NSX = Chick magnet? Stories please!

16 October 2003
Northern Virginia
We all know that the NSX is beautiful but seeing how I am about to be an owner very soon I was hoping some people could share some stories about the type of reaction they get from the opposite sex since owning a NSX. I just want to be prepared. You understand:D

Personally I am engaged to a lovely young lady but I still appreciate admirers.

Hope she doesn't read this or she probably won't let me get the car.;)
Be prepared for a disappointment, if you are waiting for a chick's thumbs up. In seven years of NSX ownership this has happened to me one time. As I was exiting the convenience store walking to my car parked right outside, two chicks were going in and both said nice car.

99.9% of the remaining time, the thumbs up comes from guys.

"Girls are dumb....Throw rocks at them."

NSX is not a chick magnet: Too much aluminum!

First of all, I don't think cars attact women.

I don't think the NSX will get you noticed by the opposite sex. I think it primarily attracts true automobile engineering enthusiasts. However, a woman driving an NSX is real sexy!! :)

You would have a much better chance with an Audi TT Roadster.
Gee it must only be in America, in Australia i get chatting with chicks at lights, chicks walking past, chicks in there little civics all the time. Although i do get the odd "thats a nice ferrari" i just turn around and smile. One time i got pulled up at the lights with a Lancer evo 3 wanabe with three girls all smiling asking me how it goes and to rev it for them and to take them at the lights.

But if your looking to picking up chicks with the car good luck keeping up with her. Especially when you start modifing your car. Hope all goes well and remember to post pics when you get it.
If you want a chick magnet you should buy an S2000. Every time I go for a ride in my friend's S2K I always see girls looking smiling at us. I never see that in my NSX.

The NSX is a dude magnet unfortunately.
In the several months that I have owned my '00 NSX I've come to find that it is a teenage-boy magnet more than anything else. From the day it was unloaded off of the transporter when two teens on bicycles stopped and discussed amongst themselves what model year it could be to the daily "stoplight challenges" and to the annoying boy racers who repeatedly try to egg me into a streetrace.

Women hardly even glance at it even though the new formula red color is quite conspicuous.

The only time a woman has commented about the car was when I was out washing it and her husband drove up with her in the passenger seat. He asked "Hey, what kinda car is that?" to which his wife said "Honey, look it says Acura on the back". They both then said "I didn't know Acura made a car like that. Looks nice anyways." and drove off.

Just after I bought the car a female friend of mine gave me the obligatory "Umm, it looks just like a Corvette...". I tried to explain the difference between the two but you could see her eyes glaze over instantly and her complete lack of interest. Later I was told by someone else that she doesn't much like the car at all. Alas, I like it and that's all that matters anyway.

So it seems for 90% of women the NSX really isn't something they are interested in. However for anyone who happens to be a homosexual pedophile you would be in luck (just kidding of course).
My sister in law, sister, and mother in law drooled over the car. Oh, forgot my step mom. I've had 3 women give me thumbs up at stop lights. Of course that makes the ratio roughly 2 jillion men to 7 women...
A girl in a metallic blue ricer (can't remember what model, might have been a CRX) gave me a slow thumbs-up out the window the other day as she passed in the opposite direction.

And, uh, my wife thinks it's cool. After a year and a half, she can even tell it apart from a Camaro. Usually.

Otherwise, well, I hope you like chatting with guys in their teens and 20's.

(If you wanted a chick magnet, you should have gotten a Jaguar. Chicks pretty consistently dig Jaguars. Jaguars will get you some. Alas, I do not like Jaguars.)
As stated in other numerous threads/posts, I was also informed that VW Beetle with a cute golden retriever puppy in the passenger side works pretty well.
I will admit all of the comments are pretty dead on about chicks not digging cars in general. Girls do seem to like all the cars I would consider less than masculine. (Bug, TT, Miata, Eclipse convertible. Don't want to offend they are all nice cars)

For some reason, since I love cars so much, I just assume girls would love cars too. To me there is nothing hotter than a cute girl in a sweet sports car.

Now that I think about it girls would always like my cars for totally different reasons than me.

Acura TL (their likes: comfy seats) (my likes: good looking with Nav and 18s and great stereo)

Integra GS-R (their likes: cute) (my likes: great handling, nice tranny, high revving engine)

My worst but possible favorit in a weird way Datsun 510 with more rust than actual metal (their likes: cute and funny looking with its fenders about to fall off) (my likes: didn't care about it and would go rally racing with in on dirt trails in the woods)

Oh well, even if girls will never understand how cool and wonderful a NSX is I am still going to be getting one. Its so close now I can taste it. Yeah! :)
Learn to smooth your eyebrows down with your tounge. Perfect this and you will have the "chick" buying you a NSX.
steveny said:
Learn to smooth your eyebrows down with your tounge. Perfect this and you will have the "chick" buying you a NSX.

For those of use who are not talented enough to accomplish these amazing feat, I find a thrilling ride in the NSX to be a great way to get the panties wet.

If you're not smooth with the ladies, the NSX is not going to complete your inabilities. However, it will help!

I find the NSX to be a great closing tool. Enjoy your new ride!
vintagecarman said:
For those of use who are not talented enough to accomplish these amazing feat, I find a thrilling ride in the NSX to be a great way to get the panties wet.

So you wear panties when you take your nsx to the track? :cool:
ak said:
So you wear panties when you take your nsx to the track? :cool:

Easy friend! you know what I meant. ;)

Maybe you're the one who wears panties at the track. In that case you're not cool but a woman trapped in a mans body.

TigerNSX said:
As stated in other numerous threads/posts, I was also informed that VW Beetle with a cute golden retriever puppy in the passenger side works pretty well.
A cute puppy in any car is a chick magnet.
well said

AndyVecsey said:
Be prepared for a disappointment, if you are waiting for a chick's thumbs up. In seven years of NSX ownership this has happened to me one time. As I was exiting the convenience store walking to my car parked right outside, two chicks were going in and both said nice car.

99.9% of the remaining time, the thumbs up comes from guys.
Right on the money
AndyVecsey said:
Be prepared for a disappointment, if you are waiting for a chick's thumbs up. In seven years of NSX ownership this has happened to me one time. As I was exiting the convenience store walking to my car parked right outside, two chicks were going in and both said nice car.

99.9% of the remaining time, the thumbs up comes from guys.

I second that ;)