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Justice Prevailed for Tamoske's Scam!!!

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I was in on the group buy for a double din cf console with ashtray/coin tray and a set of cf door inserts. Just wanted to make sure I was on the list for the raffle. Good work guys for getting anything for us on this whole screwed up deal. A chance of getting something is far better than what most of us expected after over a year. I would be willing to kick in a little extra to help cover whatever costs you guys incurred getting them here.
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That's not necessary for me.
I just want to see the right thing done and those involved stand behind their word...

But it's kind of you to offer.

If you get something, you may have to cover the shipping to get it to you with whoever ends up with them this time.

I would be willing to kick in a little extra to help cover whatever costs you guys incurred getting them here.
If I get "anything" in the raffle paying for shipping to my home would definately be my obligation. That is a given. I just don't know if it's right that the people who have taken action here end up out of pocket on our behalf. It seems only fair to me that those who win in the auction pony up a little extra to cover the costs you guys incurred.
If I get "anything" in the raffle paying for shipping to my home would definately be my obligation. That is a given. I just don't know if it's right that the people who have taken action here end up out of pocket on our behalf. It seems only fair to me that those who win in the auction pony up a little extra to cover the costs you guys incurred.
I'm still not 100% clear how this supposed 'raffle' was going to work, or the complete list without anyone being forgotten.

If it were up to me, I would first compile a list of everyone who ordered parts and what they ordered, then list what is currently over here in the states, then start a thread of how they should be 'raffled' or distributed.
No worries, as for me, I'm ok with it.
You guys have spent and lost enough already.
I know how I would feel if I was on the other end of all this.

In fact, I have been there before and it sucks.

Like I have been saying all along, all I want to see happen at this point is the right thing done by those involved.

People need to keep the promises they made.

That's whats important to me.
I am a man of my word and stand behind it, I think that's all we have when push comes to shove.

I expect to be treated with the same respect when someone tells me their going to do something.

If I get "anything" in the raffle paying for shipping to my home would definately be my obligation. That is a given. I just don't know if it's right that the people who have taken action here end up out of pocket on our behalf. It seems only fair to me that those who win in the auction pony up a little extra to cover the costs you guys incurred.
I think the easiest way Billy is, pick up the parts from Dan.

Create a list of those known who didn't get their parts and throw the names in a hat and draw names until the parts run out.

Done deal...

If need be, I will draw the names.

Since I have nothing invested parts wise and nothing to gain, I'm sure I can be trusted to draw the names for the parts left.

I'm still not 100% clear how this supposed 'raffle' was going to work, or the complete list without anyone being forgotten.

If it were up to me, I would first compile a list of everyone who ordered parts and what they ordered, then list what is currently over here in the states, then start a thread of how they should be 'raffled' or distributed.
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I think the easiest way Billy is, pick up the parts from Dan.

Create a list of those known who didn't get their parts and throw the names in a hat and draw names until the parts run out.

Done deal...

If need be, I will draw the names.

Since I have nothing invested parts wise and nothing to gain, I'm sure I can be trusted to draw the names for the parts left.

I have PM'd & emailed the entire list of particpants in both GBs (center consoles & door panel switch inserts) to Dan (NA1/2-R) when he first started this thread requesting a compiled list for a supposedly raffle which has yet to materialize. The list consist of quantity, cut out options for the center consoles, NSXPrime user name in association with their real name, and their mailing address. This is really frustrating to say the least. I have extended/exhausted most of my efforts to get these parts to their rightful owners but yet to see any results. I myself is out of over $1200 in parts. At this point I will chalk this up as a lost on my part, on time effort and money. I guess you live and learn continuously and play the cards that you're dealt with. At the end, I just hope most, if not everyone something out of this whole ordeal. As I continue to read the various threads associated with these GBs...I see that Tamoske is making side deals with various individiuals (myself included). It appears that he had eveyone running different directions to add to the confusion. I see this as either a stall tactic or scam. Good luck to everyone.
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As a bystander to the transactions, I really am apalled by the ruthlessness community members are being treated and treating each other. Very frankly, I think there may be some biases in the response or lack of one. IMHO, regardless if you like the community member or not, if the question or circumstance is valid, a response is deserving. Especially, when it's about money.

