May Go to the Darkside

Ski_Banker said:
Just curious, does that math include all the intangible costs too? Opportunity cost on such an expensive car, higher insurance, time spent dealing with maintenance issues, etc. Maybe that's the $1.00/mile I've heard before.

Keep in mind the RISK associated with out of warranty. You know what breaks on NSXs and their costs, 911 too probably, but how about on the Ferrari? Much higher risk of, after a year, shelling out ridiculous money for a new tranny or something.

They are slick though.

I did not factor in subjective variables like time wasted, towing costs :rolleyes: and gas to and from the shop; however the insurance costs should be somewhat comparable to the NSX in actuality. I have, to a degree, factored in the cumulative cost of "major" failures but I'd probably throw another $.05 per mile on the initial calculation every 10K miles or so. IOW the cost of a new 360 with zero miles would be $.60/mile but one with 20K miles is $.70, 40K miles is $.80, and so on.

I believe the $1.00/mile you've heard about is straight depreciation. Deduct $20,000 from the retail price for any F car w/ 20K miles. :eek:
My personal thought would be that if you are worried about the cost of servicing and repairs then you can't afford a Ferrari!

Even if you can afford to purchase one...

***Off Topic ***

Deedubb that is classic! But I wonder why you unplugged it???

Did you forget the outlet or maybe it was going to rain... :eek:

deedubb said:
Meh, Plasma's are overrated!

Now THIS is a Flatscreen!!

AU_NSX said:
My personal thought would be that if you are worried about the cost of servicing and repairs then you can't afford a Ferrari!

Even if you can afford to purchase one...

It's not that I can't afford the service and repairs, it's do I WANT to pay for the service and repairs?
SCS2k said:
It's not that I can't afford the service and repairs, it's do I WANT to pay for the service and repairs?

Excellent point! :biggrin:

add +1 value to the "Keep the NSX, and bad ass Porsche" side of the argument
Assuming that you still like both the high-end cars you own, I would consider replacing one of them with the 360. Not both.
That is one tough decision you've got there. The F360 is at the top of my list for realistic [for me to own] dream cars. I own an NSX but the P-cars don't do it for me emotionally; though I greatly respect their performance and history. With that perspective in mind, I think I'd go for the Ferrari. You've already had the chance to own two amazing sports cars (maybe more), why not give another one a shot? If you're even considering it then there is probably some intangible desire that the Modena fulfills that your other cars don't. I know my next red two-seater will be the 360 :wink:.
I think he's already done the math on what he'd have to sacrifice to pull off the 360...he stated in the original post he's have to move both the 996TT and the 97 MC Blue NSX. :frown:

I too would strongly suggest keeping one of the two...I just don't think a 360 is going to be a suitable replacement for the two cars you have. I'm not knocking Ferrari at all. I just think you won't be satsified with anything less than a 430. But believe me--if I could have a 360 or 430 in my gagrage I would. :wink:

Oh, and FYI, I roughly calculated the cost of NSX maintenance and failures over the life of the vehicle to be about $.09 per mile, up to 250,000 miles. Comparatively a 100,000 mile Ferrari, using my rough formula, would cost $1.20 per mile to operate. :biggrin:
NSXGMS said:
I think he's already done the math on what he'd have to sacrifice to pull off the 360...he stated in the original post he's have to move both the 996TT and the 97 MC Blue NSX. :frown:

I too would strongly suggest keeping one of the two...I just don't think a 360 is going to be a suitable replacement for the two cars you have. I'm not knocking Ferrari at all. I just think you won't be satsified with anything less than a 430. But believe me--if I could have a 360 or 430 in my gagrage I would. :wink:

Oh, and FYI, I roughly calculated the cost of NSX maintenance and failures over the life of the vehicle to be about $.09 per mile, up to 250,000 miles. Comparatively a 100,000 mile Ferrari, using my rough formula, would cost $1.20 per mile to operate. :biggrin:

You guys forget one thing in your cost per mile analysis: Depreciation. F-cars with 20,000 miles are considered high mileage, even if they are 10 years old, and demand (and as a result resale value) is much lower than a 10 year old 7500 mile model. Check asking prices on 20-30K mile cars vs the same model with 5-10K miles. One thread in particular on F-chat about the 360CS values seems to see a 30-40 thousand dollar value difference between a 2K car and a 20K mile one. So your costs per mile are much higher either way, since driving the car will add depreciation out the wazoo, and not driving it means your T-belt and other time related service costs will be divided up by far fewer miles. Instead of buying a F-car you could just go out to a club and set fire to about 20 Ben Franklins. It would likely impress the same class of people who would fawn over the F-car just as much, and at least your actual costs would be known in advance:biggrin: :biggrin:

