Must get Canon EOS 5D Mark II

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
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Im waiting on the 50D myself ..... but those in the market for a 40D or 5D are getting great deals on used equipment. Everyone that has the means to get the new 1DMK III or 5D MK II are selling there old equipment at great prices. Great for buyers that is :biggrin:
I pre-ordered my 5D Mark now I must figure out what to do with my old D60. I like having two DSLR camera bodies, but can't really see a need for three!
amazing quality, and it'll be lots of fun to play with. Guess its time to say bye bye to my 20D. :wink::biggrin:
It has the ability to shoot video. But shooting a video from an SLR is less than desirable. Nobody buying this camera should purchase it for that feature. Better off buying a separate video camera...

A shortsighted view considering that this DSLR just happens to shoot better quality video than any prosumer HD camcorder out there (higher bitrate mp4 h264, vastly superior low light performance, not to mention interchangeable lenses). Heck, someone has been comparing its results favorably against the wonder Scarlet went back to the drawing board. Only negative I have with it is lack of 24p.

Yes, I am buying this as a still camera first and excuse to finally get a full-frame DSLR. Its low light performance as a DSLR is stunning. That said, 30fps 1080p HD video is a huge bonus since my current video cameras only shoot interlaced standard def video. Do not be surprised how often this DLSR will be used for shooting video...
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Here is another video shot from a pre production 5d MK II

<object width="400" height="225"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <param name="movie" value="" /> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Canon 5D Mark II takes a Brown Shrike - Lanius cristatus</a> from <a href="">Ralf Nabong</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.
A shortsighted view considering that this DSLR just happens to shoot better quality video than any prosumer HD camcorder out there (higher bitrate mp4 h264, vastly superior low light performance, not to mention interchangeable lenses). Heck, someone has been comparing its results favorably against the wonder Scarlet went back to the drawing board. Only negative I have with it is lack of 24p.

I'm not complaining about the quality but rather the form factor, controls and lack of ease of use compared to an HD camcorder. It doesn't even have a firewire port. It's hard as hell to get the shots they did and it requires far too much focus work.
I didn't see a price (actually I didn't look for one). Any idea what these are going to go for? I picked up my 40D last xmas and will gladly replace it with this if within budget (love the video feature as well, finally on a DSLR).
I didn't see a price (actually I didn't look for one). Any idea what these are going to go for? I picked up my 40D last xmas and will gladly replace it with this if within budget (love the video feature as well, finally on a DSLR).

The 50D was just released with a retail price of 1399 for the 5D MK II body Be prepared to pay $2000 plus for this puppy.
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SLR's are a waste of $ IMO unless you really have a use for them (if you are a pro, fine but anything else is just too bulky and expensive)

When you can have something like this and have the same or better quality:

You can use all the same lenses (with an adapter) @ 15MPx :tongue:

It just came out today and I just had to pick one up. :D:D:D:D:D:D CANT WAIT!!!

Of course it wont shoot HD video but I really dont have a use for that..... yet :P
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MSRP for body-only is $2669.

As for form factor, I have to agree that the form factor of a DSLR isn't ideal for shooting video...and with the weight of the 70-200 F2.8/L lens attached, my arms will get tired very fast.

But I love my lenses...and can't wait to see what glorious looking photos and HD video will come from using them on this camera. My 16-35 F2.8/L lens is going to really come in handy when shooting in-car footage.
To be honest it looks like it was taken with a camera phone. :redface:

yea a 14.7 Megapixel cell phone. :rolleyes:


yea a 14.7 Megapixel cell phone. :rolleyes:

To be honest, I also thought that first pic you linked to wasn't that great, but that second photograph :eek:. You can tell that's 14.7mp.
Did you take that with an iPhone? Maybe I should go out and take some pics with mine! ;)