May need to sell my '02

17 September 2001
leawood,ks 66211 usa
my wife just enrolled our twins into a private school(20k a year for both) :eek: for this fall and i 'm thinking about selling my '02.
You gotta compromise on this one. Send one to private school and the other to public, keep the nsx.
ChopsJazz said:
Have you considered divorce? It worked for me.

haha, your crazy!!
don't sell it!

In my honest experience, private school is horse sh!t. I went to the #1 ranked academic high school in florida and the #3 academicly ranked christian academy in the US and the #1 ranked athletic high school in the nation...St Thomas.

It got me jack shit. People who had regular classes in public school, yet had a 4.0 got into the colleges i wanted while I had a 3.75 with a 1370 and couldn't get into my schools of choice (except Fla, Clemson, and BC)...I was furious!!!!!! Private school is great to learn and kinda fun but it doesn't do anything for your future college chances.
i'm not concerned with college at this point,my twins are only four years old.
i don't want my kids to be around MTV TYPE won't get you jack-sh!t either,it's what you do after college that gets you jack.hopefully the values you learned along the way helps.
randall said:
i'm not concerned with college at this point,my twins are only four years old.
i don't want my kids to be around MTV TYPE won't get you jack-sh!t either,it's what you do after college that gets you jack.hopefully the values you learned along the way helps.

10K a year for kindergarten??? :eek:
Shake said:
You gotta compromise on this one. Send one to private school and the other to public, keep the nsx.

I like this idea. Since you have twins, you can alternate which one goes to the private school each day. No one will notice!(of course if your kids are idenitical twins..that is)
Randall, off topic but somewhat related to what Brian said. Giving your kids the best education possible seems to be one way to keep kids out of trouble and negative influences at an early age. A solid education for your kids is definitely a greater priority than self-indulgence on an NSX. However, from personal experience, my take is that at such an early age, that much tuition for private school does not really buy a meaningful education or well bred friends. I would suggest holding off until after sixth grade, then enter them into a private middle school. At this point, they will have not been significantly influenced by the shortcomings of the public school system or "MTV" gen kids, and they'll have plenty of time to assimilate into the new private school system, and make new friends before highschool cliques are formed. I went to public, then switched to private after the sixth grade. I too went to one of best private schools in the country and I tell you, I don't know what's worse, "underpriveledged" MTV-type kids or spoiled brats that drove around in BMWs, SAABs, and even a Ferrari (yep, dad was a neurosurgeon)! Had mom & dad's money to get into equal amounts of trouble. A good majority of the guys in my private H.S. graduating class (only 60-it was a pretty exclusive school) smoked weed or did harder drugs. The dean's son was a star athlete and got into UNC Chapel Hill, well, he got into coke pretty bad and got expelled. Only 1-2 went ivy league, the rest to 2nd/3rd/4th tier colleges, 70% did not graduate college in 4 years! In short, I'd at least save the $$ until the tuition actually pays for a meaningful education, when they're only 4 yrs. old, private school is like paying for an overpriced nanny. More importantly, it's the values you instill at home that will keep them out of trouble no matter who they're surrounded by. Sell the '02 to me, get an '91, and invest the extra money for private middle/highschool & college. Once they are in the real world and have good jobs, have them repay you w/ an NSX! Just my 2 cents!
Randall, off topic but somewhat related to what Brian said. Giving your kids the best education possible seems to be one way to keep kids out of trouble and negative influences at an early age. A solid education for your kids is definitely a greater priority than self-indulgence on an NSX. However, from personal experience, my take is that at such an early age, that much tuition for private school does not really buy a meaningful education or well bred friends. I would suggest holding off until after sixth grade, then enter them into a private middle school. At this point, they will have not been significantly influenced by the shortcomings of the public school system or "MTV" gen kids, and they'll have plenty of time to assimilate into the new private school system, and make new friends before highschool cliques are formed. I went to public, then switched to private after the sixth grade. I too went to one of best private schools in the country and I tell you, I don't know what's worse, "underpriveledged" MTV-type kids or spoiled brats that drove around in BMWs, SAABs, and even a Ferrari (yep, dad was a neurosurgeon)! Had mom & dad's money to get into equal amounts of trouble. A good majority of the guys in my private H.S. graduating class (only 60-it was a pretty exclusive school) smoked weed or did harder drugs. The dean's son was a star athlete and got into UNC Chapel Hill, well, he got into coke pretty bad and got expelled. Only 1-2 went ivy league, the rest to 2nd/3rd/4th tier colleges, 70% did not graduate college in 4 years! In short, I'd at least save the $$ until the tuition actually pays for a meaningful education, when they're only 4 yrs. old, private school is like paying for an overpriced nanny. More importantly, it's the values you instill at home that will keep them out of trouble no matter who they're surrounded by. Sell the '02 to me, get an '91, and invest the extra money for private middle/highschool & college. Once they are in the real world and have good jobs, have them repay you w/ an NSX! Just my 2 cents!
i understand what you are saying,but public schools here you have 25 kids average per class/teacher.the school my kids will go to has 12 per class.that has to worth something?
randall said:
i don't want my kids to be around MTV TYPE won't get you jack-sh!t either,it's what you do after college that gets you jack.hopefully the values you learned along the way helps.
JMO - It really doesn't matter where you send them to school. There is always going to good and bad elements regardless of what school they attend. You can try to shelter them but it isn't going to work. Unless you are willing to do something like home school, where you and/or your wife can watch them every second of the day.

