Ipad 3 Discussion

13 June 2005
West Coast Florida
I have an ipad 1 64gig. It's great but I am not usually a person to adopt new technology the day it comes out. I like to skip a generation.

The things I like about the ipad 2 are the camera and its a little thinner and faster. The things I don't like about the ipad 1 is its slow and clunky if I use citrix and some business applications don't like to run on an ipad but will run fine on an imac. And then there's flash............

What new features would you like to see in the ipad 3? Of course it will be faster and have a better camera and screen............but that is NOT what will cause people to upgrade. Are there any surprises here like a much bigger screen? Is it possible that the "3" in ipad 3 will mean 3 different screen sizes to choose from? Will it have Siri? Will it have the ability to do an excel spread sheet or print EASILY? How about an HDMI or Firewire port(fat chance) Will it be somehow tied in with APPLE TV????????

My institutional investment conference at the Orlando World Marriott last week was over run with IPAD's while I clunked around with my stupid 17" HP notebook and brick power cord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRHGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not really sure where they will go with it. I own an ipad2 and I think it was a notable jump in power that justified the upgrade from an ipad1 especially once iOS5 rolled out. New OS tend to push old hardware limits and I think this is where the dual-core and double memory of the ipad2 really shines over the ipad1.

Facetime is also a pretty big jump, we live far from family and it is pretty nice to sit on the sofa and do a video conference to see what our nephews are up to. Sure you can do it on a computer, but it really isn't the same experience.

With all that said, not really sure where a 3 is going to go and could be a dud of an update with only the die hard fanboys jumping on board. I could see them doing an ipad XS or "pro" that is even bigger than the current ipad with a bigger screen resolution and more precise pixels - something like an 11" screen. Currently even though there are lots of drawing apps, the size and precision is a little lacking to really do much sketching. Could just be my clumsy fingers, but even with a stylus I didn't find this to be a good substitute for pencil and paper even though theoretically it should be. A bigger, more precise version might find a nice home for architects and the like though.

Likewise they could go smaller with a 7" screen and that would be awesome as it would open the door to start putting ipads in vehicles. Not sure if they will go this route.

Straight out features though - no clue what they could do that would justify a "need". It pretty much does everything you really want already, so what more is there to add?
What new features would you like to see in the ipad 3? Of course it will be faster and have a better camera and screen............but that is NOT what will cause people to upgrade.

I would disagree with you 100%. Those are exactly what causes people to upgrade.

Personally, I would like to see the high-res screen and stereo speakers. The sound on the ipad 2 is CRAP.

A better front face camera would be nice too.

I would love if it actually did real multitasking, but I don't think that is going to happen.
I would love if it actually did real multitasking, but I don't think that is going to happen.
+1 The ability to float apps in individual windows like browsers would rock big time. Hadn't considered that, but now that you mention it... That sounds more like an OS update though rather than hardware.
when is it gonna come out , i been wanting one also
Apple stock is up 17 points today. If this keeps going, it will be a Trillion dollar company in 3 years. The stock market insiders are saying Apple TV is going to be a game changer.
Apple stock is up 17 points today. If this keeps going, it will be a Trillion dollar company in 3 years. The stock market insiders are saying Apple TV is going to be a game changer.

Apple hasn't exactly changed the TV game with their current Apple TV. The new one might be better, but I don't think many people will pay 2x as much for the same size TV to use APPLE features. $1499 for a 42 inch TV is silly.

Just my 2 cents.
Apple stock is up 17 points today. If this keeps going, it will be a Trillion dollar company in 3 years. The stock market insiders are saying Apple TV is going to be a game changer.
wow, every time I think that stock can't get more inflated it rises further! Don't get me wrong, I love my apple products I just can't believe how that stock has taken off!
I agree. Especially when I saw a 55inch plasma at Wally World for $600!
If I could cancel my $125/month direct tv and swich to some deal apple had then maybe. They are all about residual revenues while others (ATT and VZ) do the heavy lifting. Only time will tell especially now that Microsoft will be releasing windows 8 with arm chip technology.

Apple hasn't exactly changed the TV game with their current Apple TV. The new one might be better, but I don't think many people will pay 2x as much for the same size TV to use APPLE features. $1499 for a 42 inch TV is silly.

