New ammo law - California

you answered your own question on why that law is coming. now it will be punishable for all those 'aiding' the criminal in acquiring the weapon/ammo. it has to come from somewhere 'legal' in the first place and now you can enforce it.
our 'freedoms' come from an era when dealing with a criminal was simplified to 'justified execution' with nobody blinking twice.


It is already illegal for aiding criminals in acquiring weapons / ammo. There are charges that can be filed against people who knowingly assist criminals, in any manner, not just supplying weapons / ammo.

Why are there no hard statistics on how many crimes this could have prevented? There's no analysis of cost versus payback, like many political things, and it's worrying from that side alone, never mind all the ramifications in terms of treating the individual citizen as a suspect instead of someone who has rights.

come on- no statistics because right now anyone can buy stuff, once the law is in effect you can see if violent crimes dropped or not.
is leaving your thumbprint that much of an inconvenience for you? tell that to a friend of mine whose kid got shot.
Yeah but EVERYTHING is a start. Repealing gay marriage is the start of a homophobic genocide. Banning automatic assault weapons is the start of a government takeover and rule. Camera speed traps is the start of a government controlled transportation system is the start of dissecting the population geographically. You could do this for EVERYTHING all the time. Where do you stop? Bills are proposed and passed all day long and all of them are a start to something bigger.

That is why I choose not to fight these petty slippery slope arguments because you'll be in an endless loop of hypothetical arguments of events that never occur. Why not save it for real tangible scenarios that actually have some merit and basis? Give people credit that they will bend but not fold like a house of cards if the government tries to pull something. I think people will realize when the government goes from minor inconvenience to full out taking away your rights. Hell, we just did it right here. You even acknowledge that this is relatively minor compared to the bigger grand scheme of things. Well when it starts to make that turn, I’m sure you and I and other will see it and make it a stand, and that will be well before guns and blood need to be broken out.

Right.. so the only contention is when a rational individual interprets a situation as "the start". The problem is, historically, that the clear signal coincides when "the train has already left the station". That last quotation has more than one meaning. When political momentum is not given resistance, it often becomes overwhelming.
come on- no statistics because right now anyone can buy stuff, once the law is in effect you can see if violent crimes dropped or not.
is leaving your thumbprint that much of an inconvenience for you? tell that to a friend of mine whose kid got shot.

Wow... truly amazing.

It's all for the kids, think of the kids!!!!!!

We have truly no other worries in life, than to obsess over law-abiding citizens buying ammo. If only life was so great...


It is already illegal for aiding criminals in acquiring weapons / ammo. There are charges that can be filed against people who knowingly assist criminals, in any manner, not just supplying weapons / ammo.


then why wasn't it enforced? are you saying that all the gun shops are selling ammo to criminals against the law? amazing truly.
Right.. so the only contention is when a rational individual interprets a situation as "the start". The problem is, historically, that the clear signal coincides when "the train has already left the station". That last quotation has more than one meaning. When political momentum is not given resistance, it often becomes overwhelming.

If people get acustomed to saying nothing minor injustices, who says they will bother saying anything about major injustices?

Humans can be conditioned to obey to do anything. Those who speak up are the ones who actually make change. This is why I'm glad there are some people who are not blindly obeying these new laws that don't seem to pass the sniff test.
then why wasn't it enforced? are you saying that all the gun shops are selling ammo to criminals against the law? amazing truly.

You're really revealing your ignorance. There are so many laws on the books that already regulate so many things. Like texting and driving - there was never a need for a special law because there is a law on the books that is against distracting activities while driving.

Yet many folks like you buy into the "feel good" solution of slapping another law on the books, just because it makes good political fodder.
Common sense says - how much money is it going to cost gun owners / gun shops to follow these laws? How much more hassle is it going to be for law-abiding citizens and the gun shop owners? The ATF is already looking for ways to shut gun shops down, and the myriads of local / federal paper work required for gunshops have resulted in many gun shops simply stop doing business.

This paperwork will cause many more stores to simply stop selling ammo because it's not worth the hassle / overhead / costs. And at the end of the day, how many more crimes would it have prevented?

Why are there no hard statistics on how many crimes this could have prevented? There's no analysis of cost versus payback, like many political things, and it's worrying from that side alone, never mind all the ramifications in terms of treating the individual citizen as a suspect instead of someone who has rights.

