I'm so FU***ING MAD!!!

Wow I"m actually surprised this has gotten so big... I thought the whole thing was pretty much covered and done around post 15... somehow its on post 80, mainly all crap though lol.

I'll just say don't worry. It'll pass by people will forget and its not that big of a deal. I would talk to your "close" friend though and tell them to cut that crap out and be a little more respectful is all. No need to be disrespected by close friends especially on something you seem to have a passion about (your NSX).

Had a similar situation occur with my close friends only about my relationship with my ex.... it got to the point that I couldn't take it and I just told them to "STOP IT immediately" it was a little awkward but the day after that everything was fine. They never clown on the me about the relationship me and my ex have and they realized how stupid and immature they were being. So just talk to them and well I think it won't bother you much after that.

Prime sure has/does become a joke at times, hope some of my advice would be helpful to you.
...I really don't care what people think about me,...(snip)...It really bothers me because it wasn't me. I'm not the only guy with a black turbo nsx. I really want to punch this little fagot in the gut really hard and see him throw up...

It is just good that you do not care what people think about you. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Hey man, I am with you. I was at McDonald's getting a Big Mac value meal, and I asked for ketchup with my fries, and the guy guy behind the counter not only stiffed me on the ketchup, but also told me my car was slow. So I had no choice, I went off!! I jumped out of the car, went inside with my car still running in the drive thru, jumped the counter and stabbed the guy in the jugular. This old lady in line was looking at me funny afterwards and asked if it was my car in the drive thru, and I said it was. She said her car gets better gas mileage, so I straight shanked her a$$ too. Not only that, but my freaking fries were cold. I don't care what people say or think though, so it is all good. :biggrin: :cool:
It is just good that you do not care what people think about you. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Hey man, I am with you. I was at McDonald's getting a Big Mac value meal, and I asked for ketchup with my fries, and the guy guy behind the counter not only stiffed me on the ketchup, but also told me my car was slow. So I had no choice, I went off!! I jumped out of the car, went inside with my car still running in the drive thru, jumped the counter and stabbed the guy in the jugular. This old lady in line was looking at me funny afterwards and asked if it was my car in the drive thru, and I said it was. She said her car gets better gas mileage, so I straight shanked her a$$ too. Not only that, but my freaking fries were cold. I don't care what people say or think though, so it is all good. :biggrin: :cool:

Represent! Way to keep it real Mitch.

The last time I didn't care what people thought, I went off Samuel L. Jackson style. I killed every M@#$her F$%ker in the room!!! :biggrin: