is it true that an NSX handles better than an EVO9?

PhiAlpha44 said:
Handeling? I know which one would handle the ladies better.... :wink:

haha thats tru but i want a car to have fun with it preformance wise. looks of a car dont madder asmuch for me. but all in all the NSX is the best thing for me
Ryanmcd2 said:
I had a NSX for 5 year and had a evo 8 now have a evo 9 MR and the 9MR will kill the NSX in all aspects. If they blew the motor they are retarded people are making 1200 HP on the 2 liter motor if setup correctly. I also spend $700 for a BC and a TBE and gained 80 more WHP so it makes the same as a supercharged nsx. Also dont forget the 9 Evo has ACD and that will move power to different wheels when it loses grip as well as has a setting for wet, snow, and dry weather that changes the diffs. Also the car does NOT get floaty at 110 I have been upto 165 in mine and it's just as solid as the NSX. Before you say something sucks own both, I have and I was going to get a 2003-04 NSX until I drove it and I got my 2nd evo. The nsx is not that exciting to me anymore. Also I have had both cars at the track several times with 0 problems on either.

totally agree. the evo motor is bulletproof. you could go atleast 450 to the wheels without having to replace any of the internals to beef it up.

hmmm am i in a debate with myself now? DAMNNNNNNN i think i am... somebody help!!!
evo9 or NSX:confused:
Immanuel said:
This says it all!!!!!!!!!!!! THe EVO look like a pig next to the NSX. Even the G35 looks lower and sleeker. That says it........... THe EVO is a rallycar. If the EVO sits any higher it will look like the Subaru outback. HEHE!!!!

people dont buy evos for looks... :wink:
I bought the evo for something to beat on, I can track it, drag race it and pound it all day long without any problems, again this is my 2nd one and have had 0 problems with the cars. Also on the track with my evo with 2k in mods and a supercharged NSX with 40k in mods and the same driver who owned this NSX with the mods he got in my evo and turned the same lap time and this was his 1st time in the evo and he has been tracking a NSX for over 5 years and over 20 events a year. And next year when the evo X comes out I will get that as well. Also the NSX is OLD and 0 updates from Acura EVER that's why I sold the thing, hell you have Mazda 3's now with more HP then the NSX what a joke. And don't pull that "The NSX has class crap" it has class and is slow, outdated, and sub par performance in 1998 when I had mine it was still okay but in 2006/7 it's performance #'s are about the same as a Mazda 3. Flame away :biggrin:
Well I used to own an Evo before I picked up my NSX. Now, granted I did have it modified quite a bit, but it was still running the stock turbo. My old evo would kick the crap out of my current NSX. I dont care if it was from a dead dig or a 40, 50, 60, 70 roll. The Evo is fast. It is a low 12 second car with basic, mild modifications. And an 11 second car with moderate mods.

Stock Evo vs stock NSX, stock evo still is quicker than the NSX. We shall see how a modified Evo does against a CTSC NSX. Once I get mine on I will find out.

But, the Evo is a great car to drive and beat on everyday. The bottom end is virutally unbreakable, you have four doors to haul shit around in, the AWD makes for some fun driving around the city, it grips in the rain or snow. But, its tranny is sloppy. And more and more ricers are getting the Evo, which is starting to give it and the STi's a bad name.

Looks wise, NSX wins hands down. It does drive better (smoother). And it absolutely is more solid at higher speeds. However, we will see how well the NSX is once I CTSC it. Then I will be able to make a better comparison between my current car and my old one.

my opinion...

the evo ix is a more "aggressive" car as to it's driving nature than the nsx. We build these cars every day... have one in house currently with a 2.3 liter motor in it, capable of 1200hp, if we want to run it that way, but we don't, we are road racers.

I currently have a 2006 EVO IX as my daily driver... with our 2000$ stage 2+ upgrade the car jumps from 230whp/235wtq to 335whp/355wtq, and is easily on par with car's of 5 times it's cost.

