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MODE4 Carbon Fiber NSX-R Diffusers – $260 SHIPPED!

It's good to see all the support people are giving to Erick. He is definitely one of the good guys on prime and one of the most respected. Show your support guys and pick one up! I will be getting mine in a few hours! :smile:

Again it is big of both MODE4 and EVOF575GTC to compensate the previous purchasers as well. If it wasn't for his contribution most of us wouldn't have the goodies we have today on our cars!:smile:

IMO companies like SOS and Dali have been around for awhile in this market for a reason. They understand that this is a unique market with limited amount of cars. In order to survive prices have to be stable. When someone comes in and undercuts everyone else in the long run it will hurt the industry. I have seen it before and thats MY OPINION. Prices for a wing for instance will cost more for the NSX then a wing for a civic. Simple economics... They can sell more civic wings so it's worth producing in high volume.

I agree with Hac that competition is good, I also believe that the reason most people go to certain vendors over the years in this industry and in others because they trust them and they know if anything goes wrong there is customer service and support!

You are on the dot about how we are a "unique market" therefore how we must keep our market at a certain standard. I mean, yes it's very easy for anyone to import stuff in and whore it out, undercutting every single competitor, but where does that get us? It will basically come down to super low quality, badly made cheap replicas, and poorly fitted products for our cars. Than we will see various other cars retro-fitting NSX stuff onto their cars. How would it make everyone feel if you see an ol'skool CRX with an NSX-R spoiler and headlights? It would not only cheapen the value of the NSX, but they can do that because parts will be so cheap and poor quality that it doesn't matter anymore. So, lets keep a level of standards within our community. Nothing is free in this world and if you want to play, you must pay. right?

So, Erick...Keep doing what you do man. You provide great customer service and support, bridge the gap for many of us NSX'r who want nice products but don't want to take out a 2nd on our house or deplete our 401k just to buy stuff. Keep carrying and making great products, those that know you will keep supporting you. Those that have the money, will pay for it without thinking twice.

So, Erick...Keep doing what you do man. You provide great customer service and support, bridge the gap for many of us NSX'r who want nice products but don't want to take out a 2nd on our house or deplete our 401k just to buy stuff. Keep carrying and making great products, those that know you will keep supporting you. Those that have the money, will pay for it without thinking twice.

+1 for Erick
Yes, it fits '02+ rear valences. To get this to fit, you'll need to update your rear valence to the '02+ style.
Give props where's it's earned. Erick has been a great vendor for us nsxers. Action speaks louder than word. I can't see why we go out of our way to benefit the imposer... people like synergywork shouldn't even be trusted to do business with. Even they start selling things for really cheap.
Give props where's it's earned. Erick has been a great vendor for us nsxers. Action speaks louder than word. I can't see why we go out of our way to benefit the imposer... people like synergywork shouldn't even be trusted to do business with. Even they start selling things for really cheap.

+1, well said.

first of all, i didn't ever bought anything from you (yet), and don't need this diffuser because i want to do something different with the rear of my NSX,

but ...

i can't hold myself from giving you the credit you deserve... you're really an important vendor for this community and actions like this make me want to do business with you (i already wanted) ...

you are, at least for me, a bigger and better vendor than other's considered bigger, which lack the customer care you have :wink:

keep up the excelent work,
I don't get ? Im no busniess man, I see u all compliment Erick for this. here is my take on this: $700 is over price for a copy of the OEM($400 new OEM) and and $260 is a &*^% you price for the new ventor trying to save u all money ...This is just SAD!..$450 the right price for seller and buyer..

PS. im not trying to bash Erick just busniess here..
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I don't get ? Im no busniess man, I see u all compliment Erick for this. here is my take on this: $700 is over price for a copy of the OEM($400 new OEM) and and $260 is a &*^% you price for the new ventor trying to save u all money ...This is just SAD!..$450 the right price for seller and buyer..

PS. im not trying to bash Erick just busniess here..

