May need to sell my '02

randall said:
it's 10k per year till graduation,but you have to start in this school to get in

Both the "10K per year" and "having to start in this school to get in" sound very, very improbable. Manhattan, maybe, but not Kansas...
I lived in a city that was ranked as having the highest average household income in the US. The children that gets sent to Private schools are only those that get booted out of their public school system. Parents that I know send their kids to private/military school as punishment for doing "bad" things in school. This is their way of taking disciplinary action when nothing else works. You might have good intentions, but sending your kids to private school might give them the impression that you don't love them. In essence you are dropping them off and paying for some institution to care of them for you.

Like what I said before, try the public school 1st. If they get into trouble and your schooling won't change anything, then ship them off. My kids get into trouble all the time, but I take the time to sit down and talk to them about what is right/wrong. They all turned out great.

Being parents is not easy, and if you think sending them to private school will automatically make them into respectable individuals, then I think you got some more thinking to do.
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