Look at the inconvenience on cigarettes. Look at the incredible taxes they pay. Look at the ban on where you can smoke. Yet everybody I know who wants to smoke really has no problem doing it and the tobacco companies are still in business despite everything else.

It is already illegal for aiding criminals in acquiring weapons / ammo. There are charges that can be filed against people who knowingly assist criminals, in any manner, not just supplying weapons / ammo.


Indeed. People demand action. Proper action-productive action-is not as crucial as fulfilling the emotional need for someone "to do something".

Is this healthcare bill really going to substantially lower healthcare spending without proportional negative externalities? I don't think anyone in Congress really knows the answer to that question. But that's not the point. It's better to do something and screw it up and appease, but "we really don't know how to stop violent crime using handguns right now" or "health care costs are way too high but without reducing doctor quality/health care availability that people seem unwilling to accept, we don't know how to do it effectively"-they just do something and say they tried hard.
Look at the inconvenience on cigarettes. Look at the incredible taxes they pay. Look at the ban on where you can smoke. Yet everybody I know who wants to smoke really has no problem doing it and the tobacco companies are still in business despite everything else.

Exactly, it's all about the money. Governments are making a killing on the revenues.

Politics + money = marriage in heaven.
You're really revealing your ignorance. There are so many laws on the books that already regulate so many things. Like texting and driving - there was never a need for a special law because there is a law on the books that is against distracting activities while driving.

Yet many folks like you buy into the "feel good" solution of slapping another law on the books, just because it makes good political fodder.

NsXMas, take a gander on which industry in which nation is considered the most highly regulated on earth?

Financial markets/Wall Street, United States of America. Enough said.
Look at the inconvenience on cigarettes. Look at the incredible taxes they pay. Look at the ban on where you can smoke. Yet everybody I know who wants to smoke really has no problem doing it and the tobacco companies are still in business despite everything else.

The only issue I have regarding this one is that it's arguably the most regressive tax in America. But now I'm just being a softy. Raise it higher until they submit to our authority!
You're really revealing your ignorance. There are so many laws on the books that already regulate so many things. Like texting and driving - there was never a need for a special law because there is a law on the books that is against distracting activities while driving.

Yet many folks like you buy into the "feel good" solution of slapping another law on the books, just because it makes good political fodder.

i see that you really needed to cross that line. the only ignorant one is you not understanding that our society is full of idiots that need to be controlled. nobody is feeling 'good' or being blind- go travel around the world and you'll see how real societies deal with problems- we here can't do it because folks like you balk everytime anyone mentiones responsibility. you want everything regardless of what consequences it causes and then shrug your shoulders with 'i didn't know' reply.
you want statistics? look up statistics on violent crimes SINCE the laws controlling guns for felons were passed- talk about ignorance.
i see that you really needed to cross that line. the only ignorant one is you not understanding that our society is full of idiots that need to be controlled. nobody is feeling 'good' or being blind- go travel around the world and you'll see how real societies deal with problems- we here can't do it because folks like you balk everytime anyone mentiones responsibility. you want everything regardless of what consequences it causes and then shrug your shoulders with 'i didn't know' reply.
you want statistics? look up statistics on violent crimes SINCE the laws controlling guns for felons were passed- talk about ignorance.

Swerve for dictator! As long as I get an NSX-R, you have my vote. Wait, you wouldn't need any votes. Damn.
i see that you really needed to cross that line. the only ignorant one is you not understanding that our society is full of idiots that need to be controlled. nobody is feeling 'good' or being blind- go travel around the world and you'll see how real societies deal with problems- we here can't do it because folks like you balk everytime anyone mentiones responsibility. you want everything regardless of what consequences it causes and then shrug your shoulders with 'i didn't know' reply.
you want statistics? look up statistics on violent crimes SINCE the laws controlling guns for felons were passed- talk about ignorance.

You have no idea who you're talking to.

Travel around the world? I've lived around the world, and travel on a regular basis. I have so many frequent flier miles / hotel points it's ridiculous.

At the end of the day, I am always so glad to come home to the best country on the planet, the land of the free. A place where freedom is NOT taken for granted, where people are expected to speak their mind and for their rights.

Most other places I travel to, people are like sheep, they have no choice but to obey. Here we have a right to speak for what we think is right, and against what we think is wrong.