Now to the build quality... you are buying a mitsubishi.... so there are lots of plastics etc... but driving these all the time, they dont really development the squeeks and rattles you would expect.

Where as most NSX's tend to understeer pretty significantly in stock form, the evo is a pretty impressive performer on the track and a bit more gutsy through the midrange.

Now that said....

as im trying to acquire a 2002+ NSX for a daily driver, and to do some small mods too.... I will be dissapointed in the straightline performance yes... but I also have the other shop cars to drive..... the exige is the most fun.

In the end these cars serve different purposes... but i think in an all-out battle, stock to stock, the evo would be slightly ahead. With mods, as we all know, it's basically down to who has the biggest checkbook.

NSX_BOB said:
Most of my freinds have evo9's. there definately not the best looking car but they do preform realllly well for stock. the AWD system is awsome, the feel of the turbo kicking in is very sexy, and its a real fast car. But handeling wise... how do the NSX and the EVO9 compare in handeling?...:confused:

Again I see a thread winding down to becoming a 'this car is better than that car' slugging match. Which, I might add, is very sorry to see.

Of course, I do not mind seeing people comparing one car to another one. But the original question from the starter of this thread was "How do the NSX and the EVO9 compare in handling?" But let keep talking about how the cars are different, and not what this or that driver is capable of doing with it.
The answer so far has been that the two cars are different.

Have not yet driven a Evo myself, only have been a passenger in a heavily modified one. And yes, it felt very fast but it was indeed feeling different (also because I was the passenger which I usually don't like very much).
So all I can add is, try both cars and buy the one you like most.

And as far as to which car is better, I think the question is becoming more and more irrelevant.
First of all, I believe that the differences in the performance of cars like the Evo, NSX, Impreza, F355, Porsche 911/Cayman is actually rather small. One car might have a slight advantage one way, another has an advantage in another way. How cars performs on the street is not very relevant. And on the track I believe the driver is much more important.
What does it mean that someone with 2K in mods on an Evo is as fast as another guy with 40K mods in his NSX??
I know a guy with a supercharged NSX who overtakes GT3's on the track in his NSX and has managed to stay with the Mercedes SLR as well. Does that mean that now the Evo is equal to the Porsche GT3 ??
I don't think so. Personally, I have had problems in the NSX to keep up with a professional racing driver in a new model Honda Civic. With diesel engine. Does that mean the diesel Civic is faster than my slightly modded NSX ?? Of course not. But it DID mean the driver is much better than I am (or ever will be for that matter).

So I take my NSX and change my alignment settings. Or change to different/better/worse/cheaper tires. Or add heavy/large aftermarket wheels. And then you do something similar to your car. And all of a sudden my car oversteers like crazy. Or understeers. Do I have the skill to tune the settings on my NSX to get the most out of its performance envelope ??
Of course, it would be nice (and flattering) to go out on a track totally unknown to me, go flat-out on the first few runs, overtaking about 95% of all the other heavily modded cars includign the F and P-cars. Then, after a cool-down lap I come into the pit. Spectators are swarming around my car as I slowly turn into my pitbox. In the mirror I see people pointing at my car, taking pictures, talking agitated among themselves. My best friend and personal tuner/mechanic walks towards my car.
I open the door and get out in one elegant move. "How did it go?" my mechanic asks, "I heard someone say you had some trouble in turn 4?"
I shrug my shoulders, as if you apologize for the slight mistake in that particular corner, then nod slowly. "Yes, turn four is a bit difficult because the road-camber changes in that turn. And also, that Z06 was in the way so I had to take the outside turn to overtake him. But I think we should change the rear toe-in rom 6.5 to 6mm. I should be able to lap a little quicker. With 6mm I can take turn 3, 5 and 6 faster. Of course, I will loose time in turn 2 and 7 but not that much."
My mechanic nods approvingly. "Yes I think that you are right. The tarmac here is different so I will do it right away." I walk away to our personal desk to take a drink while my mechanic is busy making the changes.
Spectators and a few other drivers are coming towards me, asking questions. How did I manage to humble almost everyone else? What modifications does my NSX have. How come I am so fast? I try to explain but how can you explain having a superior car and talent to a spectator or another driver who has to make do with a Z06 or Porsche GT3.

