Me vs 430


7 September 2000
I am an idiot. I allowed myself to get egged into a street race with a Ferrari F430.
WE both pulled out on the main highway and I was 3 car lengths behind him and just kept pace with him 50,60,70, 80 when he hit it and so did I. He didn't pull away, as I expected and I stayed right with him and gained a bit. I have no idea how fast we were going I was too busy paying attention to the road and shifting at the top. He got caught in traffic and I passed him in the other lane which clearly ticked him off. It's not like I over powered him, he got caught in traffic. When things cleared he pulled out behind me and I put it all in. He was right on my bumper up past third gear redlining all the way. I realized what I was doing was dangerous, that I was being a idiot, I gave him the thumbs up and pulled over to let him pass. Nice sound that car makes but he got a taste of mine too. He was faster but not by much. A supercharger under the glass would have whupped him plain and simple.
Really I'm glad I don't have one. I'm just not mature enough.

Things were cooling and I slowed to 55 when faster then hell up comes a plain green Chevy with two bikes on the back, on a trunk rack.
I hit the gas to overtake the car in the next lane and pull over to let him pass.
When he gets along side he hit's his siren and motions me over. Surprise! Busted! I nod and give the OK sign and and point to the side and then he takes off after the Ferrari which he pulls over. I got caught in a traffic light and when I got through and caught up with them I pulled over, the Officer by the road waiting and signaling for me to pull in.
I let him know that I wasn't trying to run and he acknowledges that and when he comes to the car I ask if I can get out saying "my ass is too fat to get my wallet out." He laughs say OK and all the while his partner is with the Ferrari 430.
He said he saw us street racing and he had me for that, speeding and reckless driving. I told him I wasn't going to lie and admitted we were racing, that I was a asshole for doing so, that I was 53 and old enough to know better and dumb shit for doing it. I went further to say he wouldn't get any argument from me. I did it, it was wrong and knew better but just wanted to see if I could keep up with that Ferrari.
He said "well you did, nice car, have a seat".
From there I won't bother with the details but I left with no ticket and the Ferrari stayed. Don't know what happened to him. Nice looking young fellow probably in his late twenties early thirties.
I think he is a college student that used to have a Viper Coupe and was always after me to race. I NEVER would. I must be getting stupider as I get older.
After all the preaching on this forum I do something stupid like that. Peter Mills is going to chew me out for sure and I got it coming.

For the record my car is a 1996, I/H/E short gears, 4.23 r&p. Now, all too often I see posts that my 96 is heavy and slow in the NSX world. Guess I can shift better than I think. Clearly if I could think, it wouldn't of happened. I get challenged all the time from all kinds of cars and NEVER took one of them up. With this new Silver Ferrari I stupidly took the bait. I know it wasn't right but I annoyed that fellow pretty good. He was faster but not by much, and we diced it out to his and my surprise.
Pick the right gear, take it hard to red line, power shift, stay composed and the slow, over rated, obsolete NSX can be a nasty, shrieking little bastard.
What a bargain my used car is at 1/5th of the price of a new 430.
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it all you naysayers.

Now I promise, never to do that again. I'm lucky I or someone didn't get hurt, or myself arrested with my car being impounded. Some little boys never grow up.
Flame away. I deserve it.
"I'm just not mature enough."

You said it! Here's your flame :

Consider the following stats, compiled from a variety of national and state transportation agencies, and it's easy to see the answer is to take it to the track.

# In 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes. The total was up from 72 street-racing-related fatalities reported in 2000.
# According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street racing were issued in 2001.
# In San Diego, where the street racing problem has been termed "epidemic," 16 deaths and 31 injuries were directly related to illegal street racing in 2001. The city's attorney's office prosecuted 147 illegal street racing cases in 1999, 161 in 2000, and 290 in 2001.





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Joe nice Ki** :tongue: Temporary insanity,or was the warrior busting out?Our Joe is no dumbass,smartass maybe!
I recall a quote from Ed/NSXBuilder that is appropriate here:

(Paraphrasing) 'He who is without sin, is Jesus.'

I'm not at all a religeous person, but I think I like that phrase because it succinctly makes the point that everybody screws up sometimes. It sounds like you handled it well, learned from it, and even had the balls to post it so that we can too. You'll get no flames from me. I'm glad it all turned out OK.
I agree, it was reckless, dangerous, and not the right thing to do, but damn congrats to you. 430 is a very fast car, and for you to keep pace with it is astonishing. Our high 200hp nsx vs. a 500 hp 430, and still manange to keep up. Truly shows how well engineered our cars are.
If the cops let you go, then I think he could read that you were geniune about your feelings and why you did it. Just glad you're okay and in control most of the time. It's when people exceed their own skill levels and forget the laws of physics and over do the speed, safety, and control factor that is when things get ugly. It is a great story however for me to exprience, and thank you for sharing.
Skyguy is right on and I have had a front row seat to this kind of stupidity since I was born and should know better. Mea culpa from the weak fish.
This happens all to often while street racing.....