I'd ask if we really treated each other this way but the answer is painfully obvious. I certainly hope there's another explanation for the lack of response.
Yes, sad isn't it....

As a bystander to the transactions, I really am apalled by the ruthlessness community members are being treated and treating each other. I'd ask if we really treated each other this way but the answer is painfully obvious. I certainly hope there's another explanation for the lack of response.
I know you did a lot of work on this as well...
It's sad that a few of us could try and help out the community and get the shaft in the end anyway.

Just isn't right.

There are very few I trust anymore on Prime unless I know them personally.

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As a bystander to the transactions, I really am apalled by the ruthlessness community members are being treated and treating each other. Very frankly, I think there may be some biases in the response or lack of one. IMHO, regardless if you like the community member or not, if the question or circumstance is valid, a response is deserving. Especially, when it's about money.

I'd ask if we really treated each other this way but the answer is painfully obvious. I certainly hope there's another explanation for the lack of response.

Yes this is so true, but it's reality and some just think their above it all.

I know you did a lot of work on this as well...
It's sad that a few of us could try and help out the community and get the shaft in the end anyway.

Just isn't right.

There are very few I trust anymore on Prime unless I know them personally.

Yeah, you know after this turn of event I've grown a thicker skin. For those who believe that they can go on with life full of lies and deceit...it will catch up with them sooner or later and come 360 and slap you right across the face. Karma has a weird way of coming back to you. I like you trust almost nobody here and because of this I will only look out for #1 (myself) from now on. It's sad but it is what it is.
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Yes this is so true, but it's reality and some just think their above it all.

Yeah, you know after this turn of event I've grown a thicker skin. For those who believe that they can go on with life full of lies and deceit...it will catch up with them sooner or later and come 360 and slap you right across the face. Karma has a weird way of coming back to you. I like you trust almost nobody here and because of this I will only look out for #1 (myself) from now on. It's sad but it is what it is.

See also: Ponyboy's signature :wink:
I am not responsible for the raffle results... How the hell am I supposed to know what goes to who?
I am in Everett, between Seattle and Vancouver BC so if you happens to be in the area, I can arrange for my son to be home so you can pick them up.
Or can you get a FEDEX account then I can have someone drop them off at one of the locations?
As they say my friend, What goes around, comes around....Karma can be a bitch....

Karma has a weird way of coming back to you.
What kind of bullshit is this ?
I paid for the shipping to you and got your parts.
You should be paying for the shipping to Billy, period.
That's the least you can do for thinking about yourself first and telling everyone else to piss off after.

You're a trip Dan, and not a good one.

I am not responsible for the raffle results... How the hell am I supposed to know what goes to who?
I am in Everett, between Seattle and Vancouver BC so if you happens to be in the area, I can arrange for my son to be home so you can pick them up.
Or can you get a FEDEX account then I can have someone drop them off at one of the locations?
What kind of bullshit is this ?
I paid for the shipping to you and got your parts.
You should be paying for the shipping to Billy, period.
That's the least you can do for thinking about yourself first and telling everyone else to piss off after.

You're a trip Dan, and not a good one.

Please read what Billy wrote. He offered to come and pick them ALL up himself (if he's in the area).
Again, I am not here to argue with anyone. And read my post "I don't have the list of who to send the stuffs to to begin with".
BTW, what you sent me has nothing to do with what I got as the results, So don't tell me what I have to do in this case.
I don't know why you were so persistant in pressing me to send stuff to Billy, when everyone else is not clear of what's going on.
In all honesty, I can careless for these consoles... But for what I already paid, I can't complain. So would you say it's fair If I drop shipped these consoles to you and you can do the HONOR this time and send them out to the raffle winners (whenever NSXprime has a list for you)?
I offered to send them to you since you are showing the most involved with Tamoske. That way I can be off YOUR case.

Billy lives in California and is nowhere close to you.

I'm pressing you because you are, and have been sitting on all this stuff long enough, over a month to be exact, and it should have been taken care of long ago when I sent them to YOU, as you stated you were going to take care of things back then, and didn't.

Then you turn around and bullshit everyone over this when all you were concerned about was getting the parts for yourself.

Don't bullshit me dude. I was born at night, just not last night.

