May need to sell my '02

If you truly believe that spending 20K on kindergarden is money worthwhile then I believe you are fooling yourself. I believe you would be better off selling your car using the 20K to take an extended vacation from work and spend more time with your kids. The best education children can ever recieve is from their family. I have two children one is going into second grade and the other one is starting preschool in September. There is a lot to be learned at school, other than in the classroom. Trying to shield you children by only putting them into good situations is nieve. Kids are going to have to make their own decisions in life and the only way they are going to make the right ones are with the proper upbringing.
I love D'Ecosse's idea. (Also, because my wife is Scottish) But do you people really feel that your car is more importaint than your kids? I don't know. Like I said in my previous post, we don't have kids. Personally, I worked my way through college and graduate school. Went to the number one rated graduate school in the world in it's field. Retired at 47. Owned lots of exotic cars, couple houses around the world, etc.. Only reason ---edcuation at certain schools.

So often it's not what you know, but it's who you know. It's nice to be able to pick up the phone and call that guy you went to school with, or he was in another graduating class at the same school, because he is now the CEO of a major organization. Is Harvard better than East Jesus University. Probably not. But, there are other reasons to go to certain schools. Look at something like the starting salary for some at Yale Law School, versus other law schools. What's the difference versus tution? But it pays in the end.

If I had kids, I would would walk versus driving an NSX. Oh, by the way at Santa Barbara high, the public school, the kids also drive Ferrarias, BMW's etc.

I find this entire topic extremely interesting. To me an NSX is a car.
Having a family is about caring not controlling.
Trying to isolate them from the MTV kids will not work. If that is what they want they will find it and embrace it no matter what school they go to. You can wash your hands all day long and still not be germ proof.
Sell the NSX if you wish but use the money to take vacations and spend time more recreational time with them. It will mean and teach them more than a school with a tuition fence.
I think you would find that the majority of people here did not go to private school.. at least it doesn't sound that way so far. We all have NSX's so we must have done something right :)

Seriously though, 20K for a 4 y/o is INSANE. I would bet they get NOTHING more out of it than a good public school. Maybe private school for highschool might make a little more sense.
NetViper said:
I think you would find that the majority of people here did not go to private school.. at least it doesn't sound that way so far.

I went to our town's public schools. When I was starting high school, I was given the opportunity to attend a small, highly selective private high school that was part of our local university. My parents let me make the decision, whether to go there vs our public high school, notable primarily for its size, marching band, football team, and the mediocrity of most of its academic program. I decided to stay in the public schools. My main concerns were about what the other kids were like - but I also knew that there were a few good teachers and students in the public high school and I thought I could still get a good education there. I did well enough to get accepted at a very prestigious university with sophomore standing upon my arrival.

If the choice were between a truly outstanding private school and a truly dreadful public school, I might re-think that decision - but only at the high school level, not at any earlier point. Other than that specific scenario, though, I think I would agree with RyRy's comment:

RyRy210 said:
I would rather send my kids to a public school 1st and see how they do, and sell my NSX for their tuition to Harvard, Princeton, or Yale (if they get in of course).
smonop said:
One more education point, can't help it.

My dad: Auto mechanice Mom: Retail sales
Schools: Public
College: Loans and a job
Job: Doc

I agree with all the above, you would have to pay ME to allow my children to attend a private school and even then, I would decline. In general, spoiled, prejudice, selfish brats with little sense of what the real world is about. I trained and then worked with some of them, none ever ever came close to having had the following said about them; "Oh, he/she has great bedside manner."

As far as the wife, if it's that important for her to maintain her status among her circle of friends, I am sure she can get a second job or first job if she isn't working.

Upbringing and values are what it's all about.

Good luck selling the car, cause sadly, I already know the outcome.

I agree 100%. My father ran an auto parts store. I went to a poor but relatively crime free public school and paid my way through college and medical school. An education is what you make of it, not the school you attend.

How much for the NSX? I could use something to go with my 996 turbo, my NSX, my wife's Mercedes and my race car. Hint hint.

Don't waste your money. Instead, instill your children with good values.
Sig said:
If you have not seen "Cruel Intentions" with Ryan Phillippe/Reese Witherspoon/&Sarah Michelle Gellar, you should!

