Look! You can pay to ride in an nsx! ha!

This guy is a great salesman. He's trying to sell his '94 NSX with close to 70k on the odometer for $37,475.
no.. he didnt do anything to me. I just cant stand ppl using a car like NSX to show that they are rich or as a tool, "MARKETING TOOL" to show off success os of this guy. I got a email from him after I emailed him " so there is no garrentte on anything?" Here is his reply, seems that hes trying to inform me that the NSX is a over Ferrari class car which I would love to and treasure the moments on his car. I dont know what his motive is m but seems to me that he is trying to cheat $ from lower class people and targeted on them . And what an coincidence.. his bussiness is net based like some companies

I can't make any guarentees as Im not really promising anything.
What I
will say is that who ever does win the auction will come away more
financially aware to the best of MY knowledge. I can let you know
that 5
years ago, I was over $50,000 dollars in credit card debt and used to
an apartment. In the last 5 years I have paid off all of that debt,
home(s) valued at over 1/2 a million dollars, have a fair retirement
portfolio, and am going to be on track to be a millionaire in the
next 5-7
years. Will it be easy, of course not, but its something that is

What type of guarentee are you looking for? I can guarentee you will
get a
nice lunch out of it, and if you like cars, then you will enjoy the
ride in
my car. Obviously Im not looking to make a forture, as I plan on
paying a
total of $50 dollars for lunch, and with the cost of gas and use of
my car,
I will be out an easy $50 dollars. So all of this work for about $100
dollars? I think the coaching you will get is really worth it. Like
I said
in my auction, my full day services can be as high as $6,500 dollars.
really doing this to help people, as well as gain more insight to how
I can
help people with my book/ seminar

Im not saying you will become a millionaire in the next 5 years,
but I
will say you will be put on the right track

You can read more about me on my website. www.erichua.com

Originally posted by matteni:
I'll bite. I don't get it. Did this guy do something to you? What's the story?

Nick M.
"There are no dumb questions - just a lot of inquisitive idiots"

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 18 March 2003).]
Originally posted by BostonNSX:
I was just exaggerating..about beating him up..

I read somewhere that BostonNSX is a girl...hmm I'd pay for a ride in your NSX. Groooovie babyyyyy
Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about dishing out $$$ for a ride in his NSX...

But I sure wouldn't mind a ride on his girl though, and for 8 hours I think I'll be willing to dish out $200...


Maybe I'll bid just so I can get a chance to go rip a big nasty wet FART in his car and see how he'd react. I think the expression of his face would be worth $200.
Originally posted by ak:
Maybe I'll bid just so I can get a chance to go rip a big nasty wet FART in his car and see how he'd react. I think the expression of his face would be worth $200.

Wow, I absolutely ROFLMAO at your post

This brings up another issue though - how smart is it to advertise something like this on eBay? Any stranger could bid to get this ride, and then rob the guy at his convenience...
NSX Dreamer, we think alike, we posted almost simultaneously. Sounds entrepreneurial and all, but I think it is quite dangerous these days to publicize your wealth & offer a total stranger a ride in your NSX. People get carjacked & killed for the most senseless reasons, for spare change, for no reason at all. A few years ago, a car salesman here in VA was murdered & carjacked during a "supposed" test drive. Another guy was targeted via his classified ad in the paper for his Porsche 911. The prospective buyer was a thug & killed the seller in a botched robbery. For this reason, you should never place an ad in the local paper for an expensive item to be viewed in your home, i.e. Rolexes, etc. There are scammers & thiefs out there looking for targets. Pedophiles surf the net for victims all the time. There's no sense in making it known that you are young, rich, & wealthy. Not only does this guy have the material goods, but he also has the arrogance that would be plenty reason for someone who's envious to want to hurt him. No flames please, My NSX & I were almost car jacked once in front of my own business! BTW, DO NOT EVER STAND OUTSIDE OF YOUR NSX W/ KEY IN THE IGNITION, i.e. while pumping gas, washing your car, etc. You can't be safe enough these days. This is just my take on this.

[This message has been edited by QWKSLVR (edited 18 March 2003).]
I don't know....it all seems pretty innocent to me. He appears to me to be a nice guy, just maybe a bit miguided in his entrepreneurial efforts. To me, the ride in an NSX is an extra perk, but what it appears that he's selling is four hours of his time to be a consultant and give advice to someone. I'm sure there are people out there who charge a lot more than $50.00/hour for consulting fees!
I agree with you too Viper... It seems to be a variation of the Nissan Altima ad - www.ebay.com/nissanaltimaride (if you've seen the print ad you know what I mean).

Let's hope the guy doesn't get burned doing this...

Originally posted by Viper Driver:
I don't know....it all seems pretty innocent to me. ...
Haa.. you bet.
I might look like a one but I'm not..

Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
I read somewhere that BostonNSX is a girl...hmm I'd pay for a ride in your NSX. Groooovie babyyyyy

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 18 March 2003).]
awww shucks

Not even if I use AXE body spray??

Originally posted by BostonNSX:
Haa.. you bet.
I might look like a one but I'm not..

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 18 March 2003).]
Geeze.. I didn’t expect to see a rash of HARSH comments. I have to say I was honestly saddened by some of my “fellow NSX” comrades. I put the auction up and I will openly admit it.

I never claimed that I was wealthy, quite the contrary, I am not. I, like many people in America, was infatuated with THINGS, I thought that it was so important to appear to be well to do or successful, often at the cost of living FAR beyond my means. In doing so, I built up so much debt that by the time I was 26 years old, I WAS severely in debt, as I said, to the tune of $50,000 @ 22% interest. I killed my credit score and was down to 520. Over time, I was able to make some money and pay off this debt. After most of the debt was paid off, I financed my NSX and again took on more debt. I like 99% of Americans was completely financially illiterate. We are not taught how to create wealth, but to simply be consumers.

Then one day I read a book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and it talked about how the rich get rich and why the poor get poorer. I quickly realized that I was a super consumer and I totally had the “poor “mentality. I bought so many liabilities and lived far above my means. I realized that had I spent my money wisely during my early days, I could have been so much more financially secure today. That $20,000 that went into my car could have gone into a $200,000 condo here in S. California, and now today be worth well over $300,000. I didn’t know this. This prompted me to read more books as well.

As I read more books about wealth building and books about people who have made it in life, one thing that was very common to the wealthy and successful, was that a large majority often “gave back to the community”. As I said before, I am not wealthy and cannot afford at this time to give as much as I would like. I have said I have learned a lot over the past few years, this information could be extremely valuable to people who wish to learn from the mistakes of others. All I wanted to do was to help people who might not have had the opportunity to have a coach. BostoNSX, as I said to you in your E mail, I am not trying to make money off of you, I said I was spending $50 dollars on lunch, and with gas prices where they are, another $50 dollars in gas (.375/ mile x 120 miles).

Why did I use the NSX in the EBay ad? Well obviously to some, it is a status symbol and something they might strive for. I wanted to appeal to these people and let them know that there are other things that they can do BEFORE they get the car. I am trying to practice what I preach and that is why I am selling my car. I am not in any hurry to sell it, and I have recently replaced the clutch, water pump, tires, timing belt, and conducted a service. The price is negotiable, as is everything in life.

My reason for creating this E bay auction was completely altruistic. Obviously $100 dollars for my time (4 hours) isn’t worth it to me, but as I said before, I want to help educate people, especially the younger people I meet who are following the same path I did. I had thought about doing it for free, but as with anything, anything for free is never perceived as valuable. My sales seminars that I used to conduct also were free to certain clients, but it wasn’t until I charged them, did they actually pay attention and listen.

I appreciate someone’s E mail to me expressing their concern for my safety. That was the type of attitude I expected from this community, but to be called a “loser” was something I wasn’t expecting. As I said to you BostoNSX in your E mail, I can't make any guarantees as I’m not really promising anything…I’m not saying you will become a millionaire in the next 5 years, but I will say you will be put on the right track.

I guess the saying is true …“no good dead goes unpunished”.

For him, its an easy $200 for basically not doing much... Probably an easy way to get out of work.

Who knows, he owns an NSX, might be lurking on these forums!!

EDIT: Guess I replied too late and I guess I was right about the last comment...

[This message has been edited by Dan H (edited 19 March 2003).]
ERicincal - Don't take the comments here or anywhere too seriously. Remember, people can be quite lacking in judgement when talking about people they haven't met in person.

On the other hand, it's good to learn to deal with criticism as well, just keep in mind that not all criticism is fair or warranted.

I admire your intentions, but if I was in your shoes, I would not post an eBay auction. There are just way too many creeps out there, and it's not worth your personal safety to do something like meeting in person.

Maybe you can be a "virtual" mentor to someone, and learn about that person, then agree to an in person meeting once you have established a level of trust. eBay frankly has no mechanism for something like this, so all the caution is just good common sense.

With that said, I hope you don't take the criticisms personally. Let's hope everyone learned a lesson from this!

Originally posted by ERicincal:
Geeze.. I didn’t expect to see a rash of HARSH comments. I have to say I was honestly saddened by some of my “fellow NSX” comrades. I put the auction up and I will openly admit it.
I was going to leave this alone, but after reading it again, Im just wondering how you got the impression that ..." hes trying to inform me that the NSX is a over Ferrari class car which I would love to and treasure the moments on his car. ", when all I said was that "if you like cars, then you will enjoy the ride in my car"?