"It's all a matter of balance," I try to explain. "And the NSX is the perfect car for that. It does not matter is doesn't have that much HP because I can get the most out of what it has. Most cars need the extra horsepower to make up on the straights what they loose in the corners."
While talking, my mechanic comes to me, telling me the car is ready. As I walk to my car, the crowd around it reverantly steps back to allow my passage. I get into The Car and strap myself in. Once again, I become one with The Machine as the perfectly contoured Type S seats wraps around my lower body. I carress the shift knob for a moment with an almost sensual touch. From the corner of my eyes I see a tall, young blonde notices the move and give me a very interested look, then smiles softly. Almost impercetable, I give her an approving smile. She turns her upper body slightly to show off her perfect profile. 'Nice,' I think to myself, 'Seems my evening will be as interesting as the day."
Then, I turn they key and with a growl the V6 behind me comes to live, then settles down to it's almost purring idle. With a last quick look at the blonde I indulge myself, just for a moment, to please the crowd around by pressing the accelerator. The modified C30A with its SOS cams responds immediately, the Taitec exhaust growls. The spectators make way for The NSX when I lett it roll forward slowly. At the end of the pitlane I take one good look around, then the car leaps forward, accelerates fast, the tires chirping on the tarmac, driving the car towards the first turn. I smile, knowning that some of the people will think that I will be going too fast to take this turn at this ridiculous speed.

How little do they know about the real potential that lies hidded beneath the exquisite aluminum body of each and every NSX. As soons as I turn in I can already feel the positive difference of the just made toe change. Yes, this really feels much better allready.
Without braking a sweat or course, I set a new record on the second lap....

Would be nice though....:biggrin:
You had some time to spare this afternoon I see :eek: :biggrin:
A stock EVO 9 with AWD, bigger tires and LSD has a bigger envelope. How close to utilizing all 10/10ths of each car's envelope is where all the subjective arguments come in. Modifications to each suspension will affect the comparison although it is safe to say that more will be spent on the NSX. Other areas of performance such as hp goals will also cost more in the NSX.


Sounds like I SHOULD of bought a EVO 9 instead of the 16 yrs old glorified backwards driving aluminum accord! :biggrin: :rolleyes: Why are we the NSX owners still owning this outdated auto. Beats me!:smile:
FYI. The EVO9 can handle almost as good as the NSX.
If you want to drive my beater Evo 9 MR let me know, it has a few mods and may keep up with the nsx ;)

EIFFEL said:
Sounds like I SHOULD of bought a EVO 9 instead of the 16 yrs old glorified backwards driving aluminum accord! :biggrin: :rolleyes: Why are we the NSX owners still owning this outdated auto. Beats me!:smile:
FYI. The EVO9 can handle almost as good as the NSX.
NSX_BOB said:
people dont buy evos for looks... :wink:

Well if you happen to actually read my first posts . I know people dont buy looks the EVO for looks. You would see i am talking about the quaitly of the build of the car. And i have built cars car from scatch and designed heavily modded cars (all type). SO I can build a Dodge tubro Careavan to beat any EVO8 of 9. The two cars can not be simply compared............
Immanuel said:
Well if you happen to actually read my first posts . I know people dont buy looks the EVO for looks. You would see i am talking about the quaitly of the build of the car. And i have built cars car from scatch and designed heavily modded cars (all type). SO I can build a Dodge tubro Careavan to beat any EVO8 of 9. The two cars can not be simply compared............

