I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night [moved from another thread]

Re: Puzzled by the whp gain after ITB

So what happened with the European car? That car was a gift. How are you buying another stateside car and paying to mod it? Did you ever get that job at Kroger?

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Re: Puzzled by the whp gain after ITB


Search ---> Read ----> Post.
you think you are funny but the joke is on you. I have seen some people make an ass out of themselves over the internet but you take the cake. So if and when you ever get an Nsx are you actually going to have the nerve to show up at a function? I guess you are having fun at everyone elses expense but see where that gets you:wink:
@Brylek LOL ... dont start posting up aerial shots of an apartment complex ...

As far as this discussion goes ... the dont go cheap rule shouldnt be broken on any car. I purchased the old GReddy kit for my 5th gen prelude and by the time I was done I ended up having Blacktrax in San Jose do a full build and custom pipe work and flying out John Reed formerly from Torque Freaks to tune my car. IMO there is no such thing as cheap boost.
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and most people LURK on the site and read and read and learn and learn,
before they post.

I got my first NSX and didnt post intill about 6 months later.
First things first. Buy the car, everything else is just mental masturbation. Once you have the car, learn how to drive it, then after you have made sure that this is the car for you, if you still crave power, come back on the site, apologize to everyone that has tried to give you sound legitimare advice, start over again, telling them what your budget is, what your power goal is, and see if it's doable. In the meantime, STFU, lay low until you can post pictures of the NSX, and if you get it done on time for NSXPO, drive it on up, we'll get you in, and the Shirley Temple is still on me!!!
If you all stop posting on his threads he will go away:wink: Like Capt said, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL
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So the OP doesn't even own a NSX and is coming on here advising real owners and long-time members about turbo kits? Can you say delusional? Or is he a current member of Congress since he obviously has no grip on reality?
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A 16 year old with a NSX? Really? Might as well give him a loaded pistol and tell him to go ahead and get it over with because he will kill himself. Another unicorn story, I suppose...

no, his nsx was fabricated..and now he is really really looking for one.....this is an nsx enthusiast site..but please be honest with us and yourself..this kid is making alot of members do extra work dispelling his misinformation,and since the cat is outa the bag (of who he is)just irritating the rest of us.
Geeze guys!!! Freakin' stay on topic please! I want to know more about this interesting hotel chain and it's continental breakfast service.
no, his nsx was fabricated..and now he is really really looking for one.....this is an nsx enthusiast site..but please be honest with us and yourself..this kid is making alot of members do extra work dispelling his misinformation,and since the cat is outa the bag (of who he is)just irritating the rest of us.

I don't care if he's really looking for one or not. My point is that there's not a 16 year old on the planet that neither needs nor deserves a NSX or any other expensive car because they'll just f@#k it up. I say give them all old Dodge K-cars and the hell with it. If I could change the legal driving age to at least 18, I would. Most 16-18 year olds can't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight but since we (the U.S) will give a license to anybody that will fog a mirror and there's this incredible sense of entitlement these days, you have untrained & inexperienced juvies flying around in 3500+ pound projectiles. Don't know about you but I get the living shit scared out of me every day by some young muffin on her iPhone in Daddy's BMW or the hot-shot HS QB in his brand-new F-250 that he has to have a ladder to get into and has never seen mud.

Sorry for the rant but this entire thread and the notion of a 16 year old winding everybody on here up with BS stories just pissed me off. Good thing I'm not the Admin or a Mod on here or the OP's ass would be gone for general principles. Grrrr---
stevieray needs to blow off some steam:wink:
actually i think he's 17.:biggrin:
A 16 year old with a NSX? Really? Might as well give him a loaded pistol and tell him to go ahead and get it over with because he will kill himself......

Naw. Stock NSX is not powerful enough to hurt oneself more than any other car out there.

If anything the stock NSX might be a better car to support life...
stevieray needs to blow off some steam:wink:

haha Yes I did, Mr. Galazkiewicz. *insert Nike commercial reference here* That's what having a 29 year old stepdaughter that won't move out does to you.:wink:

So wait, how long does the continental breakfast last? Is it possible for me to walk in and get some, without staying there?

No, but you can become Ayrton Senna by staying there.

After seeing that result come through I assumed the temperature dropping to the 40s last nite was hell freezing over.

BWHAHAHA! Good one, Bob---
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