Had I know you were not going to take care of things as you said you would, I would have never sent them to you in the first place.

So don't be tripping on me dude. You did not keep your word in the slightest, but you sure did cost me $125.00 with your bullshit.

Deal, just send them back to be and I will take care of it since it's obvious you have no intentions of standing behind your word or following through on what you said you were going to do long ago.

Unbelievable. You are a trip.

You have a lot of nerve dude coming down on me at all....
If I was closer to you, we would be having this conversation face to face and not over the internet, that's for sure.

So now you expect me to pay to have them shipped back to me ?
Are you nuts ?

You need to get a clue and stop jerking everyone around.

Please read what Billy wrote. He offered to come and pick them ALL up himself (if he's in the area).
Again, I am not here to argue with anyone. And read my post

BTW, what you sent me has nothing to do with what I got as the results, So don't tell me what I have to do in this case.
I don't know why you were so persistant in pressing me to send stuff to Billy, when everyone else is not clear of what's going on.
In all honesty, I can careless for these consoles... But for what I already paid, I can't complain. So would you say it's fair If I drop shipped these consoles to you and you can do the HONOR this time and send them out to the raffle winners (whenever NSXprime has a list for you)?
I offered to send them to you since you are showing the most involved with Tamoske. That way I can be off YOUR case.

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Billy lives in California and is nowhere close to you.

I'm pressing you because you are, and have been sitting on all this stuff long enough, over a month to be exact, and it should have been taken care of long ago when I sent them to YOU, as you stated you were going to take care of things back then, and didn't.

Then you turn around and bullshit everyone over this when all you were concerned about was getting the parts for yourself.

Don't bullshit me dude. I was born at night, just not last night.

Had I know you were not going to take of things, I would have never sent them to you in the first place.

So don't be tripping on me dude. You did not keep your word in the slightest, but you sure did cost me $125.00 with your bullshit.

Deal, just send them back to be and I will take care of it since it's obvious you have no intentions of standing behind your word or following through on what you said you were going to do long ago.

Unbelievable. You are a trip.

You have a lot of nerve dude coming down on me at all....
If I was closer to you, we would be having this conversation face to face and not over the internet, that's for sure.

So now you expect me to pay to have them shipped back to me ?
Are you nuts ?

You need to get a clue and stop jerking everyone around.

Make you you know what is goin on before talk our weir mind.

I don't have the damn raffle list to send things to people.
What you sent me is just half of what I have... and you didn't have any good intention toward NSXprime to begin with.
You are pissed because I dragged out your bad intention (before anything ever happened)?
As I said, you can have them back since you insist of helping out NSXprime. Because I didn't do enough!
Getting mad is not going to solve anything... so calm yourself down. Even you we are face to face, it doen't make a difference.
Dude, you are full of shit.

I have enough to worry about without you screwing with me right now...

My wife and I got a call from the military today.
Ryan, my son, fell off a 30 foot building last week and landed on his back.

He was paralyzed from the waist down for the first 3 days. He was able to get up and start to walk on the 5th day a little.

My wife and I were able to talk with him a little today, he's scared and depressed...

So I have enough to worry about without your bullshit too.

Just do the right thing.
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BTW, if I were keeping parts to myself then I wouldn't be up here notifying everyone about these parts that I got from YOU and Tamoske!

Please keep your personal business at home!
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BTW, if I were keeping parts to myself then I wouldn't be up here notifying everyone about these parts that I got from YOU and Tamoske!

Please keep your personal business at home!
Seriously? Come on, you have to be a better individual than that to realize this comment was unnecessary and downright cruel.

Well, I really can't go out anymore of my way to help everyone out... I work 7days a week now and then some... cranking 3 jobs and go back to college is not a walk in the park.
The same could be said to you, but IMO Jim's 'personal business' is a little more justified than your 'busy schedule'. I hope you never have to receive a phone call like Jim did about your own child.

Jim - I pray for your son's speedy and full recovery.
Hey guys

Why don't you use a program like this (it's free) and get this raffle done with?

Input the names and the program randomly reorganizes the names. Just get a moderator (like Anytime) to run it (if he's willing). If not, I would be willing to run the program and post the results. I have no vested interest in any of the items but just want to see some closure to this situation.

Just my $0.02
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