Good luck! You have quite a dilemma on your hands.
randall said:
yeah right!thats the wifes car:D
And who did you say enrolled these four-year-olds in $20k kindergarten? ;)


I think it's silly, by the way. In kindergarten, kids play and finger-paint and learn to spell "cat", "rat", "mat", and about half a dozen other three letter words that rhyme with "at". That's all they do there the whole year. It's glorified daycare.

I mean, fine, if you smoke cigarettes rolled in $1000 bills, go ahead and burn some more petty cash on this gilded kindergarten, but if you're tight enough on money that you have to sell your NSX to afford ONE YEAR of it, jesus, save the money and send them to public school for two or three years before you start giving all of your money to equally lazy teachers in nicer outfits.

And yes, I have some experience sending kids to both kinds of schools. I don't think either choice is great. Private might be marginally better for older kids, if you can find one that actually keeps them in line and off drugs and out of each other's beds.

So what you are saying is your wife wears the pants on the family??? :p
My 2 cents is i went to a moderately priced christian school and my parents i know sacrificed for my sister's and my education, but looking back I think it was my solid family upbringing that instilled the values I have today. I can't say the christian school i went to had less or more problems that my local public school had, but I think I would have turned out like I am either way, because of how my parents handled me once I got home from school.
Ok enough about the schools....lets start a seperate thread for the mean while......what color is the interior and what would you be willing to part with the car for ?
One more education point, can't help it.

My dad: Auto mechanice Mom: Retail sales
Schools: Public
College: Loans and a job
Job: Doc

I agree with all the above, you would have to pay ME to allow my children to attend a private school and even then, I would decline. In general, spoiled, prejudice, selfish brats with little sense of what the real world is about. I trained and then worked with some of them, none ever ever came close to having had the following said about them; "Oh, he/she has great bedside manner."

As far as the wife, if it's that important for her to maintain her status among her circle of friends, I am sure she can get a second job or first job if she isn't working.

Upbringing and values are what it's all about.

Good luck selling the car, cause sadly, I already know the outcome.
Have you considered selling the kids and keeping the cars?

Honestly, it's a car. Invest in the kids. As much as you can.

Just my opinion, and we don't have kids for what it's worth.
I attended a Private school from elementary thru my 1st year of high school. This was the most expensive private school in the country I was currently living in, and every kid would be dropped off in a rolls royce with a chauffeur. I'm not even exaggerating. I still remember being 16 and was ignorant enough to think that a Rolls was a cheap car since it seemed like every family I knew had one.

I then went to a public US high school. When I went there it was ranked #5 in the nation for academics. I'm not sure whether it’s within public schools only or for all schools, but the atmosphere is totally different than the private school. Students actually studied. Its very different surrounded by kids where everything is given to them on a silver platter, and then with kids where they are trying to be the 1st in their family to get into college.

It's all about academics and the environment. I would rather send my kid to a public school that's ranked really high academically, than a private school. You know that if a public school has a high academic standing, then the kids there shouldn't be too bad. A little bit of this is coming from personal experience as well.

I still think that a school's academic standing is more important than the price of admission. You have private schools all over the US that don't stack up to their public counterparts.

I guess it can be hard if your job doesn't allow you to move, since most public schools require you to be living in a certain area. My parents moved us just so that we were eligible to attend that public school. All my friends from my public high school went to top colleges. Those that decided to stay in Cali went to UCLA, USC, Berkeley or Stanford. Those that decided to go elsewhere, went to Duke, UPenn, MIT, or Cornell. 100% of my friends graduated. On the other hand, 90% of my friends that went to the Private school, ended up working for their parents.

In any case, I would rather send my kids to a public school 1st and see how they do, and sell my NSX for their tuition to Harvard, Princeton, or Yale (if they get in of course). Top private universities are in a different class altogether.

Like I always tell my kid, It doesn't matter where you start, what matters is where you end up.
randall - you have the perfect "out" - they're twins right?
Just pay for one & have them go alternate days - you can probably save on clothes, shoes all kind of things! :D
I think I am the most recent graduate (2002) of high school here...and like i said: its not worth it.

What most people don't understand is that you are going to be challenged at a private school. Thats great for high school, but you could goto public school and learn pretty much the same thing, little less challenge, and get better grades thus equating to a better college.

Look at me: I'm one of the "boneheads" who didn't goto college. Now, through 2by2, I am beginning to invest in real-estate and plan on buying out my dads company in the next three to four months.

And dude, seriously, pre-k thru 6th grade is NOT worth 10k a year per student!!!!!!! that is flat out STUPID!!!!!!!! sorry, but it is and I think most will agree with me here.