Better yet, watch the movie Traffic, that's representative of what I'm trying to say about the shortcomings of exclusivity, money, power, wealth. Makes you just want to squash those private school brats!
I know this is of no help to you, but I just had a funny story I wanted to share. I went to public shool, but I may send my newborn (Expected Sept. 28, 2003) to private school when the time comes. I'm just not sure yet. Anyway, the funny story I always remember is back in my public High School I has this pompus English teacher who would always brag to us about her graduating from Harvard. The funny thing is, the more she brought it up, the more we wondered why she was a high school teacher in a public shcool. There are a lot of coworkers of mine that went to the top private high schools in my state and then off to some good collages. They are all working next to us public school products for the same or less pay. But serisouly, I still think I may try and send my kid to private school, but probably around middle school time.

I agree with all the posts here.

If the concern is that they will not turn out to be "good" kids, a school will not help. Richer schools may have better access to drugs and such. Also, the kids there aren't better, just different. Maybe spoiled, snobby, more selfish....

i think people will eventually see all the negatives things about life one time or another and i think as a parent, you should install good values from the beginning so that they will learn to make good choices.

I've gone to public schools all my life. i've made some mistakes and hung out with the wrong crowd. however, when it really came down to it, i always fell back to what i learned from watching my parents. i could never be really "bad" because of this. my priorities were always clear to me.

as for college, i went to one of the prestigious private schools up in the bay area and i think i turned out fine. i help out my parents (who are at best middle class) financially and have my head screwed on straight.

unless your only alternative is to send your kids to a private school because the only available public schools have high crime, guns, etc... it's not smart to waste your money.

money doesn't buy love, trust, values for your kids. you have to be the role model and show them how it's done. spend more time with them.

i always had my parents there when i needed them and i think that made the biggest difference.

Sending your kids to private kindergarten is absolutely unnecessary because they're too young to realise if there's any difference if they went to public. Kids can only turn into possible "MTV TYPE" around 12+ yrs old because that's the time when they begin to have their own mind and make stupid decisions. You should save your money for them to go to private middle schools and high schools. I assumed you're having financial diffculties or else you won't even have to sell your NSX. Have your wife sell her car because she's the one who put yourselves in this situation. Does she even work? I hope she does or else making you to sell the NSX because of a ridiculous decision she made (when she doesn't chip in a dime) makes everything even more unreasonable. I understand you're the man in the family and wanna pay for all family needs but for everything you've worked for, you deserve to keep a toy or two. Bottom line, family and education comes before ANYTHING but in your case, the "education" part doesn't make sense and you should drop it. Comparing kindergarten private school to kindergarten public school is like 0-5mph Kia - Ferrari duel. I've been to private schools all my life if it makes me sound more convincing.
Hi Randall,

I am not going to comment about wether you should sell the car to give your kids the education that you and your wife want for them. I expect and assume you mean to give them the best you can and you have to make your own choices in that. In the end, as mentioned before, the NSX is a car, the others are human beings and your own flesh and blood.
However, it looks like a lot of importance here is put on the kind of school & education your kids will get at school. Since I don't live in the US I cannot comment on the quality and diversity of quality in US kindergarten, elementary and high-schools. The US educational system seems to be different from what I went through.
However, I would like to add the following.
I believe that the parents of children have as great or maybe even greater influence on a child's education and upbringing as a school. I have learned a lot of different things in school, reading, writing, math, geography etc. etc. etc.
But me having in interest in anything came from my parents. Me just WANTING to read books from the age of six up till today is something I got from my parents. My moral values, my principles, my tolerance for other people, other cultures, other ways of life, my indepence of thought, all these I learned from my parents and family.
Of all my interest that I have, from cars, old sailing ships, military) history, to computers, firearms, ballistics, music to the NSX, I have learned practically nothing in school. It was all my own doing, reading and listening to or reading about people who knew.

School-eduction will give a child (basic) skills like reading and writing. The interaction with other children will learn it how to function socially. But I think it's the parents that will teach a child morals and principles, to learn to say yes or no, to be independent and to make up your mind based upon what your child things and not to what someone else says. These things will not be taught at school.

