Kids Day at the Glen?

Hope everyone got home safely...


I may be wrong but I am gonna guess at least 200 cars and drivers showed up to support this effort and give these kids a day outside of their usual experience. NSXCA had 10 or 11 cars attending.

This was my first time at an NSXCA function, and the first time I met all the NSXers there except Peter Mills. As I expected these guys are great. Nice to meet you all and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

The rest of my pics are at
My Kid's Day Pics

Here is one of Larry fixing my CE issue. Thanks Larry! :)


And here is a pic of docjohn's best friend on Thursday! :) I hope your car made it home safely.

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Man o Man you guys are quick,lol!Walt is now famous.Let me be next in line to thank all who attended and those who attempted to attend,or who fantasized about attending(Rich).The weather was actualy good for tracking,and the kids loved it!Pete and I were able to provide some hot laps untill my clutch went south and Pete's front end became epileptic under braking.I'm sure our official fotogs will be adding more sizzle in the posts to come!And I must thank the amazing and generous Bob O(rso 34) for taking my stranded A** home!
Kids' Day was a great success and part of that was possible as a result of the impressive turnout of NSXers who traveled through some pretty nasty weather to get to the Glen. Hopefully our numbers will continue to grow each year at this event.

While I am waiting to upload some more photos, I figured everyone might be interested in DocJohn's reaction when he learned that after never being on the track in my car with me while I was driving, he was finally going to be able to experience my HPDE skills when I offered to drive him home:


Tiger740 - the one who started this thread..

Where you there? I don't think I met you along the way. Because of special circumstances I was able to be there at last minutes notice. Perhaps you have a prime moniker I have not yet come to know. And sorry to the NE NSX people, but choosing a Glen weekend to do your poker run confuses me. Wish I could be there especially because I really enjoyed meeting and spending time with you at The Glen. Next Time Mon!.

Thanks Everyone


I just wanted to let everyone know that Karen and I had an absolutely incredible time at the Glen. Personally I haven't been that happy in a long while. The kids were great, and the weather held out. There was nothing like doing 125 on the back stretch behind Bob (did I just say we did that), riding with Peter was a thrill (and it will end up costing me in parts), and the highlight of my day was seeing my wife in a yellow NSX passing a Z06!! I have to tell you, we had a really good time with every single one of you. I have wanted an NSX for a very long time because in my opinion it's the absolute pinnacle of a production sports car, however yesterday I realized not only is the car special it's the people who own them! The type of people who own NSXs make the whole experience extraordinary, and I feel privileged to finally be a part of it. Thank you.


John & Karen
Re: Thanks Everyone

jadkar said:
and the highlight of my day was seeing my wife in a yellow NSX passing a Z06!!

Great to meet you guys at the Glen. I believe you and Karen might like this shot.......................

As so typical, when NSXer's get together we have a blast! It was a great day due to the fantastic company we kept. Peter, thanks for keeping this going and growing it bigger this year. This is definately another "mainstay" event.

It was great to make new friends and see the "usual suspects":). Peter and John, thanks so much for the thrills during the "hot laps". Hope to see everyone soon again, and hope everyone had a safe trip home.

Who can do it????? is a bit of trivia for the NSXers who were at the Glen. Can anyone name from left to right the owners of the NSXs?

Bonus question, can you name the years of the cars?


I will try to attach a bigger photo below, if I can't you can find a bigger one in RSOs photo album link :)

bigger photo


  • smallergroupshot.jpg
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Re: Who can do it?????

jadkar said: is a bit of trivia for the NSXers who were at the Glen. Can anyone name from left to right the owners of the NSXs?

Bonus question, can you name the years of the cars?


I will try to attach a bigger photo below, if I can't you can find a bigger one in RSOs photo album link :)


Back Row:

Gary '95, Bob '96, Larry '91, John '96, Dennis '95 and Peter '97

Front Row:

Larry '92 , John '98 and Ben '91

Did I win?
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You won!!!

Wow.....I didn't think anyone would get them all, especially since there were some of us new guys there. A matter of fact I don't even think I told you the year of mine.

Anyway, You'll get your prize on the day of the poker run. And no DocJohn, it's not a trip to the Orient with me (you should remember that one:) )

Now.....If anyone can get this one I'll be impressed. Nobody ever replied when I originally posted it.

Well RSO, As usual my better half rembers all and she corrected me. You messed one of them up, the car next to mine on the right, it is a 1991 but his name is Ben. You did get the years right though, so you still get your prize.

haha.....yeah right (nice edit)
Ummm... I *think* that's my name! :)

Kudo's to Karen who properly remembered my name. :) Thanks! Anyway.... sory it's taken me so long to check the forums; end of the month for me is always CRAZY!

Anyway, as soon as I get a chance, I'll post some of the pics I took while there.

Hope everyone is doing well.