:biggrin: SUPER!
MvM said:
Of course, it would be nice (and flattering) to go out on a track totally unknown to me, go flat-out on the first few runs, overtaking about 95% of all the other heavily modded cars includign the F and P-cars. Then, after a cool-down lap I come into the pit. Spectators are swarming around my car as I slowly turn into my pitbox. In the mirror I see people pointing at my car, taking pictures, talking agitated among themselves. My best friend and personal tuner/mechanic walks towards my car.
I open the door and get out in one elegant move. "How did it go?" my mechanic asks, "I heard someone say you had some trouble in turn 4?"
I shrug my shoulders, as if you apologize for the slight mistake in that particular corner, then nod slowly. "Yes, turn four is a bit difficult because the road-camber changes in that turn. And also, that Z06 was in the way so I had to take the outside turn to overtake him. But I think we should change the rear toe-in rom 6.5 to 6mm. I should be able to lap a little quicker. With 6mm I can take turn 3, 5 and 6 faster. Of course, I will loose time in turn 2 and 7 but not that much."
My mechanic nods approvingly. "Yes I think that you are right. The tarmac here is different so I will do it right away." I walk away to our personal desk to take a drink while my mechanic is busy making the changes.
Spectators and a few other drivers are coming towards me, asking questions. How did I manage to humble almost everyone else? What modifications does my NSX have. How come I am so fast? I try to explain but how can you explain having a superior car and talent to a spectator or another driver who has to make do with a Z06 or Porsche GT3.

"It's all a matter of balance," I try to explain. "And the NSX is the perfect car for that. It does not matter is doesn't have that much HP because I can get the most out of what it has. Most cars need the extra horsepower to make up on the straights what they loose in the corners."
While talking, my mechanic comes to me, telling me the car is ready. As I walk to my car, the crowd around it reverantly steps back to allow my passage. I get into The Car and strap myself in. Once again, I become one with The Machine as the perfectly contoured Type S seats wraps around my lower body. I carress the shift knob for a moment with an almost sensual touch. From the corner of my eyes I see a tall, young blonde notices the move and give me a very interested look, then smiles softly. Almost impercetable, I give her an approving smile. She turns her upper body slightly to show off her perfect profile. 'Nice,' I think to myself, 'Seems my evening will be as interesting as the day."
Then, I turn they key and with a growl the V6 behind me comes to live, then settles down to it's almost purring idle. With a last quick look at the blonde I indulge myself, just for a moment, to please the crowd around by pressing the accelerator. The modified C30A with its SOS cams responds immediately, the Taitec exhaust growls. The spectators make way for The NSX when I lett it roll forward slowly. At the end of the pitlane I take one good look around, then the car leaps forward, accelerates fast, the tires chirping on the tarmac, driving the car towards the first turn. I smile, knowning that some of the people will think that I will be going too fast to take this turn at this ridiculous speed.

How little do they know about the real potential that lies hidded beneath the exquisite aluminum body of each and every NSX. As soons as I turn in I can already feel the positive difference of the just made toe change. Yes, this really feels much better allready.
Without braking a sweat or course, I set a new record on the second lap....

Would be nice though....:biggrin:

Story time with MvM:biggrin: im not flamin you. that was accually fun to read haha
MvM said:
Again I see a thread winding down to becoming a 'this car is better than that car' slugging match. Which, I might add, is very sorry to see.


Have not yet driven a Evo myself,


[very long story]


Given the lavish portrayal of your life with the NSX, I suspect that an Evo would not serve your purposes. I also suspect that you haven't been taking your medication and that you're having delusions of grandeur.:biggrin:

Though I enjoyed your NSX short story fiction or not, having not driven an Evo makes you supremely unqualified to comment as to its handling. I also think that most of the comparisons being made in other posts were driver independent (i.e. the same driver for both cars). No one here has ever ventured to say that driving skill isn't 90% of the speed equation.

I'd like to see some hard numbers on lap times between the two cars (same driver). Anyone? Let's exclude looks from the equation, we all know what car looks best otherwise we wouldn't be here, right?
I own both.
My NSX is a 1991 vintage (6K miles) and a 2006 EVO MR. Steering & handling between the two cars is like comparing day from night. Electronic Power Steering (EPS) was not offered on NA NSX until 1994. To the best of my knowledge, all NA EVO's have power steering. Now I have stated the steering disclaimer, In my opinion my EVO has superior handing to my NSX because of power steering.