All kidding aside, do it if it makes you stay up at night wondering, but be prepared to take a bigger hit than you expected if you actually intend to drive the car.
My brother has offered to buy my NSX and when he decides to sell it, I have first right of refusal. I already have a daily driver with a Toyota Land Cruiser and have put fewer than 5k miles on both the Porsche and NSX combined in more than a year so I'm not too concerned about mileage. Maintenance seems a little high but doable, it's unexpected repairs and breakdowns that have me concerned.
SCS2k said:
My brother has offered to buy my NSX and when he decides to sell it, I have first right of refusal. I already have a daily driver with a Toyota Land Cruiser and have put fewer than 5k miles on both the Porsche and NSX combined in more than a year so I'm not too concerned about mileage. Maintenance seems a little high but doable, it's unexpected repairs and breakdowns that have me concerned.

Dammit I wanted that car!:biggrin: Can I have second right of refusal?
Shumdit said:
Dammit I wanted that car!:biggrin: Can I have second right of refusal?

I have had 3 others express interest as well. The line forms to the right.:biggrin:
SCS2k said:
It's not that I can't afford the service and repairs, it's do I WANT to pay for the service and repairs?

For people that really want an F-car, the cost of repairs are an afterthought to them PERIOD! They buy the car because that's what they want. No matter how much the upkeep. I agree, if COST (no matter if you can afford it) comes up in your thinking, I'm not sure if you're REALLY into the WHOLE F-car experience (maintenance included).
Shumdit said:
You guys forget one thing in your cost per mile analysis: Depreciation. F-cars with 20,000 miles are considered high mileage, even if they are 10 years old, and demand (and as a result resale value) is much lower than a 10 year old 7500 mile model. Check asking prices on 20-30K mile cars vs the same model with 5-10K miles. One thread in particular on F-chat about the 360CS values seems to see a 30-40 thousand dollar value difference between a 2K car and a 20K mile one. So your costs per mile are much higher either way, since driving the car will add depreciation out the wazoo, and not driving it means your T-belt and other time related service costs will be divided up by far fewer miles. Instead of buying a F-car you could just go out to a club and set fire to about 20 Ben Franklins. It would likely impress the same class of people who would fawn over the F-car just as much, and at least your actual costs would be known in advance:biggrin: :biggrin:

All kidding aside, do it if it makes you stay up at night wondering, but be prepared to take a bigger hit than you expected if you actually intend to drive the car.

My calculations were strictly to illustrate the out-of-pocket costs associated with owning a Ferrari. Actual "value" is a bit subjective and varies from car to car, condition, etc. You'll also have depreciation on an NSX or 996TT, granted not as much.

You are absolutely correct though, but I believe I alluded to that earlier when I reminded everyone about the $1.00 per mile depreciation rate aside from maintenance. So, in actuality, the final cost of owning a Ferrari in the end is $1.60-2.00 per mile, increasing toward the high end of the range based on mileage/age. WOW.

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I love the idea of a Ferrari, but I think I may go Gallardo or Ford GT before I pay that kind of $$ for servicing a toy. The costs would certainly be more reasonable.
Shumdit said:
I love the idea of a Ferrari, but I think I may go Gallardo or Ford GT before I pay that kind of $$ for servicing a toy. The costs would certainly be more reasonable.

Ford GT baby. Forget about the flying door wedge. What did I tell you about cars that have farm animals on their badges? :)
NSXGMS said:
You'll also have depreciation on an NSX or 996TT, granted not as much.
But the amount is different by two orders of magnitude. Drive an extra 20,000 miles on a Ferrari and its value can drop by as much as one to three dollars per mile. Drive an extra 20,000 miles on an NSX and its value is likely to drop by only a few cents per mile.

This is one possible reason why the median mileage on Ferraris is so low (less than 2,000 miles per year), much lower than for NSXs (5,000 miles per year).
I find it amusing that after the "revolution" in exotic cars the NSX was supposed to have started that we are all on here talking about the same old shit with Ferrari.


Seriously, they cost HOW MUCH? They still can't make them reliable?

You know- Dad's NSX is 12 years old now. I can't think of a single time that I have turned the key that it didn't immediately turn over.

It has never left me stranded on the side of the road, and I never once thought about how much it costs to operate per mile. It is just there. Ready to go at a moments notice.

I was a fan of the idea of going F-car at the beginning of this thread, but I think I am going to flip/flop

The more I read here, the more I appreciate what the NSX is.

not to mention- That is one bad ass Porsche you got there too...