March 30th NSX Meet in Toronto (@ 7:00)

He was a racerboi, Stu said see ya later boy, he wasnt fast enough for him, but now he's a superstar, passing Stu's pink car, every second lap in turn 10.
He was a racerboi, Stu said see ya later boy, he wasnt fast enough for him, but now he's a superstar, passing Stu's pink car, every second lap in turn 10.

Dave, that is the F@#$ing funniest thing you've said. You must be a huge Avril fan to know the lyrics so well. I'm still laughing!

Racerboi - you're always welcome to join:smile:
Dave, that is the F@#$ing funniest thing you've said. You must be a huge Avril fan to know the lyrics so well. I'm still laughing!

Dave LOVES Avril, when I was at his place I noticed his music collection when he was showing me his Sonos stuff - he had every Aril album as well as tonnes of Boy Bands, he kept insisting we listen to a mix he made on InSync and the Village People!

When I passed him on the track he was playing Thriller so loud I couldn't hear my exhaust under full acceleration!

(Before he says anything I want it to be on the record that I'm a Classic Rock kinda guy, with a bit of Lounge music thrown in)
I'd love to chat BUT I have to go to bed early so I can make a trip down to the Dominican tomorrow morning and pick up Stu and family. No other pilot will have Stu on their flight and since he is hosting the 30th event, I'll make the sacrifice....

Don't be late for the flight Stu......I won't wait for you.......
I'd love to chat BUT I have to go to bed early so I can make a trip down to the Dominican tomorrow morning and pick up Stu and family. No other pilot will have Stu on their flight and since he is hosting the 30th event, I'll make the sacrifice....

Don't be late for the flight Stu......I won't wait for you.......

You waited!

I really appreciated the "lift" - I have a little surprise for you on the 30th to honour our special NSX Pilot!
Rick, next time Stu gets on an airplane you're flying tell security something that your gut is telling you something is wrong with Stu.

Get them to do a body cavity search on Stu - he will thank you later!
Get them to do a body cavity search on Stu - he will thank you later!

Dave! You gotta stop dude, you're NEVER going to talk me into it, STOP TRYING!!!:mad:
Not only does he check in late.... I ask him to take over while I go back for a leak and he doesn't even look straight ahead !!!! ARGH !!!! I hope you don't drive your NSX the way you flew us home yesterday Stu !!
Now I know why your car is yellow. SO EVERYONE ELSE CAN SEE YOU !!!!
Not only does he check in late.... I ask him to take over while I go back for a leak and he doesn't even look straight ahead !!!! ARGH !!!! I hope you don't drive your NSX the way you flew us home yesterday Stu !!
Now I know why your car is yellow. SO EVERYONE ELSE CAN SEE YOU !!!!

Seriously Rick, that little Cessna 172 just left a small chip in the windshield, and I told the mechanic that I am willing to pay to have the chip filled! :biggrin: WRT looking ahead, as my son pointed out when you came back and sat down with us, "Who's flying the plane?"

ANYWAYS, it was great having those Rum and Cokes with you at 35,000 feet! (I don't know about you, but it only took three or four to get me slurring my words, and I think you had more than me!)
We are not allowed to put coke in our Rum.... Regulations......
BTW, I forgot to hit the baggage carousel button after we landed. I'll press it now so your luggage should be there in about 20 minutes.OOPS ! Sorry......

Last note Stu, next time I let you take control, don't lock me out of the cockpit ! Mind you I didn't mind your wife holding on to me so tight when you landed....:biggrin:

Regarding that chip left by the cessna, the airline told me to collect it from you so have cash on the 30th..................
Isn't that Dave flying the Cesna? When will you guys stop competing with each other.

Stu- 'Flying a plane will make Dave sooo jealous....'
Dave - 'If Stu gets to fly a plane then I get to fly a plane...'
I drive these for fun, but I'm not joking:


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I get to skipper the ones on the left. The one on the right, I just get to drive (but not that much anymore with the $$$ cutbacks for fuel etc.)
Very cool skipper !

I witnessed something scary this afternoon. Mikey at the controls of a jumbo Airbus A-340-500 !!!! He took off on 06L, flew around Toronto and then landed on 24L. He did it practically on his own !! Yes it was in our simulator but still, he did an amazing job !!! He said it was the first time he ever flew...this guy is a natural !!! We have some talent in this NSX club !!!!

Great job First Officer Mikey !!


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Alll rightly. Lets fire up that simulator and race!

Is this the real CAE simulator or is this on your computer?

I kept crashing the CAF's light aircraft IFR simulator in Trenton. I think it needed repairs after I got through with it.
so me and rick go check out the performance world show nothing special then on the way back rick ask's if i want to check out the air canada training base. so we go in, after rick inputs his top secret security code of course and next thing i know some tech guy doing matanience on this 20 million dollor machine ask's if we want to go for a ride to test out the modifications or something he did. so we do and then he says to me sit up front, so im thinking how realistice can this be .. boy was i wrong there is nothing unrealistic about this simulator next thing i know im takeing off from pearson flying around toronto then landing. unbelivable thanks rick, im still nauseous..
unbelivable thanks rick, im still nauseous..

No problem Mikey. It was my pleasure. I still can't beleive it was his first time ! I almost have respect for him now....'re my next victim !

Dave, This is the real deal. Built by CAE at a cost of about $ 25 million per unit, these simulator are full scale motion sims used by line pilots. Once the training has been completed on these, we go right into an actual aircraft with passengers and operate a full revenue flight.

Glad you liked it Mikey :)
Shirt quote ready to go.
Sweatshirt hoodies will be available for purchase if there's enough interest.
Child sizes in a non-cool-max fabric available for purchase to.

I'll see everybody on the 30th! Bring your cheque books!

me me me me me me me me!

Dave told me he REALLY likes simulators!

He emailed me about this "sex simulator" he tried out and really liked

It was kind of embarrasing, I have to explain to him that it was a "Stimulator" not a Simulator (actual picture)