Of course, as always, just my .02
Randall - what has only been lightly touched on here is the issue of safety and security for your children. I, like most of the members here went to public school and did pretty well for myself. That was a long time ago. At that time, disipline WAS administered by the school staff, the worst offenses were the occassional fist fight, and there was NEVER any weapons at school.
We live in a different time now, and my wife and I chose to send our daughter to private school mainly for reasons of security (albeit not at 10K/year). If any of her classmates act up, the school takes immediate action with the parents to correct the problem. If the situation is not correctable, then the child is removed from the school. Can't do this in public school - the problem child has a "right" to be there. It takes a very serious act of violence to get expelled from public schools.
Personally, I would see what else is available (we have a good choice of several schools at around half of your cost). I agree with others that your children are your most important priority and our toys are secondary. I also agree with others that 10K/year is a tad steep.
Partial solution to offer - take my '95 in trade and let me spot you the difference - you still have an NSX and I finally answer that voice in my head "Must get new NSX...."
A win-win solution!
thanks for all of the insight guys.BTW i don't really NEED to sell the NSX for tuition,i paid cash for it and i just thought maybe it would be a good i need the garage space because i may get one of those GEM electric cars if my golf course will let me use it on the course.also just to let you know i went to public schools as well and my father was a highschool drop out and he's doing better than just fine,although my father made enough money to retire by the age of 35 he still kept busting his arse and is still doing so to this day,46 years at the same job!BTW he owns the company.i'm not worried about values with my children,i'll teach them that like my father taught me.i've been working since i was 6 years old on the farm and then when i was 14 i started working for my fathers company after school and summers.that was 22 years ago!i've only missed two half days from being sick in 22 years so i think i'll be able to pass down my work ethic to my children.
also i'll find out this weekend if i'll be able to get the GEM car and if so i'll list my car on prime.
T Bolen said:
Randall - what has only been lightly touched on here is the issue of safety and security for your children. I, like most of the members here went to public school and did pretty well for myself. That was a long time ago. At that time, disipline WAS administered by the school staff, the worst offenses were the occassional fist fight, and there was NEVER any weapons at school.
We live in a different time now, and my wife and I chose to send our daughter to private school mainly for reasons of security (albeit not at 10K/year). If any of her classmates act up, the school takes immediate action with the parents to correct the problem. If the situation is not correctable, then the child is removed from the school. Can't do this in public school - the problem child has a "right" to be there. It takes a very serious act of violence to get expelled from public schools.
Personally, I would see what else is available (we have a good choice of several schools at around half of your cost). I agree with others that your children are your most important priority and our toys are secondary. I also agree with others that 10K/year is a tad steep.
Partial solution to offer - take my '95 in trade and let me spot you the difference - you still have an NSX and I finally answer that voice in my head "Must get new NSX...."
A win-win solution!
good points about security!i forgot to bring that issue up!times are not the same today.:(
I can understand Randall wanting to get the best education for his kids. I can also understand getting rid of a car to do it. I am sorry there is no way in hell that I would pay 20k for private school for a 4-16 yr old unless the contract guaranteed options to be named later. What are they teaching at this school. I have a four year old and a 10yr old daughter. Did the private school with the 10 year old. She is truly gifted. The sh%t she would come home telling us in the kindergaten would have us absolutely livid.
The "MTV" environment is everywhere, I don't care what neighborhood you send them or drop them off in. We have sense found an excellent academic program for our child at a public magnet school. Our 4yr old goes to a pre-k program that concentrates on them being kids, learning about science, arts, and just having fun. She truly amazes me with the things she knows when we watch the discovery channel. (I love the channel)
Her school coosts me less than 6k a year.
I have a friend that is paying roughly $2300 per month for day care and pre-k. The programs are totally different, they are pushing all of this academic stuff on these kids and frying their will at such an early age. (JMO)
Whoever told you to take the 20k and invest it, That is sound advice. Then if anyones kids turn out to be duds we have a cushion for them.
Again, I would sit in fire for my kids, if it was something that needed to be done. 20k for pre-k, How much is first grade?
it's 10k per year till graduation,but you have to start in this school to get in,thats the sh!tty thing.if it's the cup of tea i hope it is i can always pull them out.BTW this school doesn't allow tatoos,nose/body piercings,corn rows,baggy jeans with your arse hanging out,and no gagster rap bullsh!it!!
Ok get this... Home school is virtually FREE... and you have complete CONTROL over everything they're exposed to. IF you're afraid of an outside negative influence.

