May Go to the Darkside

A 360 Spider parked near me when I was up in Woodstock this past Sunday.
It looked awesome and my 1996 looked great but "old" next to it.
Here's the rub , I was wondering what it would be worth with 64k miles and how much extra it would cost to get to 64k. How many times would I leave home and come back in a cab?
That's the fly in the ointment.
Maybe I should cruise over to a Ferrari forum and see if there are many newer Ferrari's that really are driven say 15k+ miles a year, if they hold up and if they really need $5.00 per mile maintenance just to survive.
What would a 1996 F355 with 64k miles, well maintained and in otherwise good condition be worth?
pbassjo said:
A 360 Spider parked near me when I was up in Woodstock this past Sunday.
It looked awesome and my 1996 looked great but "old" next to it.
Here's the rub , I was wondering what it would be worth with 64k miles and how much extra it would cost to get to 64k. How many times would I leave home and come back in a cab?
That's the fly in the ointment.
Maybe I should cruise over to a Ferrari forum and see if there are many newer Ferrari's that really are driven say 15k+ miles a year, if they hold up and if they really need $5.00 per mile maintenance just to survive.
What would a 1996 F355 with 64k miles, well maintained and in otherwise good condition be worth?

I see whre you are coming from, I have friends and colleagues with Modenas and my NSX looked more and more sad to me (I repeat, to me of course, :tongue: most people would just love to get to see one close enough ;) ).

"How many times would I leave home and come back in a cab?"

Honestly? Not that many as the urban legends tell us. My friends never had to leave the car stranded with the 360. One drives around 10k mile per year and the other less, like 7k, since it has an insurance discount on it for low miles. Beside regular maintenance nothing happened...

On the other hand I trust the 355 a lot less and, even if wonderful, I would no take the risk... the people I know tend to have more problems in general on those. They start to be 10 years old and they were built way worse than current models.
The 355 is arguably the best sounding V Ferrari ever, but also is known as the most expnsive V8 Ferrari to maintain, even more than many of the V12 models. On all but the last 2 year models the vlave guides are an (expensive) issue, and manifolds cracking are also a bog problem. There are some body issues with the coupes where the C-pillar meets the qtr. panels, and the Spiders have many issues with the tops, which are, I am told hugely expensive and hard to keep operating properly with the seat potentiometers and nightmare that happens if you stop the top going up or down between the beginning and end of the process. Also, this is a model that requires the drivetrain to come out for the 3 year T-belt service. The opinion on F-chat is that the 360 is much more reliable and less expensive to maintain (even though those prices would make an NSX owner's head spin:wink: ).

Congrats on the car. Let us know your initial thoughts and update us in 6-8 months also.
Just my personal point of view but if I were to drop a large amount of money on a Ferrari, especially the 360, I would want to drive it all the time, just like the NSX.

I'm also someone who pays for quality--that's why my brain would have trouble grasping this Ferrari concept. I could not comprehend how I just shelled out 125K for a car that constantly sucks me dry with maintenance and repairs and that is not in my garage every time I want to drive it.

I have thought seriously about pulling down a 360 in some way. I think for what it gives you there isn't a car I'd rather have in the 100K range. But it's hard to imagine all the problems--especially when coming from the NSX. It's everything the NSX is not.

When we all take off our Ferrari glasses for a minute we realize that these cars are barely more reliable than the worst passenger cars ever made. I think it's a farce when you get applauded for a car that doesn't completely fall apart at 50K miles.

As beautiful as the Ferraris are it's just not worth the time and hassle.
AU_NSX said:

Did you trade the NSX and 996 or are you selling them private?

My brother bought the NSX and the Porsche was a lease.
Sweet ride Jim, congrats! I'm sure I'll see you driving it around town in place of the NSX or Porsche.

Do you plan on driving it a lot? I remember seeing the Porsche on the road frequently.
Syonara said:
Sweet ride Jim, congrats! I'm sure I'll see you driving it around town in place of the NSX or Porsche.

Do you plan on driving it a lot? I remember seeing the Porsche on the road frequently.

