My NSX was hit a few hours ago...

The crack you can't even see unless you know where it is. Believe me, this isn't my first rodeo. I can buy/fix the bumper myself. If I can use that money for something under the hood without the car looking like garbage, I will.
Why are you hating? It's not your car. I can do whatever I want with the insurance money. Not a mod, dickhead, my timing belt is making some noise. Let's see, what is more important, crack on the bumper or timing belt??? You will have to throw me off this forum before I go anywhere.

Well, at least we know he is friendly, huh? Seriously???

I think what TBromley is saying makes perfect sense. There are not a huge number of good NSX's out there.. and we have a duty to keep them in pristine shape. Just because you got your car for 20K or so doesn't mean you should treat it as such. In todays dollars its a 120K car!!!

Be good to your car, some day you're going to thank us all for that input.

Oh, and Tbromley.... IM BAAAAACCKKKK!!!!! :)

Had a baby and kinda disappeared for a while, feels good to be back on prime old friend!

I'm not playing your game.

Well, at least we know he is friendly, huh? Seriously???

LOL - man I'm sorry for stirring him up - not hatin on him at all - just seemed a bit odd. Of course if it's a mere scratch and easy to repair and this guy can do it he getting enough to replace the bumper out of this....mmmm - as I said what goes around comes around.

Really though - you know it is your car and your money. We don't mean to run anyone off the forum. We just speak our minds here just like any family does. No real offense intended - good luck with your fix and please fix the car you'll be happier with it. And if your TB/WP/Hoses need attention be sure to do that cause that can really ruin your day!

Oh, and Tbromley.... IM BAAAAACCKKKK!!!!! :)

Had a baby and kinda disappeared for a while, feels good to be back on prime old friend!

Ok, I pm'd you and was wondering about why you'd been gone so long - good to know the reason - most understandable and as long as you kept the car - well that's the most important thing...:biggrin: What was it a boy or a girl??? I'm sure you guys are happy and now it's time for babies first Christmas! All the best to you and yours for a Merry Christmas, Bud and happy NY too! Glad you're back!

I hadn't been to this thread in a few days so glad I missed out on the 5 emails in reply to mine ....and I was just thinking about flame retardant britches - maybe better get back with Santa after all.....:wink:
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I think what TBromley is saying makes perfect sense. There are not a huge number of good NSX's out there.. and we have a duty to keep them in pristine shape....

OR so nobody has to click...

How Can I Help The Image Of NSX Owners?

1998 by Joe Martz (has owned 2 NSX's plus several Italian exotics)
This morning waiting for F1 qualifying, I ginned-up the following as a personal code for myself. I don't intend this for anyone else, and you have the lovely gift of free-choice to decide on your own about these things. That said, I thought others here might be interested. As a code for myself, I might not always meet the standards I outline. But I firmly believe in self-improvement and all that stuff, so here goes...

My personal code of conduct as an exotic owner

  • My cars will always be clean and well-presentable. I will ensure that my cars are in the highest state of mechanical condition and maintenance. Exotics are indeed rare, and to see one is a special experience. I have an obligation to present these cars to others at a high standard.

  • I will always be polite, courteous, and friendly. I will not talk down to or ignore anyone, and I will cheerfully answer all questions. Exotic owners wrongly suffer from a "snob" label. By actively and always countering this, I will strive to change this perception among all whom I met.

  • Where feasible, I will encourage inspection and observation of my cars. If someone is clean and courteous, I will encourage them to sit in my cars. I will actively encourage photographs. In-particular, I will encourage this among younger children. On occasion, I will offer rides to admirers under the appropriate circumstances.

  • With one exception (see 5, below), I will obey all traffic laws or local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked, safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I will simply refuse.

  • Operating my cars as Enzo, Soichiro and Ferruccio intended will occur only on open, rural routes free of heavy traffic or on appropriately designated race courses. On public highways, I will use my highest powers of observation and diligence to ensure that I place myself, my vehicles, and the public in no additional danger. I will be aware of the environment and road conditions, and I will not drive at excessive speeds on unknown or suspect roads. When approaching blind corners or hills, I will assume that an obstacle exists and will take appropriate defensive measures.

  • I will share my passion and excitement for exotic cars with others through community service and charitable events. I will actively seek out community organizations such as local police departments and schools and offer my cars for use in events such as DARE programs, homecoming parades, pep rallies, etc. Many communities have "Make a Wish" foundations for sick children. If given the opportunity, I will offer a day with myself and my cars to such organizations in an effort to brighten an otherwise trying life for someone less fortunate than I.

  • I will be honest and open with other enthusiasts, and I will accurately represent my cars to prospective owners and buyers. I will keep complete records, and I will always follow-up with purchasers of my cars to ensure that they continue to gain maximum satisfaction and appreciation for cars that I have owned and serviced.

