon.

I obviously can't speak for the magnet affect of an NSX, but my 30+ years experience of driving Corvettes, Porsches, etc is that you occasionally get a woman that will procatically drive off the road while ogling you and or your car, but that's a rare exception. (I like to kid my friends that power door locks are the most important feature on a car like these....to keep aggressive women from climbing in at stoplights.)

Seriously, my advice to anyone considering such a car is that you buy it for yourself, because you enjoy the performance, acceleration, handling, style, whatever. Buying a car simply to impress others is bound to lead to disappointment. No matter what car you have, there's always someone else who has an Enzo or McLaren F1, or ??? Just buy what you want! :D
Motegi said:
In the several months that I have owned my '00 NSX I've come to find that it is a teenage-boy magnet more than anything else.

This is my experience as well. And they always ask the same question "How much did it cost?"

The other day a much yonger kid (maybe 7 or 8 years old), asked the same question, to which I answered "enough". He then added "I bet it cost more than three thousand dollars" to which I nodded that he was right....LOL.
Hi, I just bought a 91 red nsx and I would have to disagree. I get tons of looks from chicks but maybe thats because I live in a college town or because im 19 yrs old. ;)
Ya im in the same boat as wolf, red nsx and 19 yrs old. I guess you get more looks as a 19 yr old in an nsx than as a 40 yr old. Probly cause theyre like "wtf is he doing in that car? i bet he stole it!"
With all due respect to the 19 year old guys, I think you're deluding yourself. Most girls have no clue what the NSX is or that it's expensive at all, so they're not thinking "I bet he stole it". They think it's a Camaro 99.9% of the time. Can't really blame them when only around 9000 NSX's have been sold in 14 years.

If girls are looking at you in the car, its because they're actually looking at you. If you're a good looking dude, chicks are going to look at you. If you're ugly, they're not. I think thats why there're a lot of "your mileage may vary" in threads like this.

Brad Pitt could be driving a 1974 Vega and chicks would look.

Since getting the 911, I've noticed that certain kinds of chicks do notice, and actually comment on it. I've only had the car about a week and I've already gotten "nice Porsche!" a few times from women roughly in my age group (30s) obviously on the prowl.
Im sure being young is most all of it, but I still think people notice what a beautiful car it is even if they dont know the price.
Wolf. said:
Im sure being young is most all of it, but I still think people notice what a beautiful car it is even if they dont know the price.

I have had NSX's since I was in college and can tell you most girls have no idea what it is, usually they think it is a Corvette or a Ferrari. All they know is that it is cooler than their Sunfire. :D
hlweyl said:
Girls don't like cars....

hmmmm...Im gonna have to disagree w/you on this one.
I realize I'm the unfortunate minority, but this girl likes cars much more than
boys. Boys w/ nsx's however are definately at the top of my list. Not because I know they have $$$, rather b/c I know they have good taste! ;)
missnsx said:
Boys w/ nsx's however are definately at the top of my list. Not because I know they have $$$, ;)

Most boys with an NSX donot have money. ;) You really now adays have to define what having money means? I'm sure most of us here if we had an unlimited cashflow would all be owning enzo's, F1 or or any other high end exotic. But I drive and own NSX, why , Because I don't have $$$. :D

I would love to have all the $$$$ in the world (ahla Bill Gates), I'm sure that's the best Chick magnet anyone can have..... :)
If you really want girls...

buy a car that stands out; nice luxury sedan/sports car/suv with really nice chrome rims.
And make sure you look good too. You don't want to be seen wearing Old Navy slippers, shorts, and t-shirt while exiting an escalade with 24" rims.
My best is while leaving the club I had a car load of asian girls follow me and my friend a few blocks. At the light, they asked my friend if he would switch with one of them. He did. Two of the girls got into my car and we cruised around for about 30 mins before we got back to one of the girls apt. It was fun driving around with two cute girls sitting on each others lap!!!! Turns out the girls were actually really cool and had been trying to say hello to us at the club. I hung out with a few of them for many more weekends after that.
nsxchi-town said:
I would love to have all the $$$$ in the world (ahla Bill Gates), I'm sure that's the best Chick magnet anyone can have..... :)

But all the money in the world hasn't helped Bill Gates get a good haircut. If his haircut was a condition for getting all the money in the world, i'd say no thanx! :D :D :D

<B>missnsx</B> : LOL, works both ways; a girl with an NSX... i bet you're at the top of the list for many guys here!!! :D
Chicks don't dig NSXs. They like Escalades rolling on dub-deuces and dub-fours

Yup, check my signature...the Escalade is the wifes.
Wife wears alot of short skirts and hates flashing the valets when
exiting the NXS, but likes the car otherwise.

Hey, its my 200th post :p