Motor Trend - New NSX 11/22/2010

So what? The C30A and C32B were derived from the Honda Legend. Does that mean those engines sucked?

Yup, pretty much....especially when you consider what the could have put in like a V10 from their F1 program. 270 and 290 hp are nothing special. They should have aimed higher like 400 hp. We all know that it would have been well within their ability. So now in the age of 500+ HP sport utilities they are talking about a 400HP V6 in their "exotic" car? They are aiming about 100 HP low already.
400 naturally aspirated hp is pretty good. Remember the GTS - new from Porsche has about that many hp and they want over 100k for it. So I don't think that this is far off at all. All these go fast cars are heavy - over 3k lbs. AWD - well of course that's in keeping with Acura's flag ships - the RL. I don't see this as a negative at all - hybrid technology too - bring it on!

This is obviously an artists rendering but something is cooking otherwise why would Motor Trend bring this artical out? Unless there is something to it - who cares - I bet there's something going on over there in Japan.

We'll see - we can only hope.
I thought Uehara retired from Honda... If so, what is his credibility? Despite all the naysayers who works at Honda, I sense there still a glimmer of hope. Decision makers change their minds all time and many who are in position to know does not know or are not authorized to talk about it. I actually think all the naysayers speaking up gives credence to that there is probably something in the works.

Speaking of which, the 400Hp Hybrid V6 has been developed since 2001 referred to as the powerplant behind the DN-X or Dual Note. It is still special to this date. It goes to tell you how far ahead Honda was technologically but was so ass backwards with making decision.

Nevertheless, I welcome it. Bring it on. Check book is ready.
You guys are too much. ;)

Hope...easy to damage but hard to kill.

Shawn, remember what we were talking about over dinner? Faith? :smile:

The Beatles are getting back together. I saw it Motor Trend. :tongue:
This time they're going to have 5 of them.:biggrin: The 5th one is a chick!
Elvis is opening for them and yes he'll be traveling with a reggae band.
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Shawn, remember what we were talking about over dinner? Faith? :smile:

The Beatles are getting back together. I saw it Motor Trend. :tongue:
This time they're going to have 5 of them.:biggrin: The 5th one is a chick!
Elvis is opening for them and yes he'll be traveling with a reggae band.

Not just that, but they're on iTunes now too!
IF Honda builds that car, for $90k, I would buy it.

Let's hope management changes. And changes its mind.

Build it. And they will come.
It really is too bad that not too many people bought the NSX when it was being sold. From what I've seen the numbers aren't anywhere near what its competitors sold.

Though it didn't seem like Honda cared too much. It was their trophy car, showcasing all their F1 tech. It didn't have to sell, it only had to exist and its goal was achieved. That's why they didn't update the car too much over its lifespan.

Hopefully that's not what's holding Honda back now.
To be very frank, I think Honda's reluctance to develop another sports car is two fold:

1 - worldwide economic recession. Once we rebound out of the "W," I'm fairly confident the idea of another Honda sports car or supercar will be revisited.

2 - lack of a clear and compelling market direction for the Acura brand. Spoke with a Honda employee (who shall remain nameless) and he admitted that the company doesn't seem to have a clear direction for Acura. Considering that the goal for the brand has varied over several extremes (Tier 1 to Smart Luxury among others) over the course of just a few years, I can understand that point.

As another note, the above employee also stated that he was fairly sure that the US market would not have liked the aesthetic design of the HSV. The engineering aspect of the car would have been attractive but not the looks. Of course, we'll never know fully and it's just opinion but he seemed confident in that thought.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no truth in that (NSX)article. I'll leave it as that.


Ok From what you've said and other Honda/Acura employees this isn't an NSX ,but the specifics seem to be referring to an Acura coupe. I've been looking at comments from both prime and and one poster finally came out with it whereas others have treaded lightly.

Acura is planning a coupe and apparently has been working on it for some time. This makes sense as that's what Acura/Honda NA has been wanting from Honda for years now.

Makes sense that Urehara san said no more sports cars as this will be a coupe/gt. From what someone has said on we should know in about six months. Yeah I know no knew NSX ,but the HSV wasn't a new NSX either and that looked pretty sweet.
Anyone want to go out on a limb and speculate which upcoming autoshow we might see the Acura Sports Coupe debut?

NAIAS (January 10, 2011)

Chicago Auto Show (February 9, 2011)
*For what it's worth the NSX debuted here*

or some future show in 2011..2012...2013...
If an entry level sports coupe does get introduced which the article on TOV basically says has no merit, I hope to Heaven it involves a K24 with the CR-Z hybrid tech.
If an entry level sports coupe does get introduced which the article on TOV basically says has no merit, I hope to Heaven it involves a K24 with the CR-Z hybrid tech.