here :mad:
I am not going to flame realize what you did was not the smartest thing and you owned up to it. That is more than 99.9% of the people in the world who would blame someone or something else. I am just glad you or the Ferrari driver did not hit anything and are still here. Everyone makes a mistake...if you think you don't you are full of it. Write that down. ;)
Kudos Skyguy,
This is exactly the attitude we could all hope for and expect from someone in your field. With all you have in your care and control we are dependant on folks like you. Clearly I would not make the cut.
pbassjo said:
Kudos Skyguy,
This is exactly the attitude we could all hope for and expect from someone in your field. With all you have in your care and control we are dependant on folks like you. Clearly I would not make the cut.

Thanks pbassjo,

I'm glad to see he fessed up to it. We all make mistakes but preventable mistakes that could be avoided with a dose of common sense are the ones that are the saddest of all. :frown:

When it comes to being responsible for lives, you cannot take risks that are not yours to take.
So how did the cop justify not giving you a ticket?
Must be the day for street racing, i was getting egged on by a late 70's firebird that was jacked up in the back and built for drag racing or something, driven by a young kid too. What was so stupid was there were three cars in front of both of us in each lane, you couldn't go anywhere! Then as soon as I could move ahead a bit in my lane (because it was moving faster) he'd gun it but have no where to go, complete idiot! :mad: Then again, you'll all say it, I live in MI. :biggrin:
Great story for lots of reasons.

This crap CAN happen to us everytime we get in our cars. Someone always wants to race the hot car, to see how there car (hot or not) can stack up.

I think its great that you shared the story, it will make us all think the next time someone starts egging us on.

Now that the conservative side of the brain has weighed in....that is kick butt that your almost 10 year old car kept up with the big supercar Ferrari :eek:

That guy must of been crapping himself that you were staying with him. OK, now cut that racing out, save it for the track.
comquat1 said:
So how did the cop justify not giving you a ticket?

In MI you would ask the officer such a question? :rolleyes:

Before too many stones are cast, I have not had a single moving violation on my license in 37 years of driving and only 1 parking ticket. :tongue:
Not many can boast that,for that matter, not many here are that old. :wink:
Indeed, I lucked out today.

BTW Skyguy, I have the NSXTASY plate in NY.
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I can get very unhappy with myself when I make stupid mistakes.
I know the "I'm an adult, I should've known better" feeling.
Truth is, though, people can make mistakes at any age.

It's exciting when they turn the siren on you, isn't it.
I've gotten the siren only once, about 18 years ago,
for going, well, let's just say way over the speed limit.
I didn't get a ticket that time, perhaps because the
officer had been far behind me and wasn't able to pace
me accurately. I mean, he admitted to me he was
unsure of my speed: "I don't know how fast you were
going, but I had to drive like hell to catch up with you."
skyguy said:
"I'm just not mature enough."

You said it! Here's your flame :

Consider the following stats, compiled from a variety of national and state transportation agencies, and it's easy to see the answer is to take it to the track.

Sorry skyguy, but I disagree with you. The statistics are nice, but without associated data and analysis they are just irrelevent numbers. The safe answer is not to drive your car fast. The track is dangerous also. Many NSXs and other exotics have unfortunately ended their days on the track and I think we all know the well published story about Benjamin Keaton and his Carrera GT. Driving a car fast is dangerous period. I'd personally rather have an NSX and F430 going 130 mph pass me on the freeway than a 6000 lb H2 or Escalade doing 90 mph or one of those mammoths being driven at 45 mph by a woman putting on her make up! Maybe we should all sell our cars and stay at home! :eek: Anyhow, my opinion!

Also, I had a Dodge Neon Turbo (modified) rev on me today at a stop light. I looked over, smiled, then watched him screach his front tires through first and second gear from the stop light. I just drove off normally. However, if it was a F430 there is always the possibility I may have behaved differently! :wink:

Pbassjo, nice to see you didn't get into trouble and no one got hurt. Hopefully the other guy got off too.
pbassjo said:
In MI you would ask the officer such a question? :rolleyes:

Before too many stones are cast, I have not had a single moving violation on my license in 37 years of driving and only 1 parking ticket. :tongue:
Not many can boast that,for that matter, not many here are that old. :wink:
Indeed, I lucked out today.

BTW Skyguy, I have the NSXTASY plate in NY.

Sorry, I don't know how you took my question with regards to your :rolleyes: face, but what I meant was I was curious if the cop came back and as he was giving you your papers mentioned offhand why he was letting you off. And no, in michigan you don't ask such a question, because you get the ticket no matter what. :rolleyes:
Comquat I meant it to be light hearted. I figure when a policeman says "you can go" you don't ask why.