Otherwise...public school is the way to go! There are just as many cons to private school as there are to public, however in my opinion the private route will result in irreversable psychological damage. :D The kids there are mean, and spoiled... and if anyone thinks the kids won't learn about sex, drugs, etc at early ages because a private school is a little safer...think again.

Home School em, feed them strictly PBJ, and keep the NSX!!! KEEP IT MAN!!!
randall said:
...BTW this school doesn't allow tatoos,nose/body piercings,corn rows,baggy jeans with your arse hanging out,and no gagster rap bullsh!it!!

So they're never going to leave the school property. Randall, I'm not preaching on whether or not you should sell your car, but to think that you children will not dress or have body piercings just because it's a school rule is insane. They can still get their tounge and eyebrow pierced and just not wear them on school premises. And also, what's the big deal with wearing baggy bants below the crack of your a$$. It's not your hairy butt that people are looking at. (Note: I have never seen Randall's butt!)

Ultimately it's not the amount of money spent on an education. It's the effort put into obtaining the highest level of education that you want to achieve.
nsxtasy said:
I did well enough to get accepted at a very prestigious university with sophomore standing upon my arrival.

I am not too surprised NSXTACY.. Truly impressive..:eek:
this is why you should always buy a flashy sports car while you are young and single and without children.

education... hm... probably not worth anything nowdays, look at the kids today. They get really easy exams anyway, you can pass them without going to school.

i don't have a child so i don't know, but I guess you want the best of everything for them. but what is the best is hard to decide. no harm in having some kind of plan for them, but how they perform is all down to the kid himself, you can't force it to happen. I think it is important to look out for what the kid might be capable of. If he seem to have potential for an athlete, then concentrate in that field. Trying to build an all rounder will just lead to Mr average, as noone has time to do everything.

... looking back in my younger life there are few things that I wish my parents did for me, so I guess you could give something you missed as a child to your kid. Infact what I got was exactly that, from my father...

I think there is an ingredient for successful schooling.

1)learn foreign languages when young.

before age of 8 or something like that, and make sure they don't forget it. If they speak 2 foreign languages well that would get them any job, even if they can't do anything else.

2)see other countries when they are in teens

need to see the world in bigger scale.

3)... etc
randall said:
good points about security!i forgot to bring that issue up!times are not the same today.:(

The greater KC area is not what it used to be either. I was born and raised in Johnson county, still go back every year to visit my friends and get a REAL steak.

The price is high but what's it worth to give your children a real start. They can always go to the public system and when/if they do chances are they will be ahead of their classmates.

Here's the test. Go to the public school witness for yourself the learning environment. Then go to the private school and soak that in as well. The choice will be obvious.
i've recently taken a class in creativity for my graduate studies.

here's something we've learned. do some wishful thinking

what if....

-you keep the nsx
-send kids to a good education
-spend little money

here's one solution

-home schooling....private home schooling for both. that way you save time, money and could keep an eye (or both) on your twins
since they receive the same education, why pay for two when you could just pay one price for a home school teacher?
snapper said:
The greater KC area is not what it used to be either. I was born and raised in Johnson county, still go back every year to visit my friends and get a REAL steak.

The price is high but what's it worth to give your children a real start. They can always go to the public system and when/if they do chances are they will be ahead of their classmates.

Here's the test. Go to the public school witness for yourself the learning environment. Then go to the private school and soak that in as well. The choice will be obvious.
I'm glad to see someone that knows about Johnson Co.You know we have some of the highest ranked public schools in the country and one of the weathliest counties income per capita in the United States.The public schools are already filled up with spoiled brats and they have a huge cocaine problem.My wife was a school teacher before we had the twins so she knows the schools really well and she knows where the bad kids attend.