This is why I'm passionate about topics like this. It's truly what makes America special, that people are treated as adults and expected to be able to make the right decisions without nanny laws that dictate every single behavior.

It's sad that many here have lost sight of that, in this great land of ours.
Right.. so the only contention is when a rational individual interprets a situation as "the start". The problem is, historically, that the clear signal coincides when "the train has already left the station". That last quotation has more than one meaning. When political momentum is not given resistance, it often becomes overwhelming.

Well, as a person who has argued the exact same side and point as you and NsXMas has, please don't get me wrong. We aren't that far off in our positions and understanding of the government, laws and freedoms and liberties. As a self-proclaimed libertarian, and based on previous posts, we do share very similar viewpoints on most of these things and I see where you are coming from. If the wind blew the other direction, I’d be arguing the same point you guys are.

However, the point I'm trying to make is that these types of laws are passed all the time. Most of them fly right under the radar. It's only when one strikes a particular accord with us, do we then break out slippery slope arguments to make a martyr of the action. I’ve used the Patriot Act example twice now, with nary an acknowledgement. Every argument you can give with this ammo bill can be equal if not GREATER infringement on our freedoms and liberties with the Patriot Act. Yet it passed, got enacted, and NOTHING happened. I didn’t see government officials in my house wiretapping my phone. I didn’t get imprisoned for no reason and sent to Gitmo. And neither has anyone I know of. If anything we might have foiled a terrorist plot or two in the process. Yet this Patriot Act could easily be look at the trigger start of some greater government control of our freedoms and liberties. The point is, it didn’t and it won’t. People won’t let that happen and the government isn’t inherently evil.
Exactly, it's all about the money. Governments are making a killing on the revenues.

Politics + money = marriage in heaven.

YES!!! I agree 100% with this. Yes, the government is GREEDY. However, don't confuse that with EVIL. The government is not interested in putting you in jail for no reasons (taking away your freedom). They'd rather have you out there working and tax you and give you tickets to take your money. So knowing this, when people say the government is trying to pass a law to take away your freedoms, that's not true. They have no vested interested in that because they aren't evil. They are just greedy and they just want your money.
if i was you i'd be running to walmart to buy their stock of ammo. pretty soon you will not be able to buy it without help from your cousin. btw, everyone is looking for you and they are conspiring against your rights- beware and arm yourselves (be careful, the cops are crooked and will kill you).
funny how a simple law preventing a FELON from buying ammo causes such an uproar by someone who will not be affected at all.
btw- the ONLY liberty in usa that separates us from europe IS gun posession. and yes, everything in this country is about profit and thats what will bring it down.
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if i was you i'd be running to walmart to buy their stock of ammo. pretty soon you will not be able to buy it without help from your cousin. btw, everyone is looking for you and they are conspiring against your rights- beware and arm yourselves (be careful, the cops are crooked and will kill you).
funny how a simple law preventing a FELON from buying ammo causes such an uproar by someone who will not be affected at all.

Simple minds, simple minds.... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
The only issue I have regarding this one is that it's arguably the most regressive tax in America. But now I'm just being a softy. Raise it higher until they submit to our authority!

Sure, and they did a great job stopping heroin and meth use as well. Super high prices, incredibly stiff penalties, yet even the bums without even an IRA to their name seem to be able to get more than enough of the stuff. With absolute authority like that, who needs the police?
YES!!! I agree 100% with this. Yes, the government is GREEDY. However, don't confuse that with EVIL. The government is not interested in putting you in jail for no reasons (taking away your freedom). They'd rather have you out there working and tax you and give you tickets to take your money. So knowing this, when people say the government is trying to pass a law to take away your freedoms, that's not true. They have no vested interested in that because they aren't evil. They are just greedy and they just want your money.

So I have a propisition for you my friend.. what if being evil turns out to be the most effective way for the government to attain resources from their citizens? Check mate? :)
YES!!! I agree 100% with this. Yes, the government is GREEDY. However, don't confuse that with EVIL. The government is not interested in putting you in jail for no reasons (taking away your freedom). They'd rather have you out there working and tax you and give you tickets to take your money. So knowing this, when people say the government is trying to pass a law to take away your freedoms, that's not true. They have no vested interested in that because they aren't evil. They are just greedy and they just want your money.

Don't they say money is the root of all evil? Therefore money = evil. :wink: