I'm so FU***ING MAD!!!

Is the guy talking all that trash about your NSX??

Is this really the best you can handle your life?

If so, you have some rough times ahead. I don't say this to be mean, but you really need some perspective, maturity and an altered approach to life. I HOPE you don't have to learn that the hard way.
Next time when you see him say this.

You: Hey you like my nsx?
Nacho: Ya it's a nice car.
You: I bet because that shit is NACHYO's

I fucking rule.
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Craig, whats up with you man? Either I just don't know you well enough, or you've changed and turned into a punk ass for some apparent reason or another. You drive a Comptech supercharged nsx right? Your dad rode shotgun at RTR 2006?
Craig, whats up with you man? Either I just don't know you well enough, or you've changed and turned into a punk ass for some apparent reason or another.
I think I'm missing something here. Was warren being sarcastic or intentionally trolling with his post?
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I think I'm missing something here. Was warren being sarcastic or intentionally trolling with his post?

Ummmm.... I am afraid he was serious. Which is why everyone is sort of worried. I mean where does one start. I don't want to tell someone else what to do, but who gets all upset because some dodo you don't even know says something like someone beat your car? Even if true, WHO CARES?! I mean do you start with talking about how dumb it is to get offended at some stranger's comments, how dumb it is to have your ego so attached to a car that it actually hurts you, or how dumb it is that you street race? Where do you start??? The whole post top to bottom is worrisome like Scorp pointed out, because people share the road and this is a dangerous attitude. Beating some clown becomes so important you risk other people's lives.

Many of the sarcastic remarks you see here is because we are literally left speechless. There is nowhere else to go but to post something funny and laugh... and frankly, I have not laughed so many times at the replies to a thread as I did to this one.
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Oh so you're the one with the black turbo NSX!

Just the other day, Taco said his bud Jim with the blue GTR added you to his kill list too.

:tongue: Just messin' Warren. I think you're upset mainly because a black NSX is such a high profile vehicle that people will instantly think it was you, even if there is another one. Gossip is a fact of life and is usually started and passed by people who have no interesting or positive facets about themselves or things to say about anyone else. Don't let it eat you up. :wink:
I think I'm missing something here. Was warren being sarcastic or intentionally trolling with his post?

No, it's just that I'm not accustomed to seeing you being so sarcastic lately with the last few comments I've seen from you. Just didn't seem like......... you, or the more serious type of person I had gotten used to. I think you're an outstanding individual from my own experiences, it just felt odd seeing you even comment on topics or issues that would cause you to say something unsavory.
Beating some clown becomes so important you risk other people's lives.

I rarely ever take anyone's word seriously about things like that. Especially from a male, considering 99% of us only mean it 1% of the time. While the 1% of men left, mean it 99% of the time.

Some are doubting my claims that Nacho is my good friend. To cast all doubt aside, here he is in the same car that he smoked Warren in. This was taken outside of his birthplace, Taco Bell.

I drive a black NSX. Nacho beat my ass too.

Especially the next morning after all those jalepenos!!

:rolleyes: I must be getting old
I kinda wish now i didn't write that, but I was really, really upset. I don't let things like that bother me, but the fact that a stranger tells me this and then a close friend tells me about it, which i'm sure he was just busting my balls about it then i call other aquaintances and heard the story, it really hit me. It's crazy that people can make up lies and actually come around to personal friends!

Guys, he showed his regret for the original post way back in post #10.
Right now, there are starving children in Africa that need our help. There are tropical cyclone victims dying by the thousands every single day. China has been decimated by an earthquake, while closer to home, gas prices are at record highs while home prices are falling to record lows. And you got beat by a guy named Nacho in an STI. Haha!
Oh, so you're the guy who got smoked by my friend Nacho.


This whole thread was funny but This just killed me. too funny bro

Warren don't let idiots influence your day. I know its hard to shake it but learn now, this world is full of them.
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<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/yjnvSQuv-H4&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yjnvSQuv-H4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
LoL! I actually listened to the whole song.
HAHA, anytime I'm stressed or pissed off I listen to it and always end up mellow.
This is one damn funny thread.

I used to own a very quick R32 Skyline GTR and discovered that everyone locally wanted a piece of it. I also learned that getting into a pissing match (aka HP war) with strangers was a losing proposition as there's always a bigger fish out there and there is apparently no end in sight if you choose to take on all comers. Having said that I can feel your frustration but I say give the ego a rest and forget about it. The older I get the more these sort of things make no sense to me and seems like a total waste of energy to ponder.

One more thing....just take solace in the fact that you're not named after a popular snack and be done with this.

Instead of this:


Be this:
