Must get Canon EOS 5D Mark II

To be honest, I also thought that first pic you linked to wasn't that great, but that second photograph :eek:. You can tell that's 14.7mp.
Did you take that with an iPhone? Maybe I should go out and take some pics with mine! ;)

Well you guys will have to cut me some slack. I just got this camera 2 days ago.

if you want to find better shots check out my gallery (these pics are a bit old)

And no the 1st pic was taken w/ the camera. I thought it was pretty nice. I'll resize it a little bit and maybe that will help. :redface:

the camera in an iphone is only 2 megapixel and you can tell straight away when pictures are taken with it.
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Well you guys will have to cut me some slack. I just got this camera 2 days ago.

if you want to find better shots check out my gallery (these pics are a bit old)

And no the 1st pic was taken w/ the camera. I thought it was pretty nice. I'll resize it a little bit and maybe that will help. :redface:

I was just replying sarcastically to your sarcastic reply. ;) :tongue::biggrin:
I've never done any pro photography, I'm sure it's not something you can just pick up and be good at right away.

I plan on getting this 5D MarkII early next year, it will be my first DSLR camera. I know there will be those that say that this is not a beginner's camera but what the hell, I'll learn with it. Just like when people told me not to get a 600RR as my first bike, I went ahead and bought it and learned to ride in 15 mins or so :biggrin: . This will have a steeper learning curve for sure.
Well you guys will have to cut me some slack. I just got this camera 2 days ago.

if you want to find better shots check out my gallery (these pics are a bit old)

And no the 1st pic was taken w/ the camera. I thought it was pretty nice. I'll resize it a little bit and maybe that will help. :redface:

the camera in an iphone is only 2 megapixel and you can tell straight away when pictures are taken with it.

The first pic was terrible and it was just not a great sample to post for an argument against image quality from a point n shoot against a DSLR. I never said you took it with a camera phone but I have seen pictures from phones that were better that that. The second shot is a better example and would have been a better choice but to each there own.
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Here's another video shot with the 5D Mark II

<object width="400" height="225"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <param name="movie" value="" /> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object><br /><a href="">October 19, 2008</a> from <a href="">angus giorgi</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.
Has anyone who pre-ordered the 5D Mark II received theirs yet? I'm still waiting...can't wait!

<object width=640 height=360><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9NDI0ODYwNjc0Jms9N1lrZm8mYT02MDQyNzQyX3daS2lBJnU9dmluY2VudGxhZm9yZXQ=
" /><embed src="" flashVars="s=ZT0xJmk9NDI0ODYwNjc0Jms9N1lrZm8mYT02MDQyNzQyX3daS2lBJnU9dmluY2VudGxhZm9yZXQ=
" width=640 height=360 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
SLR's are a waste of $ IMO unless you really have a use for them (if you are a pro, fine but anything else is just too bulky and expensive)

When you can have something like this and have the same or better quality:

You can use all the same lenses (with an adapter) @ 15MPx :tongue:

It just came out today and I just had to pick one up. :D:D:D:D:D:D CANT WAIT!!!

Of course it wont shoot HD video but I really dont have a use for that..... yet :P

Well I have to disagree with that. The G10 and G9 are marvelous for what they are but still are limited:

1) Speed, can't match the speed of even the rebel cameras as far as focussing & shutter response

2) Viewfinder

3) Depth of field, the G10 is a marvel for such a small sensor, but still is a small sensor, which means it's a 'crop' even if you attached an L lens to it, which means you won't get nearly the shallow DOF that you get with a full frame or even one of the 1.6x crop DSLRs. If you shoot just landscapes, this won't really mattter

4) Noise, G10 can't hold a candle to any DSLR over ISO 400.

5) Megapixels don't mean a thing. You can have a crappy camera with 12 megapixels... 12 very blurry megapixels. MP doesn't = resolution. Again the G10 is exceptional in its class, but not all 14 megapixel P&S cameras are like that, and it still can't compare to the latest generation 12 megapixel DSLR's (remarkably good for what it is).