My experience in both cars is strictly spirited street driving:wink: The reason I purchased an EVO was to have a functional daily driver. I love how the handling & steering reminded me of my beloved '01 S2000. Another benefit to the EVO is a ten year warranty:eek:

If I was forced by the wife to choose between the NSX & the EVO, I would choose the NSX for many reasons.

Hopefully my post has added another element to think about in making your decision.
The Evo is base off a grocey getter car (Lancer). So I guess the SRT-4 neon can outhandle an NSX too? Maybe I will start that as the next topic.

This topic is stupid.
nsx2tall said:
Given the lavish portrayal of your life with the NSX, I suspect that an Evo would not serve your purposes. I also suspect that you haven't been taking your medication and that you're having delusions of grandeur.:biggrin:

MY life with the NSX :smile: :smile: That would be nice but alas, back in the real world I would have crashed in that first turn.
But then again, in this fictional fantasy you could replace the term NSX with any car which suits your taste and it would not alter the story.

However, as far as real laptimes with real drivers, I know of these, all by the same driver.

German Nurnburgring
NSX-R: 8.09
GT Evo VII: 8.25
GT EVO VI: 8.25

Hockenheim track, same driver:
NSX-R: 1:14.6
GT Evo VII: 1:18.2
GT Evo VI: 1:18.4
Immanuel said:
The Evo is base off a grocey getter car (Lancer). So I guess the SRT-4 neon can outhandle an NSX too? Maybe I will start that as the next topic.

This topic is stupid.

ummm to bad it has nothing to do at all with the lancer. its a totally different car. different chassis, different motor, different tranny/ different suspension... I could go on. You are a fool to say that the evo is based off the lancer. Sure it has the same name but trust me its definately not the same car in any way shape or form.

as for the srt-4 that car IS based off the neon because the chassis is very much simmilar and they both are FWD.
Wraythe said:
In my opinion my EVO has superior handing to my NSX because of power steering.

Another opinion would be that steering assist generally turns off over 25mph. Parking would be easier:smile: -- though I doubt any of you have cars you prefer to park rather than drive. There are a few folks here that swear by their manual rack.

MvM said:
However, as far as real laptimes with real drivers, I know of these, all by the same driver.

Thanks for the track data. I'd be interested in the Evo IX and an NSX NA2 too. I wonder if they can post better numbers? I may just have to try myself.:biggrin:
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nsx2tall said:
Another opinion would be that steering assist generally turns off over 25mph. Parking would be easier:smile: -- though I doubt any of you have cars you prefer to park rather than drive. There are a few folks here that swear by their manual rack.
Interesting. I will have to research to what level of power assist you get at different speeds with the EVO. Finding the answer to how EPS operates should be easy with all the experianced NSXprime members:biggrin:
Stock for stock the evo handles better. I had owned a 03 and 05MR. I feel more confident and able to drive faster with much quicker and sharper turn in speed. I do realize the OEM tires on the evo is much better but perhaps comparing the evo to a type S or type R with stiffer suspenstion would be a different story?
Some of the posts here are just retarded. I guess NSX Prime is not what it used to be, now people act like retards. How about re-reading my post where I had the same driver with a superchaged NSX drive my car and post the same lap time on the same day, also that NSX had R1's and my evo had the Stock rubber. Say what you want but I know the evo is faster then a NSX on the track with = drivers. Again I bought this car because it's cheep and fun I also looked at and drove a GT3, E55, M3, M5, 2004 NSX, Supercharged M3, Supercharged NSX, and a 996TT and wrote a check for my evo. I can but pretty much any car I want and took the evo, also NSXFILES the guy there Doug I think says he likes his Evo better then the NSX and his 360.