How is spending 4 hours with someone cheating them out of their money when in the auction I offer to buy them a $50 dollar lunch,pick them up from the airport if needed, help them understand and repair their credit, help eliminate debt, discuss buying vs leasing options, etc.? I think everything I mention in the auction is to help, am I wrong?

Originally posted by BostonNSX:
no.. he didnt do anything to me. I just cant stand ppl using a car like NSX to show that they are rich or as a tool, "MARKETING TOOL" to show off success os of this guy. I got a email from him after I emailed him " so there is no garrentte on anything?" Here is his reply, seems that hes trying to inform me that the NSX is a over Ferrari class car which I would love to and treasure the moments on his car. I dont know what his motive is m but seems to me that he is trying to cheat $ from lower class people and targeted on them . And what an coincidence.. his bussiness is net based like some companies

I can't make any guarentees as Im not really promising anything. What I
will say is that who ever does win the auction will come away more financially aware to the best of MY knowledge. I can let you know that 5 years ago, I was over $50,000 dollars in credit card debt and used to rent an apartment. In the last 5 years I have paid off all of that debt, have home(s) valued at over 1/2 a million dollars, have a fair retirement portfolio, and am going to be on track to be a millionaire in the next 5-7 years. Will it be easy, of course not, but its something that is completely doable.

What type of guarentee are you looking for? I can guarentee you will get a nice lunch out of it, and if you like cars, then you will enjoy the ride in my car. Obviously Im not looking to make a forture, as I plan on
paying a total of $50 dollars for lunch, and with the cost of gas and use of my car, I will be out an easy $50 dollars. So all of this work for about $100 dollars? I think the coaching you will get is really worth it. Like I said in my auction, my full day services can be as high as $6,500 dollars.
Im really doing this to help people, as well as gain more insight to how I can help people with my book/ seminar

Im not saying you will become a millionaire in the next 5 years, but I will say you will be put on the right track

You can read more about me on my website. www.erichua.com

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 18 March 2003).]

I have gotten some E mails telling me to be leary of people. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought a member of the NSX community would have posted something like this and threaten me. And calling me a loser at that?? I think you have some issues you need to iron out.

Originally posted by BostonNSX:
pixelhaus.. is the high bidder pixelarrange you? btw.. the seller is a FXXken loser.. I personally would love to beat him up..

anyone who wanna win the auction and beat the crap outta him?
Eric, I feel bad about all those negative comments made about your auction. I'm sure BostonNSX regrets her choice of words, and I'm also pretty sure she wasn't serious either.

What you are trying to do is a nice thing, but keep in mind that people have come to view certain types of auctions on eBay as scams. It's sad but true that crooks often do use eBay to defraud other people, and that negative image taints the good sellers out there.

Again I think the precautions are a good suggestion, especially in the LA area. Best of luck to your financial dreams.

I think the book that you are basing your advice on is a good "motivator" but I found that some of the details in the book seemed "off". After reading the above, I realized why.

As to your eBay auction, it's unfortunate that people feel the need to use such harsh words but you know how forums go. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

[This message has been edited by JChoice (edited 19 March 2003).]
didn't mean to start a bashing thread. i respect your intentions, or 'stated' intentions. but, i have to believe you have ulterior motives with this 'save the world from financial diereses’ strategy.
BUT, if your intentions are true, and you do want to offer your newfound services and knowledge for not-for-profit endeavors, maybe not ebay? i think the general consensus is ebay=money making, or some attempt of it.
not bashing, just throw it out there as constructive criticism.

Originally posted by ERicincal:
I quickly realized that I was a super consumer and I totally had the “poor “mentality. I bought so many liabilities and lived far above my means. I realized that had I spent my money wisely during my early days, I could have been so much more financially secure today. That $20,000 that went into my car could have gone into a $200,000 condo here in S. California, and now today be worth well over $300,000. I didn’t know this.

This advice has been given here on NSXprime over and over again. (I'm sure the Forums Nazi can point us to at least a dozen topics containing it.) And it follows the same pattern, over and over again. Someone just out of college posts about how he has scraped together a few thousand dollars as a down payment and asks where he can get financing, etc. Some folks (many, but not all, of whom are older) chime in that he should concentrate on building up some savings to use as a downpayment for a home and emergencies etc. Then some other young folks counter that they are happy they got their NSX instead of listening to the advice of someone twice their age.

You're right, ERinical - there's a reason that some folks stay in debt and live in apartments all their lives, while others have nice homes and are able to retire early. It's all about doing long-term planning instead of giving in to the urge of the moment.
Originally posted by ERicincal:

I guess the saying is true …“no good dead goes unpunished”.

I'm sorry but your Ebay auction is quite goofy. It just reminded me of those late night informartial about how you can make millions while driving used high end cars then selling them after 3-4 month. I commend you for wanting to help others, but putting ebay auction like this doesn't seem to be the right way to do it. Just IMO.