Over the last 1 1/2 years I've put less than 5k miles on both the NSX and the Porsche together. I imagine I'll drive the Ferrari a lot when it's new and exciting, but as the novelty wears off, I'm sure I drive it much less. I'd imagine under 5k/year.
Congrates SCS2k. Enjoy in good health. The car is beautiful. Any mods plan? (CS bumper, new exhaust - Capristo). I am so jealous.
Hugh said:
Could we try reposting this in English please?

LOL :biggrin:
Jin1976 said:
Congrates SCS2k. Enjoy in good health. The car is beautiful. Any mods plan? (CS bumper, new exhaust - Capristo). I am so jealous.

Probably a Tubi exhaust but otherwise, no mods. (famous last words)
I read what you had thought of doing but none of the threads giving you advise,
take a day and drive the cars you own and make the decision but by your request for input leads me to the conclusion you will suffer major buyers remorse if you do it. but they are your cars so do what makes you happy in this to short life
best regards david
Uhhh, guys, I think it's too late. He already joined the Dark Side. :frown:

SCS2K: As with any departing owner, it is mandatory that you post quarterly updates on: mileage driven, maintenance costs, thumbs up (relative to NSX), thumbs down (relative to Lambos...assholes :biggrin: ), unrealized depreciation (and yeah, you KNOW we'll fact check your assumptions so don't try to pull anything sneaky :biggrin: ), detailed compare/contrast with NSX, and (if applicable) tail obtained.


Have fun!!
Shumdit said:
The 355 is arguably the best sounding V Ferrari ever, but also is known as the most expnsive V8 Ferrari to maintain, even more than many of the V12 models. On all but the last 2 year models the vlave guides are an (expensive) issue, and manifolds cracking are also a bog problem.

Is that really true??? I thought F355 was Ferrari's (dumb kid in the back of the classroom) answer to the NSX?? What about that scandalous 348. What a turd.

BTW, a buddy had a '96 355 Berlinetta with maybe 15k miles, purchased 6 years ago but sold after 2 or 3. SERIOUS car and track junkie, so not your normal F car goofball. As with most, I guess, this was his dream car since 360 was brand new at the time. He eventually had a cracked header and I think a failed cylinder rotator operating rod joint (or something like that :wink: ). Ferrari North America pissed him off to no end on getting stuff fixed - so much that he sold the bitch a few years later. Knowing him, that had to have been tough but I guess you can only get so fed up...

Oh yeah, he daily drives a 93 NSX now. TB - Post up and drop me a line -- I know you're reading this ya lurker! :biggrin:
Ski_Banker said:
Is that really true??? What about that scandalous 348. What a turd.

That is correct. Even among the Ferraristi they acknowledge the awesome sound of the 355, and many think it's the best looking V8 ferrari also. The 348 is considered a turd by many of those same guys and I think many 308/328 cars still sell for more than the newer 348's
Post some pictures of the engine bay. It maybe the achilles tendon of the car but I could not stop admiring the big V8 under the glass cover...maybe until the V10 NSX comes out. :biggrin:
I picked the car up yesterday at the dealer and drove it approx. 30 miles home. My friend who had just bought at '03 996TT drove me to the dealer and we drove back together. It seemed as though everyone drove right past the 996 but they all seemed to slow down to get a look at the Ferrari. The car is rock solid to drive without a single rattle or creak. No wind noise on the highway, fantastic engine sound and the road feel and handling are incredible. The seats are very snug but my car has the optional carbon fiber sport seats, the gearshift makes a nice "click" with each gear change in the gated shifter. The car attracts A LOT of attention. I'll give updates if anyone is still interested and as the novelty wears off.
SCS2k said:
...It seemed as though everyone drove right past the 996 but they all seemed to slow down to get a look at the Ferrari...

I think you'll find that happening with an NSX as well. :biggrin:

Congrats, it is an absolutely wonderful car. I hope it treats you well. There will never be anything quite like owning and driving a Ferrari.
Jim, Thanks for the updates, congrats on the new ride. Enjoy every minute, Gil :smile:
Congrats Jim! My impression of the F360 on the track is very similar to an NSX, just more powerful. Since I drove one with an F1 tranny, I can't compare the shifting between the 2 cars.

It is a great car.

I have a favor to ask. Would you mind writing a long term test and comparison between the 360 and the NSX at some time in the future? I am sure there are plenty of NSX's owners who have thought about making the switch from the NSX to a F360 but are quite leary of the Ferrari quirks. We(I) would love your input.