You get in your car, leave as quickly as you can, making sure your B&B exhaust keeps it's voice down, and when you get down the road you say "thank you God". :wink:
I can't remember the last time I got into a street race, 25 years ago perhaps, and don't think it's a good idea at all but I'm more than happy to dodge a street racer than a drunk behind the wheel!

"Consider the following stats, compiled from a variety of national and state transportation agencies, and it's easy to see the answer is to take it to the track.

# In 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes. The total was up from 72 street-racing-related fatalities reported in 2000.
# According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street racing were issued in 2001.
# In San Diego, where the street racing problem has been termed "epidemic," 16 deaths and 31 injuries were directly related to illegal street racing in 2001. The city's attorney's office prosecuted 147 illegal street racing cases in 1999, 161 in 2000, and 290 in 2001."

While the statistics are very sobering (sorry) it is nothing compared to the number of people killed each year by drunk drivers. Both actions require a person to make a decision that can affect the lives of other but with a drunk driver they are drunk for the complete time behind the wheel. With a street racer the exposure to a lapse in judgment is perhaps a few seconds. It’s clear that a lot can happen in a few seconds but a lot can happen when you reach down to grab that cell phone that you just dropped or that CD that slipped from your hand.

I am not trying to rationalize accidents or highway fatalities but if we are going to talk about statistics then you are opening up Pandora’s Box. Like I said I'll take a street racer over the drunk driver anyday!
surferX said:
Sorry skyguy, but I disagree with you. The statistics are nice, but without associated data and analysis they are just irrelevent numbers. The safe answer is not to drive your car fast. The track is dangerous also. Many NSXs and other exotics have unfortunately ended their days on the track and I think we all know the well published story about Benjamin Keaton and his Carrera GT. Driving a car fast is dangerous period. I'd personally rather have an NSX and F430 going 130 mph pass me on the freeway than a 6000 lb H2 or Escalade doing 90 mph or one of those mammoths being driven at 45 mph by a woman putting on her make up! Maybe we should all sell our cars and stay at home! :eek: Anyhow, my opinion!

Also, I had a Dodge Neon Turbo (modified) rev on me today at a stop light. I looked over, smiled, then watched him screach his front tires through first and second gear from the stop light. I just drove off normally. However, if it was a F430 there is always the possibility I may have behaved differently! :wink:

Pbassjo, nice to see you didn't get into trouble and no one got hurt. Hopefully the other guy got off too.

I guess the point of my post is that innocent people can and will die needlessly.. Stats are stats, but in the end it's the family that suffers when involved in a street racing death.

Kudos to Pbassjo for fessing up. I'm glad there wasen't an accident.
My take home point from Joe's post is that given the right circumstance,any responsible law abiding driver could listen to his or her (little devil) and street race.Statisticly speaking I would think that the chances of Joe's adventure ,assuming he does this once every 10 years,leading to fatality/injury is mighty low compared to the mutants who practice this lunacy every day or week.
pbassjo said:
I am an idiot. I allowed myself to get egged into a street race with a Ferrari F430.
WE both pulled out on the main highway and I was 3 car lengths behind him and just kept pace with him 50,60,70, 80 when he hit it and so did I. He didn't pull away, as I expected and I stayed right with him and gained a bit. I have no idea how fast we were going I was too busy paying attention to the road and shifting at the top. He got caught in traffic and I passed him in the other lane which clearly ticked him off. It's not like I over powered him, he got caught in traffic. When things cleared he pulled out behind me and I put it all in. He was right on my bumper up past third gear redlining all the way. I realized what I was doing was dangerous, that I was being a idiot, I gave him the thumbs up and pulled over to let him pass. Nice sound that car makes but he got a taste of mine too. He was faster but not by much.

What was the top speed that you hit? The reason I ask is, cuz, if you were only getting up to around 100mph and this was an interstate fwy, then I don't consider what you did to be all that dangerous.

100mph in this car on that road isn't a big deal. Now, if you were weaving in and out of traffic competitively, that is another issue. But, opening the throttle up even w/ some other cars on the road is really not a big deal. You guys were single file and not really trying to pass each other or stay side-by-side. So, I just don't see this as that dangerous. Interstate traffic averages around 72mph anyway. The almighty "reckless driving" cutoff in many states is 8mph above that, which is patently absurd. I routinely drive at 90 or even higher. I have set cruise for extended periods of time in excess of 100 on interstates. As long as you aren't 2 cars trying to weave and compete for gaps in slower traffic, what's wrong w/ going fast? Anyone who's driven on the NJTP as I have many times, will have at least once ended up in a multicar paceline doing around 100, which is basically what you claim to have been doing before you were stopped.
Good story Pbassjo...lucky indeed!
Everyone makes mistakes and we all need refreshers on things we shouldnt do!
Your experience confirms what I always knew...the NSX is one bad ass machine at ANY age!! and you dont need 500HP to get in serious trouble!

NOW, go out and give someone, anyone a break like the officer gave to you!!!