Last minute moral support requested JH4NA2162YT000060

Did you end up backing out? it popped up on CL again..

One of the Internet sales people probably screwed up. It is listed as "sold" on the website. Plus it's too late to back out, I already have $2500 invested in service + PPI. SoS shift knob is waiting at the dealer as well so I wouldn't have to deal with that horrendous knob for 2,900 miles :)

Flying out tomorrow for it.
4:30am is far too early to deal with TSA....

Here's a desolate Delta Sky Lounge at Boston for once

I would remind you that there are no CUP holders in the car... 2 people 3 days ,you will miss one.... jeff
The cross country trip is a dream come true. When I picked mine up I went from Indiana to New York and it was great. No copilot though. Remember to post those pictures.
Thanks guys, I'm currently on my second flight so nothing cool to report back just yet. I couldn't sleep for crap last night, so getting up at 3:15 sort of sucked.

I am very thankful I asked for a co-driver at the last minute now.
4:30am is far too early to deal with TSA....

Here's a desolate Delta Sky Lounge at Boston for once


You can't fly out to Cali from North Carolina without flying north first, not even from Charlotte?? Is Ryan flying together with you? I hate to imagine the hoops he has to "fly" through to get out there!


You can't fly out to Cali from North Carolina without flying north first, not even from Charlotte?? Is Ryan flying together with you? I hate to imagine the hoops he has to "fly" through to get out there!



I actually spend my weeks up in the Boston area for work so I just left directly from there. I was able to get Ryan a ticket out of Charlotte where we had the same destination flight out of MSP so it worked out well.

Been up for 11 hours already and the day hasn't even started yet! We'll be landing in 20. Weeeeee

After that post I somehow managed to drive 6 more hours. I called it quits so we could see the desert scenery with a little daylight.

So far 621 miles traveled and the car is phenomenal, a few little non-mechanical things I'm itching to get fixed but overall I love this thing thus far.
Got a crash-course in how the spare tire system works today in the Arizona desert today :)
Hey Steve,

More details about the tire issue please. Wondering what's your ETA in Raleigh?

Sounds like things are going well so far, aside from the tire business.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip.

Hey Steve,

More details about the tire issue please. Wondering what's your ETA in Raleigh?

Sounds like things are going well so far, aside from the tire business.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip.


We're only in New Mexico at the moment as we have been stopping to do various things but now since there's noting of interest from here to NC we're going to keep on trucking. I'm sure we'll be back Monday.

Here's a picture of the carnage


We had just passed Blythe, CA and were roughly 10 minutes into the Arizona border when I just heard a few chunks kick up (just like when you're on track) so I immediately slowed down and as I turned the wheel into the shoulder the remaining part of the tire just took off rolling down the highway.

We were extremely lucky as Blythe was the first sign of human life after a 100 mile stretch of nothing and it failed at the top of a hill so we had no problems with cell reception. We're also very fortunate that I definitely decreased my speed as we were entering AZ as well. Also got very lucky that I was able to react fast enough that the wheel was not damaged whatsoever.

We may have lost 1.5 hours on that ordeal total. So not too bad.
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Boy that's a scary looking blowout. Was the tire in good shape? Are you running the spare or a new tire? Sounds like you're having a great time so far (except for the tire that is). Keep sending updates.
Boy that's a scary looking blowout. Was the tire in good shape? Are you running the spare or a new tire? Sounds like you're having a great time so far (except for the tire that is). Keep sending updates.

Tread-wise it was fine, but it could have been an age factor maybe. We got a replacement from a local cowtown (Blythe, CA). I just ordered a set of 4 from tirerack a few minutes ago to replace as soon as I get home.

The trip has been an absolute blast, getting to drive the car from the PCH to the endless flat desert has all been extremely rewarding. I am looking forward to just getting her home though.

The car is disgusting looking at this point though :)

If anybody uses instagram follow either me (@scmbgsteve) or my co-driver (@coolhandruke) for tons of updates.
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Hey Steve, just saw your response on the tire issue. WOW!!! Somebody was looking out for you buddy. That is an ugly blowout. I think you are right. This is probably an age issue with the tires. Keep both hands on the wheel!

Hey Steve, just saw your response on the tire issue. WOW!!! Somebody was looking out for you buddy. That is an ugly blowout. I think you are right. This is probably an age issue with the tires. Keep both hands on the wheel!


We were extremely fortunate for soo many reasons. Plus times like such always make for a great story to laugh about.

I'm hoping for no more incidents :)
Well for anybody keeping up but the car is now safe at home. Without going into too much detail there were some extremely hairy weather conditions in Texas and Oklahoma in which we pretty much had to give up and wait it out.

The last leg of the trip was 27 hours of straight driving, I just walked in the door.

While we ran into some miserable circumstances my confidence in the car is solidified 100% after driving 3,300 miles in 4 days.