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GB: For Tamoske's Carbon Fiber door inserts

"There has been another delay, but these parts are in the final stage of production - this new delay is 3 weeks from today, before I will start to send parts out. I understand if you don't trust in this deadline, but this new delay is necessary to provide finished parts. I cannot refund your money, because this paid for the production of these pieces, as well as some bad pieces which have been thrown away due to bad workers. These new parts, which are great quality, are being clear coated now, and will ship in around 3 weeks time; I appreciate your paitience."
Thank you for posting the update Tamoske. Hearing it from the "horses mouth" helps a lot.

Most will not believe this new deadline, but you shouldn't expect them to. You are probably going to get a lot of heat and yelling from people, but expect it. At least posting shows that you did not just 'disappear with our money'.

I still believe in you, and know problems cause delays. But some of those delays and problems could be been avoided and fixed by you. Regardless, a the moment your management problems are not the number 1 priority. The number 1 priority is to get all the products to everyone as soon as possible.


I was contacted by Tamoske today.

Our conversation made me feel much better about the scenario. After our long conversation, I again firmly stand by my belief that Tamoske is NOT a theif or criminal.

If he was, why would he continue to post on prime months after recieving our money? Why would he contact me? Why do any of this if he already has our money?

I have discussed with Tamoske the problems and delays. Unfortunately it is going to take a few more weeks. After all this time, a few more weeks isn't going to make any difference what so ever.

Yes the time delay is unacceptable. Yes Tamoske's excuses have not been the best and yes not meeting his 'new deadline' was unacceptable. I 100% feel this way and am just as frustrated as anyone.

Tamoske is running into many problems with his workers who are making the products. I for one do not want to wait all this time to recieve CF products with air bubbles, poor weave layup, yellowing, etc...

I am not familiar with Lithuania, I do not know the work conditions, labor force, unions, or anything about the country or work environment. I'm very confident neither does anyone else. Although this is not an excuse, without knowing every single detail about the entire operation, everything is speculation.

I know all of the delays are causing a lot of anticipation and I was about to jump on board to take action. But the recent update is making me feel a lot better about the situation.

Im sure many will reject this as their is no reason to believe his current promises, but again look at the whole perspective. If he was a theif, why go through all the trouble to keep posting on prime, and why contact me to tell me updates and advice?

I still think Tamoske has had problems out of his control and have made poor excuses and promises that he hasn't been able to uphold. But I do not believe he is a criminal or thief. I believe everyone will get the products they ordered in time.

This will probably not convince some of you, but if it were me reading this. This update would give me hope in believing that Tamoske is not a thief.

Tamoske has an honest intention, and is not a theif. He may no go about updating us honestly or delivering on his dead-lines, but I think he will deliver... eventually.

-Hopefully that makes some of you a little more rest-assured.
hmm is it just me or has his english improved over night? :confused: err over a few weeks that is

...we discussed correct terminology and wording.

ah ok that makes sense :) It totally didn't even sound like him so I was wondering haha :redface:
Re: Tomoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

fwiw, Tamoske sent me these today, not sure why he sent them to me instead of John (Oyagi), but here they are:





I am still nervously waiting for my cash :redface:
Kinda odd. I only see 2 1/2 sets of door inserts and 3 ashtray lids but 4 consoles needing lids.:confused:
Well, only one more week and it looks like these should be shipping out for everyone.
hey everyone: here is an update. I went to the paintshop today and they are still in the process of sanding and clearcoating.
this will delay it again. Do you guys want me to just get them and ship everything out unfinished or would you rather wait until the shop is completely done?
please post your preference and I will do what you say
I've been waiting this long....what's a little more time for a completed product.

Tamoske, can you please PM me the shipping address you have for me. It's been a long time and I want to make sure there are no hicups in the shipping process.


hey everyone: here is an update. I went to the paintshop today and they are still in the process of sanding and clearcoating.
this will delay it again. Do you guys want me to just get them and ship everything out unfinished or would you rather wait until the shop is completely done?
please post your preference and I will do what you say
Tamoske: None of the recent photo show any consoles in the configuration I ordered, no stereo & no ashtray. I don't understand what happenend to those that were fabricated and shown pictures in prior posts. where did those go? There just weren't many group buy orders with that configuration. Please provide a legitimate answer.
On 12/22 (P.5, post 247) Tamoske said:


So, why are they not for sale?



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I'm sure you guys will get a date once he receives someone's stock console and door inserts to make molds from (from the thread where he requested it).....
Just spoke to him on msn moments ago, here's the transcript:
JZ says:
Hey tamoske, any updates on the CF parts?
Mindaugas says:
yes was at paintshop so they finishing everything so i think i will have parts in the end of the week so i will think to shipp in a first days of next week
JZ says:
excellent, time to update the threads.
Mindaugas says:
i wrote this
JZ says:
JZ says:
plase Excuse Me For All These Words But I Really Very Nervous Because Please Try To Imagine Im Trying To Get Nice Parts Im Ordering Them People Getting Money And They Leaving The Building With Bad Parts So I Had To Search Them But In A Final You Could See From These Words We Are Tired We Need More Money To Make Good Things You Ar Giulty That You Done Parts From Us.

im Shocked Like You. So Im Not Standing And Saying No Nothing Will Be Done Im Paying Bills 2 Time From My Pocket To Get New Parts From Different People Then To Sand Them.im Visiting Them Everyday To See If Eveything Done.everyone Knows That Im Honest An Here But I Will Prove This Here.!! It Couse Enormous Delay But I Will Getthese Parts As Soon As I Can In A Good Quality For Such Along Delay.because Its Dissgusting Will Be Not To Delivery Them For Finest And Nicest People That I Have Ever Know!!!!!!