It's true the $260 is a bitchin' "F#ck you" price towards the new vendor. Remember though, it's NOT a "sale" price, it's a "clearance" price. So it only lasts as long as inventory.

Good points Zero
this kinda sucks for Erick yeah...he seems like he is a stand up guy...

but it really is not the fault of the new vender either. It is the fault of the manufacture and the contract that mode$ did or did not have with them.

when getting someone to manufacture stuff for you, THEY hold the molds...ANYONE with enough time and energy can get them to make the product for you, as NRG did. NRG them sold it to the new vendor synergy...

His buisness model may have a different ROI that erick, thats all....
this should not be a pissing match for the two vendors, erick did not get screwed by the other vendor....he was screwed by his manufacture. This happens A LOT dealing with oversees manufacturing. It happens EVERYDAY in the speaker and electronics buisness, thats why you have new product styles every year.

Lets not bash the vendors, support them both....they will figure out how to deal with the manufactures on their own, but we need more vendors pushing the envolope with both pricing and ideas.
this kinda sucks for Erick yeah...he seems like he is a stand up guy...

but it really is not the fault of the new vender either. It is the fault of the manufacture and the contract that mode$ did or did not have with them.

when getting someone to manufacture stuff for you, THEY hold the molds...ANYONE with enough time and energy can get them to make the product for you, as NRG did. NRG them sold it to the new vendor synergy...

His buisness model may have a different ROI that erick, thats all....
this should not be a pissing match for the two vendors, erick did not get screwed by the other vendor....he was screwed by his manufacture. This happens A LOT dealing with oversees manufacturing. It happens EVERYDAY in the speaker and electronics buisness, thats why you have new product styles every year.

Lets not bash the vendors, support them both....they will figure out how to deal with the manufactures on their own, but we need more vendors pushing the envolope with both pricing and ideas.

I agree with your point here. Furthermore, its' because SOME manufacturer doesn't have the integrity on their part distributing to their vendors. Some manufacturers are not looking long term as far as how it affects them. They just thinking short term to make a quick buck and leave, having the vendors they distribute to, fend for themselves. Also, after they realize that the market has been saturated with their part(s) and they can no longer get as much or should I say harder to sell at the price they started with....they will then blow them out at a very low price, just to get what they can out of what's remaining in their stock.
So I wonder. Will the supplier that furnished parts to both of these vendors continue to do so or have they burned a bridge with one or both?
IF they do continue to supply, who will get the better price or who will offer the better price?
OR was this a one time offer in an attempt try and make someone look bad?
OR all of the expensives that were initially involved with this part were recovered due to the prices that were paid for the part originally when it was offered by Erick. THEN once the were covered, the supplier just wanted to clear out inventory and offered them to someone else at a deeply discounted price just to clear out the inventory.
In a way I feel bad that Erick has felt obligated to refund monies to customers that happily paid the asking price for the part. Everyone has to remember that nobody forced you to buy the part, you chose to and you paid for it. Therefore, I don't think Erick should refund anyones money. Let's just say for a second that he did make more profit on it than some of us think he should've. If we feel so convicted by that then maybe next time we sell something we will choose to not make as much profit on it as we really could.
Think about car sales. Do you think if you go into a dealership and want to buy a car at sticker that the dealer won't let you and voluntarily gives you a few thousand off because he doesn't want to make that profit. I don't think so. You know they are making money on you but you buy anyway and the vast majority of the time are happy with your purchase. Then you see the same car a few weeks later on sale at another dealership. Do you HONESTLY think that you can go back to your selling dealer and convince them to pay you the difference between what you paid then and now????
I'll be straight with you. I'm in sales and I have tons of accounts I sell items to at a big discount. HOWEVER, when I get the chance to make some good profit on an item I don't hesitate for one second. That is business.
I will say that I have noticed Erick does offer discounts to returning customers and provides packages of items for a discounted price also. I might be wrong but I think he offers free installation on items in CA when he meets up with folks and people buy stuff from him.