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New York AutoShow

I'll be going tomorrow, as will Bailey for the first of the Press Days. If I can convince Bailey to take some pictures of the model (cars) not just the 2 legged models, maybe he'll post them up!!!

While he is taking the 2-legged pics, Tytus and I will need you to take pics of the new Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo Stradale and the new seventh-generation Porsche 911 Carrera S. Both with new super-fast semi automatic gearboxes! :biggrin: :wink:

OK, but that doesn't help the rest of us plebeians who cannot get press passes!

I thought there was an attempt at an organized showing? I guess it failed...

I'll be there sometime early after work next week...alone...:frown:


OK, but that doesn't help the rest of us plebeians who cannot get press passes!

I thought there was an attempt at an organized showing? I guess it failed...

I'll be there sometime early after work next week...alone...:frown:


I was wondering why I didn't see your name on the guest list. Larry arranged for a private viewing and meet and greet with Honda execs. We are at capacity so the list is closed out.
I was wondering why I didn't see your name on the guest list. Larry arranged for a private viewing and meet and greet with Honda execs. We are at capacity so the list is closed out.


Thanks for confirming that all efforts have failed, I was concerned otherwise...:biggrin:

I was wondering why I didn't see your name on the guest list. Larry arranged for a private viewing and meet and greet with Honda execs. We are at capacity so the list is closed out.


Thanks for confirming that all efforts have failed, I was concerned otherwise...:biggrin:

Tytus, I don't know what you're talking about!! While there today, I met with the Honda execs, they're looking forward to Larry's group, and promised them test drives in the new NSX. I spoke with Jerry, and he assured me that he's still going to get the first one, not Leno!!!!
Tytus, I don't know what you're talking about!! While there today, I met with the Honda execs, they're looking forward to Larry's group, and promised them test drives in the new NSX. I spoke with Jerry, and he assured me that he's still going to get the first one, not Leno!!!!

How did it look??? Will you get one???




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Tytus, I don't know what you're talking about!! While there today, I met with the Honda execs, they're looking forward to Larry's group, and promised them test drives in the new NSX. I spoke with Jerry, and he assured me that he's still going to get the first one, not Leno!!!!

Test drive with Flintstones power - that ought to be great!!
Nice pics Bailey, Thanks...

I tried to get alot of detailed pics and I have more but IMO you really need to see it in person.

I love it and think its pretty hot.
Thanks bailey, can't wait to feast my eyes on it in person
Hi Guys,

It looks like May Lee will be flying out from the West Coast for Saturday the 14th. So anyone who is interested we are planned a 10:00am meeting time, Saturday 14th at the AutoShow.

So the choice for meeting will be the Javits front lobby, or the Acura booth

And Tytus you are invited:D:D

Hi Guys,

It looks like May Lee will be flying out from the West Coast for Saturday the 14th. So anyone who is interested we are planned a 10:00am meeting time, Saturday 14th at the AutoShow.

So the choice for meeting will be the Javits front lobby, or the Acura booth

And Tytus you are invited:D:D

I'm in for Saturday. Bringing the kids. I have good memories of going to the car show with my father when I was young. My oldest wants to see a Bugatti. Anyone know if there is one there?
I would love to be there with youz guys but have to work:frown:
I'm in for Saturday. Bringing the kids. I have good memories of going to the car show with my father when I was young. My oldest wants to see a Bugatti. Anyone know if there is one there?

Yes a Bugatti Grand Sport Blanc Noir along with the Aston Martin Raptide and Mclaren MP4-12C at the same booth
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Thanks for the invite Larry; I just may make it. I will probably go during the week but maybe I'll come back on Saturday for the second showing.

I just noticed in Bailey's photos that the left front wheel appears to be jammed with a door stop...a door stop!? If this is a door stop it is a bit upsetting...all this promise of technological supremacy and they are using a door stop as a parking brake :eek:

They took care of the door stop by the time I got down there........

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Very nice. Would like to have seen it but I now know I made the right choice in going to Citi Field instead.

That weekend series was almost like a "concept" too! :biggrin::wink: