easy peasy.
call in with a bad case of clams
tell them you're testing the overheating issue with the 3g
tell them you're modeling for the new google earth photos
doug - can you help me out here?
Tell them your dog ate your homework! No. Wait. Scratch that one.
Tell them you have an opportunity to have lunch with Larry, Curly and Mo.
Tell them Ken got his car back after seven months and you want to see it, damn it!
Tell them you have an interview and you'll be back in three hours.
Tell them you're going to lunch. When you show up three hours later, pretend you have amnesia.
Tell them that you've volunteered to work with the elderly and challenged and today you have three textbook examples. Bring a camera. That way you can show photos when you get back to the office and point out how this one forgot his teeth, that one got lost going to the men's room and it took me 45 minutes to find him, this one fell off his chair and we had to call EMT. When they see our photos, they'll buy your story.
Buy fake vomit. Around 11:00 put it on your desk. Tell them you're sick and you're going home. (That way you can blow off the ENTIRE afternoon.)
Tell them you'll be serving lunch to the homeless today, along with your church group and you'll be late because have to serve the homeless and then help clean up the church afterwords. (No one could argue with that!)
Tell them you have a doctor's appointment because of these weird boils you have in your groin area. (Promise they won't ask ANY questions if you use this one.)
If these don't work, I am sure the four of us can think up some great ones over lunch.
How much money do you get these days for unemployment?
Just suck it up and take an early retirement. Upside - Just think how impressed people will be when you tell them that you're retired at such an early age. Downside - You'll be broke. Don't know. You're call on this one.
It's pretty simple. What's more important, having lunch with us and some good food, or your career and economic future? Again, your call.
Hope this helps.