BTW here's a pic I took, photoshopped, and printed 30" wide of my friend's DB9. From an original Canon 1D, 4 *very good* megapixels ;)

<img src=""/>
I will wait to see what the masses will say after they get theres before I commit to buying. I have a feeling after the new year the price will drop slightly.

I've heard that Canon has so many pre-orders yet to be filled, that we're not even likely to see the camera on store shelves until May or June of next year.

And apparently those who pre-ordered online from retailers like J&R (like me) may be out of luck for awhile. I ended up canceling my pre-order and put a deposit down to get on the wait list at my local camera shop.
I've heard that Canon has so many pre-orders yet to be filled, that we're not even likely to see the camera on store shelves until May or June of next year.

And apparently those who pre-ordered online from retailers like J&R (like me) may be out of luck for awhile. I ended up canceling my pre-order and put a deposit down to get on the wait list at my local camera shop.

Check your local bestbuy they have them coming in every week
How do you like it? My cousin was filming a music video on Saturday night so I went to pay the visit the set (since film production is slow right now... I wanted to do something...)... and what do you know... he just got that new camera! He usually shoots on a Panasonic HVX/P2 whatever camera... but now he swears by this new EOS.

It does look a little funny when its mounted on a tripod shooting video though =]

Although, all digital HD cameras look funny to me shooting video compared to a 35mm.. but this one is just a joke =] But the picture looks damn good!
First pic taken OF the camera:

Size comparison with 30D:

First pic taken BY the camera:

First video taken with the camera:
<object width=640 height=360><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=aT00MzkzMTUzNjkmaz0zQnA5OCZhPTY4NTg5NzVfRUV1Z2EmdT1ha2lyYTNkJmU9MQ==" /><embed src="" flashVars="s=aT00MzkzMTUzNjkmaz0zQnA5OCZhPTY4NTg5NzVfRUV1Z2EmdT1ha2lyYTNkJmU9MQ==" width=640 height=360 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>

All of the above shot through the Canon EF 70-200 F/2.8L IS
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Haven't had time to put anything exciting together, but wanted to get an example up as soon as possible that would be, at the very least, "relevant" to our community. :D

<object width=640 height=360><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=aT00MzkwNjc5NjUmaz1FNXlKZCZhPTY4NjQzMDBfcG1mRTYmdT1ha2lyYTNkJmU9MQ==" /><embed src="" flashVars="s=aT00MzkwNjc5NjUmaz1FNXlKZCZhPTY4NjQzMDBfcG1mRTYmdT1ha2lyYTNkJmU9MQ==" width=640 height=360 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
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Since I can't post full HD video clips, click on the following for full resolution frame captures:

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Great timing on this topic ... I'm in the market for my first SLR, but unfortunately the 5D is not in my budget. What do you guys suggest in the $500 range?
Various flavors of Canon's Digital Rebel have dropped into that price range...a good way to test the waters without a hefty investment in the body. And EF (not EF-S) lenses work on all of the bigger and better models.
So anyone got a pro-sumer level dslr for sale? :)

Just get the G10 - no need for an SLR unless you are shooting professionally... too big and bulky and way too expensive even though it has some interesting features...
I'm not a pro but I want the pro features.

ex. For starters, the G10 is a 1.5 fps max camera. Too low for action shooting.

Continuous Shooting
Normal: approx. 1.3 fps; AF: approx. 0.7 fps; LV: approx. 0.7 fps (Large/Fine)

And I'd like to use other lenses. The G10 seems to just be a fancy point and click.
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I'm not a pro but I want the pro features.

ex. For starters, the G10 is a 1.5 fps max camera. Too low for action shooting.

Continuous Shooting
Normal: approx. 1.3 fps; AF: approx. 0.7 fps; LV: approx. 0.7 fps (Large/Fine)

And I'd like to use other lenses. The G10 seems to just be a fancy point and click.

might be selling my 5D for something new... but i sent you a message already.