TOV is saying it has no merit as the new NSX ,but if you read the comments from the Honda people it's an Acura coupe. Honda does need to put SHAWD in something sporty beyond the 6spd TL.
WingZ - On TOV you asked "How would you guys feel if Honda used the HSV body on Accord platform with a V6." I can't agree more with your response, "I'd buy in a heartbeat".

The body of the HSV is amazing minus the front end (squished down as per SuperGT regulations). The back end of the car is sublime, best I've seen in decades.

I would love to see the Accord coupé or TSX re-skinned with the HSV body, marketed as a high-performance spiritual successor to the Prelude with SH-AWD and all the appointments one would expect from an Acura.
TOV is saying it has no merit as the new NSX ,but if you read the comments from the Honda people it's an Acura coupe. Honda does need to put SHAWD in something sporty beyond the 6spd TL.

Here's the coupe info from TOV w/ specific info bolded for reference:

TOV said:
Before we go, one other interesting thing we noticed on the scan of the magazine cover is a small Acura-badged coupe. Daniel says that it appears that Holiday Auto simply repurposed some of Brenda Priddy's spyshots of the 2012 Civic Si, saying Honda could be bringing back the Integra. Daniel feels that again there is absolutely nothing of substance to be taken from these assertions, however.

Nevertheless, despite the various forum entries on TOV and the crossing of my fingers for a reintroduction of an Integra model, I still think they're pipe dreams developed by an automotive publisher to attract an audience.
Here's the coupe info from TOV w/ specific info bolded for reference:

Nevertheless, despite the various forum entries on TOV and the crossing of my fingers for a reintroduction of an Integra model, I still think they're pipe dreams developed by an automotive publisher to attract an audience.

The vehicle I'm describing is not Civic based, it is an Accord/TSX based Hybrid Sports Coupe (Grand Tourer).
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Sadly, "sports" is not on Honda's mind right now guys. The double whammy of the gas price spike in 2008 and the economic crash in 2009 has completely altered Honda's entire product strategy. Wrong or right, Honda has instituted a new corporate identity that is focused on efficient, green personal transportation. This goes from Ito down to the lowest manager and is why you are hearing the same message from everyone, including the folks at Fiesta. This is Japanese corporate group-think at its best. Everyone is on message and this is how it will stay until, if ever, Honda determines the market is right for a sports car product line.

With that said, it doesn't mean that Honda is not working on sports cars or high-performance powerplants. It does mean that until that fateful day, these projects will stay strictly internal. As I mentioned earlier and in other posts, we do know for sure that Honda is developing a new line of engines that are smaller, more advanced, more efficient and specifically designed to work with a hybrid-electric motor system. We also know that this new powertrain will be able to operate in manual, automatic and manumatic transmission applications. The first example of this concept is the CR-Z, but that car uses a version of Honda's IMA system from the Insight, and as I understand it, the new powertrain is either a brand new concept or a heavily modified version of the IMA. This system CAN BE applied to a sports platform. Electric motors can produce gobs of torque (~400 lb/ft), which is great for sports cars. I have no doubt that this system can be applied to a mid-engined platform and produce a viciously fast car. However, a hybrid NSX will probably be the last product to come out of this new line, not the first.
Sadly, "sports" is not on Honda's mind right now guys. The double whammy of the gas price spike in 2008 and the economic crash in 2009 has completely altered Honda's entire product strategy. Wrong or right, Honda has instituted a new corporate identity that is focused on efficient, green personal transportation. This goes from Ito down to the lowest manager and is why you are hearing the same message from everyone, including the folks at Fiesta. This is Japanese corporate group-think at its best. Everyone is on message and this is how it will stay until, if ever, Honda determines the market is right for a sports car product line.

With that said, it doesn't mean that Honda is not working on sports cars or high-performance powerplants. It does mean that until that fateful day, these projects will stay strictly internal. As I mentioned earlier and in other posts, we do know for sure that Honda is developing a new line of engines that are smaller, more advanced, more efficient and specifically designed to work with a hybrid-electric motor system. We also know that this new powertrain will be able to operate in manual, automatic and manumatic transmission applications. The first example of this concept is the CR-Z, but that car uses a version of Honda's IMA system from the Insight, and as I understand it, the new powertrain is either a brand new concept or a heavily modified version of the IMA. This system CAN BE applied to a sports platform. Electric motors can produce gobs of torque (~400 lb/ft), which is great for sports cars. I have no doubt that this system can be applied to a mid-engined platform and produce a viciously fast car. However, a hybrid NSX will probably be the last product to come out of this new line, not the first.

Agreed that a hybrid NSX would be the last to come out but this vehicle isn't supposed to come out until 2014. New RL will be out before then. Plus it will just be a sporty coupe not an NSX. Hopefully though it will have better numbers than the last NSX.
Actually, I am extremely impressed with the products coming out of Ford and GM these days. They are putting Honda and Toyota to shame.

Honda needs to have a sports car! Hopefully Detroit they will have something interesting.