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Well for anybody keeping up but the car is now safe at home. Without going into too much detail there were some extremely hairy weather conditions in Texas and Oklahoma in which we pretty much had to give up and wait it out.

The last leg of the trip was 27 hours of straight driving, I just walked in the door.

While we ran into some miserable circumstances my confidence in the car is solidified 100% after driving 3,300 miles in 4 days.

Just curious; what kind of MPG did you get? My trip from Indiana to New York was close to 30. All highway. Glad you made it okay. Give the car a nice wash and an oil change as a welcoming present.
Well for anybody keeping up but the car is now safe at home. Without going into too much detail there were some extremely hairy weather conditions in Texas and Oklahoma in which we pretty much had to give up and wait it out.

The last leg of the trip was 27 hours of straight driving, I just walked in the door.

While we ran into some miserable circumstances my confidence in the car is solidified 100% after driving 3,300 miles in 4 days.

Hey Steve, so glad you are back home safe and sound! I was thinking about you as I watched the national weather and the snow storms in north Texas and Oklahoma.

That was a trip for the books. Glad you guys made it back safe :beer:

I'm glad we had social networking tools to keep everybody entertained

Just curious; what kind of MPG did you get? My trip from Indiana to New York was close to 30. All highway. Glad you made it okay. Give the car a nice wash and an oil change as a welcoming present.

We seemed to get in the 24-27 area. Nothing spectacular but it worked for me.

Hey Steve, so glad you are back home safe and sound! I was thinking about you as I watched the national weather and the snow storms in north Texas and Oklahoma.


That was us, I'll keep the pictures off prime but that was when things got pretty hopeless. I just passed out for a few hours, off to clean it again!
Glad you made it home ok. Running into some "weather" reminds me of the trip I made in November /09 when I bought my /94 in Phoenix and drove home to MI. Snow is extremely scary in an NSX (at least to me) on OEM Bridgestone RE010s. As for your gas mileage, right in line with mine on the trip and since I've owned the car. Easy hwy driving between 65 and 75 mph gets me 26/27 mpg and north of 80 it drops to 24/25. Best of luck with the new car!

Glad you made it home ok. Running into some "weather" reminds me of the trip I made in November /09 when I bought my /94 in Phoenix and drove home to MI. Snow is extremely scary in an NSX (at least to me) on OEM Bridgestone RE010s. As for your gas mileage, right in line with mine on the trip and since I've owned the car. Easy hwy driving between 65 and 75 mph gets me 26/27 mpg and north of 80 it drops to 24/25. Best of luck with the new car!


While it was crappy I am willing to accept it for one day, it's not as if it will ever be subjected to it again fortunately. Just got 4 tires and an alignment, off to the oil change.
Hey Steve,

Congratulations on the new car. It is a beauty. I will be in touch in the near future.

Mr. Wolfe (from M3 forum)

Mr Wolfe, I look forward to when you start your hunt! Keep me posted.