Motor Trend - New NSX 11/22/2010

When did you receive this information and why should we believe it?

Funny... I was just recently at my dealership for TB/WP and *no one* had any clue about this at all. As far as anyone I know that works in/on/around or near Honda is concerned, the NSX was a "one shot" done during a "crazy time" that is nice to reminisce about, but was a money pit that ain't coming back.

If Nissan had sold mountains of GT-Rs or Toyota were putting Benz to shame with the LFA, then maybe this would make some difference, but reality is that Euro marques have mindshare in the high dollar segment that Japan is simply culturally incapable of capturing.

Lexus seems to do ok grabbing the people who have one philosophical problem or another (or some hangup) that prevents them from going to BMW/Mercedes/Audi, or the folks that are super Japan-o-philes, or the people who love Toyota, and of course people who just like their designs, but there isn't a lot of market left after that.

The high end $ market is shrinking as the wealthy absorb a bigger and bigger share of the money there is. 5 people making $250k each will buy 5 Mercedes. 4 people on unemployment and 1 jackoff now raking in $3M/yr will buy 1 Mercedes. Net loss of 4 customers from the high $ market. This is a massive oversimplification, but it *is* indicative of whats been happening over the past 6-10 years or so.

Given all of the above, I'll believe that Honda is releasing a supercar when I can test drive it.
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It makes little sense that Honda would tell both Honda and Acura dealerships very little info on an upcoming release. If the unicorn were to come alive it would probably be sold only in Acura dealerships.
did somebody just say ....unicorn........heheheheheeh
When did you receive this information and why should we believe it?
Dude has 13 posts why would anyone think it's credible??

Plus he said "turbo" that right there should tell you something:wink:

Honda won't leak anything else after all the confusion from from what happened when Ito san said what he said a few months back. I'm sure the current crisis is going to push things back as well.

Whatever comes won't be an NSX or mid engine as they've been pretty consistent about that the whole time. The flipped Accord chassis brought some hope but doubtful.
Amazing lack of hospitality directed towards the messenger here. I just logged on today to post some more details I received from a dealership owner. I'll keep it to myself and let the board get the info once the car magazines eventually get it.
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Thanks for you your original post anyway. For what it's worth I believed you. When I worked for Acura we would get letters like the 1 you described and wouldn't really hear anything else until the car mags published something. :smile:
Brandonsan you know how many "dealer" inside stories we've heard about the NSX and none have been true. Most times with things like this the dealer doesn't know.

We've heard about a V8 from two S2000 engines to everything else. The ASCC was the closest and that only made it as far as the race track in Japan w/o the promised V10.

The most credible thing we've heard is from and that is for a GT built off the same platform as the next RL using next gen IMA tech that Honda has been talking about and invested heavily in.

Honda hasn't even shared the use of the RDX turbo with anything else. We should know more in the next 10-16 mos as the car is supposed to be released coinciding the new RL.

I've got noooo problems apologizing it actually is a 500hp turbo :biggrin:
Brandonsan you know how many "dealer" inside stories we've heard about the NSX and none have been true. Most times with things like this the dealer doesn't know.

We've heard about a V8 from two S2000 engines to everything else. The ASCC was the closest and that only made it as far as the race track in Japan w/o the promised V10.

The most credible thing we've heard is from and that is for a GT built off the same platform as the next RL using next gen IMA tech that Honda has been talking about and invested heavily in.

Honda hasn't even shared the use of the RDX turbo with anything else. We should know more in the next 10-16 mos as the car is supposed to be released coinciding the new RL.

I've got noooo problems apologizing it actually is a 500hp turbo :biggrin:

I don't think this rumor is false. He has been on here since 2005. The reason they cancelled the 1st car according to my ex Acura DPSM is the 170K price tag. A twin turbo V6 will be much cheaper to produce than a V10 and it will get better fuel economy which seems to be Honda's main focus.

There is one quote from another Acura rep that stuck in my head........................" The NSX as we know it will cease to exist" . He said the replacement car will not even resemble a NSX in anyway. He told me this in 2004 when I used to work for them (Way before a hint of the HSV concept). It's funny I keep hearing "don't call it a NSX if the engine is going to be in the front" What a lot of people on prime or on any other site don't seem to understand is that it is not the next NSX but a REPLACEMENT. I don't care if it is not mid engined I just want a new HIGH PERFORMANCE car so I can stop looking towards other brands. It would be nice to have a car that is a evolution of the current NSX but thats not going to happen especially if Honda is unable to to make up their minds as to whether or not they want to be in the sports car game.

BTW I am tired of perusing this section of prime. This car is long overdue !!!!
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I don't think this rumor is false. He has been on here since 2005. The reason they cancelled the 1st car according to my ex Acura DPSM is the 170K price tag. A twin turbo V6 will be much cheaper to produce than a V10 and it will get better fuel economy which seems to be Honda's main focus.

There is one quote from another Acura rep that stuck in my head........................" The NSX as we know it will cease to exist" . He said the replacement car will not even resemble a NSX in anyway. He told me this in 2004 when I used to work for them (Way before a hint of the HSC concept). It's funny I keep hearing "don't call it a NSX if the engine is going to be in the front" What a lot of people on prime or on any other site don't seem to understand is that it is not the next NSX but a REPLACEMENT. I don't care if it is not mid engined I just want a new HIGH PERFORMANCE car so I can stop looking towards other brands. It would be nice to have a car that is a evolution of the current NSX but thats not going to happen especially if Honda is unable to to make up their minds as to whether or not they want to be in the sports car game.

BTW I am tired of perusing this section of prime. This car is long overdue !!!!

We've heard so many different reasons for the car being canceled from cost to global meltdown but the car wasn't due to be released until next year.

Eh not necessarily as the GTR and LFA are pretty similar in regards to fuel economy. Of course again though Honda has been talking up their next gen IMA so turbo is not even on the radar.

I agree but that seems to be a media thing that people keep falling into. Honda has always said these concepts would be "replacements" but the media says "new NSX" as its a recognizable name among enthusiasts.

I also don't care about engine placement just put something out Honda.
I don't think this rumor is false. He has been on here since 2005. The reason they cancelled the 1st car according to my ex Acura DPSM is the 170K price tag. A twin turbo V6 will be much cheaper to produce than a V10 and it will get better fuel economy which seems to be Honda's main focus.

There is one quote from another Acura rep that stuck in my head........................" The NSX as we know it will cease to exist" . He said the replacement car will not even resemble a NSX in anyway. He told me this in 2004 when I used to work for them (Way before a hint of the HSC concept). It's funny I keep hearing "don't call it a NSX if the engine is going to be in the front" What a lot of people on prime or on any other site don't seem to understand is that it is not the next NSX but a REPLACEMENT. I don't care if it is not mid engined I just want a new HIGH PERFORMANCE car so I can stop looking towards other brands. It would be nice to have a car that is a evolution of the current NSX but thats not going to happen especially if Honda is unable to to make up their minds as to whether or not they want to be in the sports car game.

BTW I am tired of perusing this section of prime. This car is long overdue !!!!

What's funny is that the HSC was announced in 2003. :rolleyes:
Amazing lack of hospitality directed towards the messenger here. I just logged on today to post some more details I received from a dealership owner. I'll keep it to myself and let the board get the info once the car magazines eventually get it.

I agree - why would anyone not think this guy is right? There are a few on Prime that think that if they didn't hear something themselves from one of "their" sources then it's got to be false. People should lighten up and remember the things that make Prime great - that's a sense of family here. I don't care how many posts someone has - that may mean that poster has other things to do than just hang on here all the time and post. Some folks have a lot more time than others and they may be shy to post. They're going to stay shy getting stuff like this from our Prime members.

If someone wanted to pick on someone they might say to WingZ that with over 4000 posts isn't it about time he actually became a member of Prime and not just a registered user???? Just something people might want to consider? Just sayin...

Maybe we should all learn something from this. :smile:
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Last time my dealer told me a new NSX rumor, I later found out he heard the rumor on prime :)

And on a side note: I was almost talked out of buying my 97 (in 97) because the new NSX would be announced next year... I'm still waiting....
As far as I'm concerned, if it's not mid-engined, it's not an NSX, period! If they want to make some other format, fine! Just don't call it an NSX!

I agree - why would anyone not think this guy is right? There are a few on Prime that think that if they didn't hear something themselves from one of "their" sources then it's got to be false. People should lighten up and remember the things that make Prime great - that's a sense of family here. I don't care how many posts someone has - that may mean that poster has other things to do than just hang on here all the time and post. Some folks have a lot more time than others and they may be shy to post. They're going to stay shy getting stuff like this from our Prime members.

If someone wanted to pick on someone they might say to WingZ that with over 4000 posts isn't it about time he actually became a member of Prime and not just a registered user???? Just something people might want to consider? Just sayin...

Maybe we should all learn something from this. :smile:

LOL I thought of that as well. Let me see what dealer says as the new prime that's coming is supposed to be turbo charged:wink:

Last time my dealer told me a new NSX rumor, I later found out he heard the rumor on prime :)

And on a side note: I was almost talked out of buying my 97 (in 97) because the new NSX would be announced next year... I'm still waiting....

Everything has been rumor because there hasn't been a new NSX

As far as I'm concerned, if it's not mid-engined, it's not an NSX, period! If they want to make some other format, fine! Just don't call it an NSX!