Just my 2 cents.
Apple stock is up 17 points today. If this keeps going, it will be a Trillion dollar company in 3 years. The stock market insiders are saying Apple TV is going to be a game changer.

I don't make many smart stock picks, but I did buy AAPL the last time it dipped below $100. Then, when it broke $200, I sold half my shares (thereby getting my money back). It's just a big ol' chunk o' free money for me now, and I'm content to sit back and see where it goes.

I don't see a lot of innovation for the iPad 3 -- a few evolutionary steps like a faster processor, more memory, better camera, retina display -- that sort of stuff. Indeed, when the iPad 3 comes out it'll probably be a real good time to buy an iPad 2 -- it'll still be a killer tablet, and likely with a reduced price.

As for an Apple Television -- I just bought a Samsung Smart TV, and it's killer. But to be honest, many of the apps that run on it are kinda clunky. I didn't buy it for the apps (except Netflix, which is fine), but I do see a niche where Apple can bring in its UI design and walled garden. It wouldn't be for me, but I can see a lot of people buying them, and making the stock go ever higher....
iPad3 will most likely adopte quad core, better camera and screen.

However, they still need something innovative to attract customers given it doesn't support flash and websites don't switch to HTML5 overnight. I like how stable and smooth iOS are but it's just a PITA when I click on a website and nothing shows up because it's flash based.

Moreover, Android is catching up real quick and no longer as clunky as they used to be. With Samsung having so many choices especially with Note, GT 7.7 and GT 7.0 being able to function as a phone, these hybrids are taking hefty chunks of market share in both the phone and tablet segments where Apple used to be dominant. I was once skeptical about the Note but reality proved otherwise, at least over here in Hong Kong. All I see is that less and less people are using iPad nowadays.
What many don't realize is that as html5 grows, apples app dominance will end. Developers will make one app in html5 and push it to all platforms. That will put a big hurt on apple and help everyone else.

Soon all phones and tablets will be basically the same hardware and the only thing you will choose is what OS you like better.

So I think ipad3 will be great and probably continue to dominate for several years, but the playing field will be leveled sooner than later.

I am looking forward to seeing what the iPad3 can do.
I have iPad 1 and it is not powerful enough anymore. Some of the games will quit in the middle of the session and I have to restart.

I think the latest iOS is too much for the original processor to handle. As a working unit, I really like it; in fact, it is with me almost 24/7.

I used other tablets and I just don't care for the way their are set up, reminds me of Windows.
What many don't realize is that as html5 grows, apples app dominance will end. Developers will make one app in html5 and push it to all platforms. That will put a big hurt on apple and help everyone else.

Soon all phones and tablets will be basically the same hardware and the only thing you will choose is what OS you like better.

So I think ipad3 will be great and probably continue to dominate for several years, but the playing field will be leveled sooner than later.

I am looking forward to seeing what the iPad3 can do.

I thought Jobs was talking about HTML5 that why they don't support flash.
we've got a 1st gen ipad and i've been holding off on buying a 2 in case the 3 is released soon and the features i'm hearing about (faster processor, better battery life, cameras) are the jump i'm hoping for.

another month or two is no biggie.
Projected full size keyboard onto a surface. Project image, monitor onto the wall up to say 60. Inches . Faster. Better multi tasking. Better camera, FaceTime. Ability to bluetooth to anything.
I thought Jobs was talking about HTML5 that why they don't support flash.

Well, kind of. Jobs published a somewhat famous letter nearly 2 years ago that outlined his/Apple's reasons for declining to support Flash and for holding out for HTML5....


He was criticized by many but I think in hindsight Jobs made the correct choice and has since been vindicated.

Also, when Jobs made the call, mobile Flash was in much, much worse condition than today.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGVTp7eCWBo?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGVTp7eCWBo?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
From what I've seen, the iPad 2 is better than the new "iPad"(iPad3)
Most people don't use the camera on their iPad, so that's out.
Most people don't complain about the speed of the iPad2, so that's not an issue
The new iPad is thicker with the same battery life for $100 more.

I'll pass.