Look what they did to my baby :'( ….

20 December 2003
Planet Earth
Look what they did to my baby :'( ….

Sadly I have become another victim of the imbecile Florida drivers, ironically once again I got hit by someone when I am under 40 miles per hour, which is ironic and somehow pathetic.

Saturday morning, woke up happy, wash my car, I say hi to neighbors, babies, grandmas, nice day, I wash my car nice, dry it carefully, looks shinny and good, I decide to drive around the block to dry the tires -as I always do-

I come out on 30th street into the main street to turn right on 29th .. roughly 100 meters, 50 meters down the light turns green, I am going roughy 40mph with my blinkers on to turn right and I see them flying on my direction, I look at my blinkers and I assume they can see, I see a corolla coming hot, he panics, locks the brakes, BANG, I spun -I was already turning right- luckily I missed a pole by a meter!

My rear is in bad shape, amazingly all the plastics exploded and my exhaust and pipes eat all the impact, my right 1/4 panel has a small bump almost invincible and fixable, his car, whoa, can't say the same, I was a bit shaken … a bit frustrated and a bit sad, but glad I got NOTHING out of place, just my belly pretty much bounced bad -lol-.

He gets ticket, but he was a ROID type of person, so he was acting and sounding a bit like a person with special needs trying to be friendly and smart-ass .. not even an apology, not even a sorrow on his face, quite the opposite, he was kinda excited, bragging his "insurance is taken care of it" .. taking pics .. been a jerk …

Almost 3 weeks and I am still waiting on resolution, yes, he got a ticket, is his foul and his insurance already came, people came, took an assessment, they are taking care of it etc etc ….. I can't help anymore and I dropped my NSX @ my body shop on Monday -since I want to drive to the dragon next week-.. ordered parts etc etc, my car is been taken care, thankfully the damage was 99% cosmetic .. I love this car, I LOVE IT I want it back!!

I just hope the value now doesn't get killed since is going to be on my report, not that I want to sell, not at all, but oh well, I guess I was at the wrong moment @ the wrong place, but again, is nothing if you think about it.

-Now a lesson learned for me, since I washed my car and I was going to drive around the block, I had no tshirt, no wallet, no shoes, just my shorts, thankfully my neighbors came in their golf carts (I live on a golf course community- So I had to borrow some grandpa golf cart and fly to my home -a block down- and get all my stuff, they gang' up pretty good around our cars so the guys couldn't walk away -lol- … .. also, I didn't have my seat belt on, -I NEVER DRIVE WITHOUT IT- but since it was around the block, I got lazy … so yeah, please, are you going to drive around the block?? STILL WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS, because there's ALWAYS AN IMBECILE that will pop in form nowhere and hit you.

Next week, pictures if my car fixed, I am going again all OEM on the back, with a new exhaust :) ….











Sad to see. I've always enjoy seeing pics of the red beauty. Unfortunately, sh_t like this tends happen. Doesn't look that bad really. Don't forget to fight for Dimenished Value. Same thing happened to our 93 Z.

Sorry to hear about this, reason I hate taking my car out any where. Good thing our rear beams are so strong.
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Just logging on to prime to see what is going on and reading this which is one of my biggest fears. Not that I'd wreck my car but some ding dong who doesn't give a crap plows into me. Glad you are not hurt...most importantly. The car does not look to bad but have the body shop take lots of pictures and certify no frame damage. If you ever sell, all the pictures and certification should help.

What ever the cost is to repair the car try to go after his insurance for the depreciation/diminutive value. That should be tacked on to the repair costs. Not an expert but understand for cars like ours, lost value from an accident can/may be recoverable. Hope your baby is back on the road soon. Good luck......siD
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Man, this really sucks. I know how you feel... My mustang is in the bodyshop right now and I am having to fight with Allstate every day just to get this crap moving along... Sucks when you aren't even the one at fault and you have to deal with even more hassles :mad:

The only advice I can give you is to stay ontop of the insurance company. I have been keeping detailed logs about every time I have to call them, when they fail to call me back when they say they have, everybody who I have talked to and what they said would happen, etc... I have already caught the adjuster making crap up to delay the claim several times now. All this for relatively minor (like a $2500 repair maybe) job to fix my car. I would hate to see what would happen when the damage reaches the $10k+ mark :rolleyes:
Thanks so much for he support. this why I posted here, not only to register this as some how a "record" of what happened, but also to learn and use shared knowledge from you all, this advices are fantastic, love you prime!

Damn your car took it like a champ. Sorry to about your loss, but it doesn't look too bad.
oh shit! That fricken sucks. Sorry to see that. I hope it can be fixed quick and your out on the road again soon.
Is that his oil fill cap on the ground?

Pretty much! .... yikes ... I am amazed how our cars are solid, of course, I think I got lucky because not only I was rolling but also turning right, so his car pretty much slide under mine somehow absorbing all impact ...

oh shit! That fricken sucks. Sorry to see that. I hope it can be fixed quick and your out on the road again soon.

Me too, I can't stand driving the Passport everyday LOL ... I need my nsx back! :mad: ... lol
If your car is clean title with no prior carfax issues, make sure you take account the depleted value after the accident. You might get the car up to par, but you will always have that history.
sorry to hear man but your car still looks good even after the hit, lol
sooo sad to see that man. i hope you get that back on the road running asap!

good thing he had insurance! and your okay. who gives a crap about the other guy haha i would be more worried about my car haha!
I'm sorry to read about your misfortune Oscar.
This sort of thing is my worst nightmare. I would probably not be able to stay calm and talk to the guy like you, I would have jumped in his face and given him a good beating if he acted like you described!

Hope you get your car back soon, its an inspiration to me, the best looking red NSX I know of.
Oscar sad to hear and see what happened.

You must fight for the diminished value. Although the damage here is quite minor people are always lame when it comes to any record. Make sure you get the car thoroughly inspected maybe by one or two bodyshops - it may be worth the time and effort.

Cool though that you've handled this superbly. Some people would go off the deep end but clearly the love is there for your car.
Sorry to hear about the car. I would be devastated.


You might want to rethink your last few sentences in your original post......

Dont know how it works where you are, but up here in BC, if our insurance company gets a hold of what you wrote, they will for sure use it against me and make it 50/50 at fault claim.


damn, sorry to see that happen to such a nice car and driver

Glad to hear you were not injured.

Pursue diminished value and get it, sue if you have to

I guess his Lucky sticker didn't work... :frown: