My Car mistaken for a Ferrari.

26 July 2007
California / Monterey County
It's been one month since I got my NSX. I have to drive it everyday for an hour and then back in the garage it goes. I'm still so amazed at the looks and the compliments I get on my car everywhere I go. However, many people both young & old mistaken it for a Ferrari. My Twin Turbo Z never even got a second glance by other drivers.

One thing different about this car, I can't leave it parked out of my sight. I don't feel comfortable.` Many people walk by and check it out. Today, some guy rubbed their fingers on the side body fender to get a feel of it I guess.

Car is definitely a "LOOKER" :tongue:
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It's been one month since I got my NSX. I have to drive it everyday for an hour and then back in the garage it goes. I'm still so amazed at the looks and the compliments I get on my car everywhere I go. However, many people both young & old mistaken it for a Ferrari. My Twin Turbo Z never even got a second glance by other drivers.

One thing different about this car, I can't leave it parked out of my sight. I don't feel comfortable.` Many people walk by and check it out. Today, some idiot rubbed their fingers on the side body fender to get a feel of it I guess.

I almost lost it with the guy. I was not a happy person.:mad:

Car is definitely a "LOOKER" :tongue: hh
Yes you will get noticed from all ages. I usually have ppl placing adds/flyers on the windows etc, and even had 2x with advertising company's looking for cars to put into movies. I declined the offer having can't accept the fact of it being damage in a movie scene. No insurance will replace the guilt, and the thought of me having to take such good care of it and tarnish the clean reputation.
I get the Ferrari mistake all the time followed by what kind of car is this?
Yep, this car gets attention and it's like all attention, it has its pluses and minuses.
Happened all the time to me. Of course this was from people who really didnt know much about cars.
Today, some idiot rubbed their fingers on the side body fender to get a feel of it I guess.
I almost lost it with the guy. I was not a happy person.:mad:

Well, then never ever loose it out of sight, coz there's idiots out there who like to key and scratch anything they cant get themselfes.

Dirty fingers on your windows or paint are annoying, but not as annoying as clear marks of vandalism.

Been there done that ;)
Well, then never ever loose it out of sight, coz there's idiots out there who like to key and scratch anything they cant get themselfes.

Dirty fingers on your windows or paint are annoying, but not as annoying as clear marks of vandalism.

Been there done that ;)
I never understood why ppl do those things. LIke really...were they brought up that way? Being irrational at times or bitchin' and venting for no reason is one thing, but keying other ppl cars...WTH does that do? I've never key'd a car in my life, so no idea what this feels like and couldn't care to find out.
That's funny, I just drove my NEW 92' NSX home last Friday(from Orlando) and after washing it , I heard the neighbor at the end of the street yell to another neighbor- look , he just bought a Ferrari !
(and he is a car guy !)
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Well, then never ever loose it out of sight, coz there's idiots out there who like to key and scratch anything they cant get themselfes.

Dirty fingers on your windows or paint are annoying, but not as annoying as clear marks of vandalism.

Been there done that ;)

I hate to let it out of my sight now. Last time I did I came out to find this...

And I get the Ferrari/Lambo comment almost daily. Around here no one has ever seen an NSX, so they just assume.
Today, some idiot rubbed their fingers on the side body fender to get a feel of it I guess.

I almost lost it with the guy. I was not a happy person.:mad:

Don't you think that's a bit of an over-reaction? He just touched it. He didn't key it. If you lay into someone like that they will just think you are an A**hole... maybe come back and key it later.
There is too many 300zxTT out there that even non car folks sorta knows what it is.

The NSX didn't get much marketing push, fewer of them and it's low, wide stance with the rear mid-engine shape, followed by a trunk that emphasize the mid-engine shape will get the stares.

My FD gets mistaken for a 1st Gen Viper.
In 8 mos. of ownership, I have only gotten the Ferrari comment once.

As far as people messing with the car when I'm not around, that hasn't been a problem for me. I have been hit twice in the last 3 mos, though.
In 8 mos. of ownership, I have only gotten the Ferrari comment once.

As far as people messing with the car when I'm not around, that hasn't been a problem for me. I have been hit twice in the last 3 mos, though.

That is such a bummer...:frown: sorry to read about that.

I don't get the F question, but do get people asking me if my car is a new corvette.:confused:
I hadn't driven 5 miles after buying my NSX when I pulled in for fuel before the trip home.

The guy pumping gas next to me commented about what a nice car it was before I got completely out of the car. I thanked him and started pumpin' petrol.

Then a truck pulled in and the driver stated that "my wife loves your car, is that one of those new 'vettes?" Right then he walked around back and said aloud, "Acura? I didn't know they made a car like this". Then his wife and son got out of the truck to check things out. She was amazed when I told it wasn't new, but a 15 year old car. She walked the whole way around it and stated, "that's the prettiest car I've ever seen. And it looks brand new!"

I was then ready for the road trip and feeling pretty good indeed! :biggrin:


Just last week I was at Columbia Acura in The 'Nati to get a few oil filters (got the last 2) when a salesman asked me how I liked my 'vette? That was a bit goofy!


What I've noticed is that middle-aged & older folks haven't a clue what it is, but the kids, teens and 20-somethings all know it from playing Gran Turismo 1, 2, 3 & 4. And soon, GT5!
It's been one month since I got my NSX. I have to drive it everyday for an hour and then back in the garage it goes. I'm still so amazed at the looks and the compliments I get on my car everywhere I go. However, many people both young & old mistaken it for a Ferrari. My Twin Turbo Z never even got a second glance by other drivers.

One thing different about this car, I can't leave it parked out of my sight. I don't feel comfortable.` Many people walk by and check it out. Today, some idiot rubbed their fingers on the side body fender to get a feel of it I guess.

I almost lost it with the guy. I was not a happy person.:mad:

Car is definitely a "LOOKER" :tongue: hh
I dont blame you getting madd but then again it's only a car???

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Don't you think that's a bit of an over-reaction? He just touched it. He didn't key it. If you lay into someone like that they will just think you are an A**hole... maybe come back and key it later.

To be honest, I did not confront this older man that wanted to feel on my car, I was just heated inside my mind. I'm more mature than that. Maybe back in H.S. would I react like that.

LOL, Slamstorm about Mag P.I. comment.
Gabe, did you attend high school in Salinas? If so, what year did you graduate?
It's been one month since I got my NSX. I have to drive it everyday for an hour and then back in the garage it goes. I'm still so amazed at the looks and the compliments I get on my car everywhere I go. However, many people both young & old mistaken it for a Ferrari.

I think that happens much more often with red NSX's. People see the color and the sexy lines and automatically assume it's a Ferrari. My buddy has a blue one and he says that never happens to him. I've had my red '91 for a little over a month and I've heard the comment three times already, and that's AFTER I took off the Ferrari of Seattle dealer license plate frame the previous owner had installed. I'm sure he heard it every day.