  • I will always have a smile on my face when inspecting, driving, or showing my cars to others. I will never forget how fortunate I've been to own such automobiles and I will constantly remind myself that the future is uncertain, and that today may be as good as it gets.
captinjman - congratulations on the baby! nothing better in life. had another one (late in life - a pleasant surprise) and now at 4 he loves riding in his "booster" seat in the NSX. Cheers, Jay at 4 he loves riding in his "booster" seat in the NSX. Cheers, Jay

You mean I'm not the only one? :D


My 4yo in the NSX
but to keep the money and not fix your car.
that is something someone driving a 1989 Pontiac Sunfire with 22" spinners that shouldnt even be on the road, expired tags, and a stereo system that would blow you ear drums out. Paint so faded that its almost another color. and back-fires when you press the gas. black smoke coming out of the single rusted out tail pipe that dragging on the ground.
oh and a cd/dice or a small flag hanging from the rear view mirrow.

not saying that is you. but " Im just sayin " get your car fixed properly its an NSX man treat her WELL.....

Agreed, we're not talking about a 1991 Civic - I can see not fixing a bumper on that. However, we are talking about a 1991 exotic. Get the bumper a professional like-new repair. If you keep diverting funds from cosmetic damage repair you will end up with an 1991 NSX that looks like a 1991 beater Civic.
Check it out. The car sits in a closed garage. It does not get drove anywhere. It's my daily driver. Nobody sees the car but me. If I want to spend the money to get the car running right, that's just what I'll do. I know it's an exotic car. I got that. I would feel better if my car was running correctly first. Then I can fix the very miniscule scratch and crack in the bumper. Believe me, I don't wanna look like some kid that drives a 91 Civic that's all busted up. I know what I'm doing. I appreciate the advice and your guys opinion very much. I understand everybody's point. The bumper will get fixed later. :)
So you're thinking to just drive around with a banged up rear bumper and do some other mods under the hood with the money- man that is so turkey. I wouldn't put that in writing anywhere if I were you.

There was a guy I backed into in my driveway in an old honda with scratches on the bumper and I should have never given him a dime - he just took the check and put it in his pocket and drove around in his banged up car - I didn't realy have to give him anything - it was on private property.

It's stuff like this that reminds me of crap like that. If you going to take the money to do a repair; make the repair if you don't then eventually it will come back to haunt you - better keep the funds somewhere cause something like that will happen to you if you don't fix it - just sayin.

What goes around comes around. Do what the other guys say - get several estimates - take it off your self and get it painted/fixed and spend whatever you have left on whatever - but driving around in a banged up car - man this is an NSX forum - what do you think anyone here will think of that - is it any wonder no one is even responding to your hint of what you'd do with the funds. Sorry but most of us like our cars way too much to drive around with one looking shabby.

Just sayin...

uh...but what if he fixes it and gets hit in the same place again?
It does not get drove anywhere. It's my daily driver.


You definitely need to take care of the TB/WP but I think you'll soon find out that if that's the case... I don't think that insurance check will come close to what you'll need for this type of repair (unless you tackle it yourself).

btw... I see you're in Enterprise... fairly close to P'cola, FL... so maybe you can come down next time we do our local meet/cruise again...

uh...but what if he fixes it and gets hit in the same place again?

Then he fixes it

I mean ok - so if somebody hits me, I don't get it fixed cause I might get hit in the same spot again? Ok that could happen, where does that kind of logic stop? Sorry I don't quite follow and really I don't see this guys car anyway and if he has other issues and needs to fix them first - well it's his deal. But a poor looking NSX reflects badly on the rest - now I've seen poorly maintained old 911s too - so what you gonna do. I haven't seen any bad looking Ferraris but there could be some I guess. like I say I "can't see it from my house". Good luck to him. Sounds like he's a young guy that has a car that needs stuff and he may or may not have been prepared to fix them. It costs money to have one of these cars as it does any sports car - the NSX just because it's a Honda is no exception - it just doesn't need as much as other sports cars. I say good luck to him!
I meant to say it's not my daily driver. I forgot the word NOT in my post. I am young but I'm a helicopter pilot in the Army so I make enough to maintain it. I may not have much time to do what I need to but the car will be kept in pristine condition. I just went on leave for Christmas so now I have the time to fix it. The scratch and crack on the bumper is small talk compared to the tb/wp. I will fix that first, then worry about the bumper.

It's not that I'm waiting on the insurance money to fix it, but the incident has prolonged my vacation and being able to take it to a reputable mechanic for that inspection of those noisy components. I understand completely your guys thoughts on driving around a ragged car. No need to worry, just become I'm young, I won't be caught doing that. My Subaru's in the past hardly ever got drove unless they were clean and the tires shined. I'm super stoked to own this exotic car. I will treat it as such. Nothing but the best for my NSX.

I hope you all understand my logic and reasoning. If not, then that's ok too. I would love to meet up with you guys. I just purchased the car a month ago and have been working on it since day one. It is my pride and joy. Every morning, I open my garage just to make sure that it REALLY is mine.
Congrats on your purchase, sorry for your bumper I hope you get it fixed soon! The NSX is such a rare and beautiful car that every owner out there has their due diligence to keep them looking and running fine!

But most of all...Thanks for your service to this country!
Some girl backed into me at a light 3 years ago, I pocketed the $900, it didnt bother me enough to rush to get it fixed...I'm finally gonna get the bumper fixed in feb when i get my side skirts & 02+ valence painted. Spend the repair money on whatever you want, once the check is in your hands its YOUR money.


the little dimple on the nose
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