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Justice Prevailed for Tamoske's Scam!!!

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Wow, Dan. Although I'm not sure about the method used, I can't argue that you got results or that Tamoske got exactly what he deserved. I think you deserve a special place in this community for going through such trouble and effort.

I'd be willing to donate a few bucks for postage so that the GB gets the parts they bought. I've been on the receiving end of not receiving paid for product (a diff vendor) and know what it feels like.

Again, kudos. The addage that "you reap what you sow" certainly applies here.
Hows about this idea..A “weighted raffle” whereby each person who was in the GB for both the console and inserts would get two chances and all others who were in it for just one or the other would get one chance. Nobody would be eligible to win twice if they had two chances to keep it fairly even. The names would be drawn at random and after all names are pulled the winners would be matched against the list of what each winner ordered. The “single purchase” winners would get priority in terms of actually receiving what they paid for, i.e.: if they purchased a console, they get the console and the same with the inserts. After the single purchase winners were taken care of, the “double purchase” winners would be randomly awarded either a console or set of inserts. Before shipping each winner would be given the list of all other winners in the event anyone wanted to trade thereby eliminating a potential for double shipping expenses.:smile:
i wasn't part of the group by either, but i read up on it when it was happening. i'm not sure if my reasoning is the best, but it would seem like the most fair thing to do is sell the parts to 'new' people for a certain amount, and use the total amount 'earned' from selling the parts to pay back all the members in the original group by at least a fraction for the money they lost.

since everyone can't be satisfied completely, and some may, it only seems fair that everyone receive a little back of what they lost, and the parts go to those who are 'willing to contribute to a sort of fund that reimburses everyone partially'...this, at least, makes the most sense from my position as an outsider...

great job RSO and NA-1/2R...
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Dan, you're awesome!!

I personally think that unless you have all of them (which it doesn't seem you do) the best thing would be to auction it off here on prime, collect all the funds and then distribute them evenly among the members.

Maybe we'll have someone really charitable that'll pay twice what it's wroth.. even if not, everyone gets something back and may be out only a few hundred bucks or 1/2 than what they were.

What do you think?

Dan, you're a good guy :biggrin:
Awesome work guys!!! I too was on the gb list and sent payment to nmymir, then after we figured out we all got scammed i took it as a loss. I then bought a tamoske cf console from scorp with whatever kind of deal he had with him, so i actually paid 840 for one of these consoles, lol! If i can get one of the consoles you have managed to get from tamoske, i will glady send you payment for the shipping and handling.
Again, big props and thanks to you na 1/2 r and rso!!!

i wasn't part of the group by either, but i read up on it when it was happening. i'm not sure if my reasoning is the best, but it would seem like the most fair thing to do is sell the parts to 'new' people for a certain amount, and use the total amount 'earned' from selling the parts to pay back all the members in the original group by at least a fraction for the money they lost.

since everyone can't be satisfied completely, and some may, it only seems fair that everyone receive a little back of what they lost, and the parts go to those who are 'willing to contribute to a sort of fund that reimburses everyone partially'...this, at least, makes the most sense from my position as an outsider...

great job RSO and NA-1/2R...

I agree with you............:smile:
All of above suggestions are very good.
However, I like DocJohn's "raffle names out of the hat thing". Because if you look at this way. People in the GB weren't going to get what they paid for anyway. So now, everyone have at least a chance to get what they paid for. If people in the GB agree to that then after I get the list from NMYMIRR then we can have LUD be the name picker... Are you OK with that Lud?

Thanks Ponyboy for the offer. But I am sure people in the GB are more than happy to cover SH for their lost stuffs.
Re: Justice Prevailed for Tamoske's Scam !!!

Excellent work!

And the Tamoske Saga continues... :smile:
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If people in the GB agree to that then after I get the list from NMYMIRR then we can have LUD be the name picker... Are you OK with that Lud?

I am fine with however the people in the group buy want to handle it. I would also be willing to do a "blind" drawing - e.g. someone numbers all the people waiting for parts, sends me JUST the list of numbers, and I'd draw numbers.

RSO_34 may be another good candidate to do a drawing if he is willing - he has no personal stake in the group buy, and I believe he has an enormous amount of trust and respect from the NSX community. He has also worked hard on behalf of the group buy members.

The idea of selling the product and splitting the money among the people who never got product may have merit as well, but that is of course up to the affected people in the group buy. I just thought it was an interesting idea.
I think he should be allowed to post his comments here. I think that would be extremely entertaining.:tongue:
Dan, you are the man!!!:biggrin: I wasn't a part of the GB but I agree that whatever the ways you want to do with the recovered goods, as long as the majority of the GB people voted for it, it should be good. Personally, I like the "sell and split the pot" better.
He will probably contact every member on nsxprime via MSN with his response :tongue:

Tamoske needs to contact Mark Johnson and inquire on how to avoid being scammed by people he's previously scammed.

Mark will likely first require payment for this information, however...
I think Docjohn's suggestion seems fair. I think those of us who were in on both group buys would be happy having at least one of the items. I had long since written this of as another "what-not-to-do" life experiences. A chance at getting something is still more than I hoped for at this point!
No one has to reinburse me for the shipping Dan. Consider my contribution to the members of Prime as well.

I just wanted to make sure you and everyone else knows that the shipping for getting those parts to you came out of my personal pocket, not Tamoske's..

You're doing the right thing with them. It's the honorable thing to do.

I have to address that here also. I believe the receipients of these parts owe you shipping cost. I am sure we can put together the fund to re-imburse your money.
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Tamoske also contacted me with the following. He definately knows what went down:

from Mindaugas T <[email protected]> hide details Feb 10 (16 hours ago)
to Cameron Webb <[email protected]>
date Feb 10, 2009 5:10 PM
subject Re: its tamoske from prime
signed-by yahoo.com
mailed-by yahoo.com

dan is not cop after i shipped parts i changed my minds and said him to send parts to memners now i need my id unlocked so i can talk to people and bring rest of parts that i own.
Amazing job. Seriously. If I do get anything back, a portion of it will go back to Prime.

This guy is a straight up con artist. The sad thing is he could have made so much more money if he had business ethics. I was willing to distribute and market for him in the USA. Oh well, Karma is a b*tch. :tongue:
seems to me this action / thread needs better coverage out on the internet - great job!
I'd like his ID unlocked also. I'm dying for some entertainment.:biggrin:
Tamoske also contacted me with the following. He definately knows what went down:

from Mindaugas T <[email protected]> hide details Feb 10 (16 hours ago)
to Cameron Webb <[email protected]>
date Feb 10, 2009 5:10 PM
subject Re: its tamoske from prime
signed-by yahoo.com
mailed-by yahoo.com

dan is not cop after i shipped parts i changed my minds and said him to send parts to memners now i need my id unlocked so i can talk to people and bring rest of parts that i own.
I'd like his ID unlocked also. I'm dying for some entertainment.:biggrin:

Can he read this thread but not respond or is he completely banned from even entering the site?

If he is reading along....You got what you deserved Tamoske.
Can he read this thread but not respond or is he completely banned from even entering the site?

If he is reading along....You got what you deserved Tamoske.

Yes he can read it, but just can't post. And he has read it all.
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