I don't understand why people keep thinking it will be called an NSX? Never at sports concept debut has Honda called a prototype the new NSX. We've had the HSC or the ASCC. When the NSX prototype was out they called it an NS-X.

Maybe we should all learn something from this :smile:
LOL I thought of that as well. Let me see what dealer says as the new prime that's coming is supposed to be turbo charged:wink:

Everything has been rumor because there hasn't been a new NSX

I don't understand why people keep thinking it will be called an NSX? Never at sports concept debut has Honda called a prototype the new NSX. We've had the HSC or the ASCC. When the NSX prototype was out they called it an NS-X.

Maybe we should all learn something from this :smile:

The media keeps calling it the next NSX. :mad:
Well thank you for the update we will all keep are fingers crossed

and I will DUMP my 3 NSX's to buy the new NSX

well maybe only dump 2 NSX's and keep my 92.

you will see me at every blood bank collecting cash.

you will see me mowing grass between my 1st job, 2nd job, and 3rd job.

I would not sleep intill the FULL ammount is in my bank for the new NSX.

then I would quit all those jobs and only sleep in my new NSX
Shawn we applaud your loyalty! How are those projects coming? I hope very well - hurry up and get finished so you can sell for the new one!

Really I don't care what they call it; I only care that it is a true sports car and one that can at least do battle with other true sports cars. If it costs 80 to 100k - and it may - well it should damn well compete with the likes of Porsche and Audi and Lotus. Lambo, Aston, Ferrari, LF-A, those are in another league. But for most of us - those differences would be damn hard to explore the way most of us drive and where we drive.

You can however know and understand true performance and quality and balance and handling. No matter what speed you have to drive. That is what has been the fun and mark of the NSX. We just want a proper derivitive. Show us the car! That's our mantra - show us the car!
Perry and I have been saying for years it will be a V6 turbo with possibly Hybrid IMA drive and SH-AWD. The only real question is mid or front, and I'm not sure if even Honda has decided that yet. I have been extremely impressed with Ford's innovation and ambition with the EcoBoost series of engines, and I think Honda has taken notice. Ford is doing with EcoBoost what Honda used to do with VTEC- power of larger engine from smaller engine and better fuel economy. I think Honda still has some reservations about the longevity/reliability of direct injection, which may explain why it is taking them so long to replace the J-series V6.
The media keeps calling it the next NSX. :mad:

Well if the article title read "New Honda HSC" people would think it was either a new economy car or truck. New NSX just gets more attention

Perry and I have been saying for years it will be a V6 turbo with possibly Hybrid IMA drive and SH-AWD. The only real question is mid or front, and I'm not sure if even Honda has decided that yet. I have been extremely impressed with Ford's innovation and ambition with the EcoBoost series of engines, and I think Honda has taken notice. Ford is doing with EcoBoost what Honda used to do with VTEC- power of larger engine from smaller engine and better fuel economy. I think Honda still has some reservations about the longevity/reliability of direct injection, which may explain why it is taking them so long to replace the J-series V6.

LOL We did?? I thought our car was just a J series with IMA and SHAWD:confused:

I was just reading a review of the new Civic which wasn't that great. Apparently it's lost it's mojo as well. Guys it might be just as well that Honda hasn't released anything in this arena as the more products they release the more disappointed I've become.

Honestly counselor I think they haven't replaced the J series is because they just don't know what to do anymore:frown:
The new Civic is a hit and miss. Exterior looks better but interior took a whacky turn. The new i-MID is nice, but the design of the interior is a downgrade. Steering wheel looks uglier and center console is just plain uglier.

As for the turbo V6 IMA SH-AWD, if the SH-AWD has the car cruising with 100% rear (or very close to 100%), that would be fine. I'd prefer just plain old RWD with IMA is fine.
LOL We did?? I thought our car was just a J series with IMA and SHAWD:confused:

I was just reading a review of the new Civic which wasn't that great. Apparently it's lost it's mojo as well. Guys it might be just as well that Honda hasn't released anything in this arena as the more products they release the more disappointed I've become.

Honestly counselor I think they haven't replaced the J series is because they just don't know what to do anymore:frown:

I don't know anymore- I'm so confused! :confused: Just get on with it Honda! But yeah, I suppose the turbo is a new option. :D I was thinking at work the other day- if Honda had just kept up with the NSX and made a NA3, why can't we? You would need a J35A8 from a TL-S, a forged crank and forged rods from a Ridgeline or Odyssey, some custom 12.1 pistons, and a bellhousing adapter plate. Plus some custom motor mounts. Bigger injectors and AEM engine management, along with the DBW hardware. Yes, I know the J is SOHC and the C is DOHC, but the latest gen SOHC VTEC is probably more efficient than the first-gen DOHC VTEC in the NSX anyway. Set up the engine for 8500 rpm operation with some custom headers (Cody? :))...