Riiiiggghhhtt, let this bill pass and then tomorrow they’ll be rounding us up by the dozens in trains and off to the gas chambers right? Sorry Sahtt, I usually agree with your on just about everything but in this case I just don’t buy these slippery slope arguments. When I got my CCW permit, I had to get fingerprinted and I had to wait a few days. Was that a violation of my rights and liberties? Why isn’t anyone freaking out about that requirement, when it was well less than a generation ago, this wasn’t required? Why do I need to go through a metal detector at the airport when it’s clear that a terrorist isn’t going to book a properly book a flight, and obey all safety procedures? Why should my right to not wear a seatbelt be infringed upon? Isn’t it my choice if I want to go through my windshield or not?
Look, I’ll go back to my Patriot Act argument. People were freaking out the same way with the Patriot act. The government can wire tap your phones! The government can seize your computers! The government is taking away your freedoms and rights! Well the Patriot act passed and has been enacted for years now. In fact, it is still in place in the Obama administration. Did you notice one bit of difference in your freedoms, livelihood or liberties? Seriously, have you? Of course not. That is because you aren’t a terrorist and you aren’t planning on committing a crime. If you aren’t, these laws should and will mean absolutely nothing to you. It’s like if the government made a law that you couldn’t rent a U-haul truck, buy 20,000 pounds of fertilizer and 600 gallons of diesel fuel all in the same day. What?? What a violation of my rights to buy whatever I want. Except the only problem is that the only person that’s going to want to buy that (other than legitimate farmers) are guys planning on blowing up Oklahoma City buildings.
Look, you can still buy your bullets, they haven’t taken that away from you. The day they pass a bill stating that handgun ammunition is illegal, then fine, I’ll walk hand in hand with you to Capitol Hill with guns drawn. But this is not that and it is far from it. It is a minor inconvenience at best. It’s no more of a delay of getting ammunition than a guy in front of me buying with a check. It's not even a move to pull the wool over our eyes either by slowly dissolving our rights. When was the last time you went to bed, and before you knew it, you realized you woke up in jail without due process. American people are smart enough to see the difference and when it comes to a major move of taking away your rights, they'll realize it. The "government" tried to take away your right to smoke and drink in the past and it failed. Hell they are trying to take away your right to smoke pot; so tell me, if you wanted to smoke pot, just how hard do you think it is to get some? Sure it's not in a vending machine, but I bet you could score some within 24 hours if you really wanted it. It's an inconvenience at best. Look so if this bill deters just a half dozen people from buying ammunition and committing a crime (and possibly saving a life) wouldn’t it be worth all this inconvenience? I mean, banning cel phone use while driving is an inconvenience too and a violation of my freedoms and liberties, but it saves lives and in the end that’s worth it right?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of this bill and I don't want to see it pass, but enough of the "hit the panic" button, slippery slope paranoia every time the government wants to pass a bill. If you want to discuss the merits of it based on logistics and execution, fine, but resorting to the government is taking away all your freedoms argument is tantamount to your girlfriend/wife crying the second you catch her cheating on you.